
General => The Stay Safe Board => Topic started by: louisa maud on Monday 24 July 23 07:24 BST (UK)

Title: Diary summary week ending 30th July
Post by: louisa maud on Monday 24 July 23 07:24 BST (UK)
Good morning folks
Hope everyone is feeling chipper this morning.

Weather not been so good here, went to look at a wedding on Saturday and it poured with rain, such a shame, today isn't looking so good either,  my fault  was practically praying  for rain for my garden!!

School holidays in this area, not many youngsters  here although  a family moved in along the road with children, might see them out, as long as they stay out of the road I will  feel happy

My daughters 30th anniversary today, for their birthdays they usually have the day off, not sure if they will today

 Viktoria , hope all is going well with your sons move next door to you, you will  soon get back to having your house as you like it , he is near enough to be a help if you need it.

Looks like rain,  no washing out today,  what happened to our summer.

Take care folks

Title: Re: Diary summary week ending 30th July
Post by: Viktoria on Monday 24 July 23 11:19 BST (UK)
Good morning.
Washing dancing on the line ,sun blazing down,an easy tea organised and have arranged boiler service ,!
The recipe for tea sounds tasty.
A flan with ready rolled puff pastry.Put pastry on baking sheet.
Mark our a margin about one inch from the edge all round but don’t cut right through.
Spread with 3 sliced  softened red onions.
Add 500gms cherry tomatoes halved .
150gm pitted olives.
Sprinkle with 2t spoons Balsamic vinegar .
1 Tbl sugar.Sprinkle of salt and 1Tbl spoon Italian seasoning .( I have that but wonder if it meand Italian herbs, either way it sounds a lot )

Oven 190 fan C/ 210 C  gas 6 1/2. 20 mins.

Fry onions in oil ‘til soft.
After 5 mins add sugar and salt.
After another 5 mins add Italian seasoning and vinegar, gently cook fit 5 mins more.
Spread onions mix over pastry leaving the border clear.
Top with tomatoes and olives .
Paint border with egg wash but milk is ok.
Supposed to be served sprinkled with fresh parsley and grated lemon zest .
Not tried it myself yet but it does sound good and a lot can be done in advance.
A nice bag   of Italian salad mix would go well.

Ooooer- big black clouds!
Ooooh sooo much washing on the line too!
Not up to what is happening world wide  as yet, sick of tennis ,does it have to be on both BBC channels ?
 Don’t know if the grunters and groaners are at it but it is so annoying.

Not much news, daughter phones this evening ,so will update me.
Had a nice chat with F.H. ‘S daddy.
Baby ……?….Kyra is resisting potty training ,a very determined little tot, so her Mummy has left it as Kyra is wick enough to see it as a weapon to get her own way .
Some nice new clothes have been put away for  when she does not need nappies,she knows this .
It was not a punishment but some little panties ,all lacy ,part of a set with a dress to match won’t go over a nappy .
So mummy puts them on her ,or tries to ,then takes the nappy off and yes they fit , but put a nappy on and they don’t fit ,so back in the drawer.
“ Never mind ,you can wear those when you don’t need a nappy anymore can’t you. “
 No frustration etc.Just an idea planted and Kyra will make her own mind up.
She will come round eventually ,well I hope so!
It will be good ,such determination when she is older and striving to get qualifications etc .
Very like my daughter, who had a goal and reached it.
Awkward if not managed when they are young but invaluable when older.

Must go out to look at the sky , re clouds, they come from S,E.
Years ago they came from N.E ,over Holcombe Hill. 
Wonder why the change.
Hope all are well .
Cheerio for now.

Just listening to the Radio. A representative of Yorkshire Water  was explaining how difficult things could be with so many complaints re leaks etc etc etc,
In fact it was “ very frustrating and quite draining!”
Title: Re: Diary summary week ending 30th July
Post by: louisa maud on Wednesday 26 July 23 15:07 BST (UK)
Good afternoon everyone
Better weather today,  this time it is me  that  has washing on the line but it hasn't danced yet Viktoria

I was having a really good day till I received  my credit card statement, I AM FURIOUS,  a genealogy company  I took out a sub for last year after being  badgered  by them has had the cheek to renew my sub to the tune of £229, I am not happy, tried their chat line which in my opinion isn't customer friendly,  these companies don't make life easy, do they?, I have to wait an email apparently.

Well once again it is the church fayre, some old thing  I suppose, I have the jewellery  stall and white elephant this time, it is jolly hard work now but we do have someone to put the tables up for us, that is quite a job now, all we want is reasonable weather and money coming in.

Viktoria, your recipe sounds nice.

When our daughter was rising 2 we used to put her potty on a little chair, didn't need much persuading,  just reminded her from time to time and praised her everytime it was used, night time it took longer but all children are different, it is a game of patience.

Everyone is quiet this week.

Title: Re: Diary summary week ending 30th July
Post by: Viktoria on Wednesday 26 July 23 15:42 BST (UK)
A nice sunny morning but overcast now, however got two loads of washing on the line .
Homeserve called as one switch I had reported a switch getting very hot.
There are three switches on one mount.
Dimmer switches,controlling the lights over the work surfaces, under the wall units, and one over the table .
It was a loose connection the electrician said ,should be O.K ,we will see.

I don’t understand modern bulbs etc ,no idea about them.
I need brighter lights in the bathroom ,but no idea if the fitting will take brighter bulbs.
Dusting this morning ,I moved a big vase of lilies —- yes pollen on a cream linen shade!
Thought it needed a light touch to remove it ,so got one of my very soft artists brushes and yes! It did the job.
At church once removing dead lilies from the altar as it was my turn ,I got pollen on my sleeve , another lady said - “wait ,do not touch it “ went to the vestry, came back with sellotape and just touched the pollen with the sticky side and it mostly came away, one more go and it had all gone
The scent  of these lilies is very heavy. A neighbour brought them as she was going away and did not want to waste them so brought them across to me.
I thought I had died but did not know it!  :P

Hope all are well.

I was a bit angry yesterday, a programme on TV and the asking price for one footballer was forty three million somethings!
Then another with children losing limbs to mines etc somewhere in Asia, a little three year old was saying how he would shoot those who had hurt him.
But no health care as such ,such poverty ,no connection really but the obscene amount for one footballer shocked me .

Son has a choice for the evening meal, mussels and chips so he can pretend we are back in Belgium or a steak so he can pretend again re Belgium.
I don’t eat steak but my O.H used to say he never had a tough steak in Belgium.

Well must see how second load of washing is drying ,then ironing.
Cheerio.look after yourselves .

Title: Re: Diary summary week ending 30th July
Post by: Rena on Wednesday 26 July 23 17:26 BST (UK)
Rain, rain go away, come back another day - after my roof has been repaired!   

I haven't been able to get a roofer/builder to come and give me a quote so appealed to the local authority housing officer to see what she could suggest.   I was pleased when she said she might be able to organise a builder - but instead I received a 'phone call from a young council worker asking about my income.  It seems that pensions we've paid for are "benefits".   I took the old age pensioner hump (annoyed & exasperated) and put the phone down.

Yesterday I started sorting through old paperwork and I'm still sorting through it today.  I kept wondering whether to keep certain bits of paper, in the event an offspring/grandson might want to get an idea of our 20th century lives on this earth.   How I wish I was receiving the same billing for my heat and lighting use as I did in the 1960s of £4 per quarter (of a year), and not the £650 per month that it is nowadays.   I remember being grateful when I received the invoice from "English Electric Co. Ltd", who supplied my new washer/spin dryer-  It had travelled to the AFCENT/NATO quarters where we lived near Paris from Lincolnshire and hadn't travelled well. I had written to the company asking what could be wrong with my new machine.  The bill totalled £0. together with some units and an explanation of why and how to fit the pieces so that my twin tub worked again.  My OH worked in Paris but we lived above a barn in a little village called Thomery.  I soon learnt not to switch two electrical  units on at the same time.  I could either listen to the radio or switch on the vacuum but I couldn't do both because the electricity supply would be cut offl which meant me having to traipse down a couple of flights of stairs , cross the yard and throw the master switch which was in the other barn that housed the seasonal grapes and the chickens.

Well, it's time I returned to sorting out my memory box.

Cheers, Rena
Title: Re: Diary summary week ending 30th July
Post by: BumbleB on Wednesday 26 July 23 18:20 BST (UK)
I can't believe that it is SO cold at the end of July?  But then this in England, I suppose  :-\

I'm currently wearing a fleece, cheap I know, plus tracksuit bottoms and socks.  Earlier in the week I also wore a thermal long-sleeved vest under all this.   Can we please have some warmer, summery, weather - but then we'll have the cry of "ohhh it's too hot."  :-\ :-\

I'm almost tempted to put the central heating on  :-\ :-\

Title: Re: Diary summary week ending 30th July
Post by: candleflame on Wednesday 26 July 23 18:22 BST (UK)
Evening all
Well I’m all out of kilter with it being the school holidays. Had forgotten we’d have started a new week.
School holidays didn’t last long though - family landed yesterday afternoon as rain had stopped their fun at the park, so they had the dolls and the Lego out here. Lounge was covered!
Today we had sun and cloud but no rain, so have cut the grass, pruned a conifer and washed the car! Hoping we’ll have some more dry days so I can do the rest of the gardening tasks.
Title: Re: Diary summary week ending 30th July
Post by: DianaCanada on Wednesday 26 July 23 19:26 BST (UK)
I can't believe that it is SO cold at the end of July?  But then this in England, I suppose  :-\

I'm currently wearing a fleece, cheap I know, plus tracksuit bottoms and socks.  Earlier in the week I also wore a thermal long-sleeved vest under all this.   Can we please have some warmer, summery, weather - but then we'll have the cry of "ohhh it's too hot."  :-\ :-\

I'm almost tempted to put the central heating on  :-\ :-\

You can come here if you want some hot weather - going to feel like 40 tomorrow and 41 on Friday.  Thank goodness for air conditioning.  I am longing for October.
Title: Re: Diary summary week ending 30th July
Post by: louisa maud on Wednesday 26 July 23 19:34 BST (UK)
Packing my case  as I type
Title: Re: Diary summary week ending 30th July
Post by: frostyknight on Wednesday 26 July 23 19:49 BST (UK)
It's been a very wet day here in Dublin, it hasn't stopped raining all day. I had to go to the other side of the city this afternoon  traffic was fairly heavy, but not as bad as it'll be after the end of the school holidays.
Title: Re: Diary summary week ending 30th July
Post by: DianaCanada on Wednesday 26 July 23 20:16 BST (UK)
Packing my case  as I type

We could do a house swap. 
Just checked the temp in London, UK - 17, sounds like heaven.
Title: Re: Diary summary week ending 30th July
Post by: DianaCanada on Wednesday 26 July 23 20:17 BST (UK)
Packing my case  as I type

We could do a house swap. 
Just checked the temp in London, UK - 17, sounds like heaven.

That was 17, not -17!
Title: Re: Diary summary week ending 30th July
Post by: louisa maud on Wednesday 26 July 23 20:21 BST (UK)
Nearly got to Canada 54 years ago, instead my daughter went when she was 18, was her fault I never got to Canada, she is 53 now..
Raining again and cold, shame for children on school holidays and children have to stay in and drive their parents  mad .
Lovely thought Diana but my husband can't cope with travel now but thank you.

Title: Re: Diary summary week ending 30th July
Post by: DianaCanada on Wednesday 26 July 23 20:24 BST (UK)
We have such extremes of temps here that we only have about 3 months when neither the heat or the air conditioning is on. 
I told OH I was going to spend the summer in Nova Scotia, was kidding, but the poor people there are suffering forest fires and flooding.  The climate is much less extreme.
Title: Re: Diary summary week ending 30th July
Post by: Viktoria on Wednesday 26 July 23 21:37 BST (UK)
Well it started off as a reasonable day ,sunshine and moderate temperature ,
but mid afternoon with two lines of washing out it rained !
My little friend had called, so I had to excuse myself to bring the washing in .

Only just had a sandwich, not hungry at teatime when son had a big steak,mushrooms and chips with salad.

Drs. Tomorrow for  a check up re tiredness and other symptoms.
Considering I had a major heart attack, I get no check ups or medication reviews.I will ask about it.

Did a big tidy up this morning so downstairs is all in order.
I too must do a big tidy of documents.
How long to keep things like bank statements?
It can wait until son is next door as he has a fire pit , I have a shredder but being impatient I invariably put too many sheets in at a time  so it dies !
I have a couple of documents  that are precious.
Grandmother’s funeral costs , so poor her brother came from Shropshire and bought the grave,£6-00 in 1916.
My Dad’s WW1 papers.
I do not think my children will be interested.

Well I think an earlier night as Dr’s in the morning.
Cheerio folks.
Title: Re: Diary summary week ending 30th July
Post by: mckha489 on Wednesday 26 July 23 21:46 BST (UK)
I bet Flash Harry will be interested in the WW1 papers if you tell him about them now.  He will remember their meaning to you and so develop a meaning for himself.
Title: Re: Diary summary week ending 30th July
Post by: Viktoria on Wednesday 26 July 23 22:22 BST (UK)
His Daddy ,my grandson ,had to do a project at school.He was in the second Junior class so 7-8.
He did my Dad’s WW1 War service .
I had lots of photographs and documents but we kept it simple.
He did the cover, just some poppies he drew , he typed it all himself on our old huge computer so he could correct his spelling if he realised it was wrong
when he read through although he did not settle to reading well at all.He was one child who needed more time with books with pictures only ,he went white when faced with even a few words.
There were then a good few spelling errors but it was his own effort.
Many in the class just ran something off on their family computer and put very little effort in .
FH, will be interested in time perhaps , he loves catching  beasties  with his explorer set ,a pooter to kindly catch little creatures.
He has land and water metal detectors.He asked my son when would he visit again as he wanted to take him to the beach with the detectors. .

So lots of interests.He might need a topic for a project.
Although he is surrounded by BMW motor cycles living next to his Nan’s B.M,W. Franchise that is not pushed , but his grandad did get him a mini battery motor cycle, he prefers a normal cycle and did some very long rides with his daddy and daddy’s friend during lockdown.
Regularly did at least  ten kilometres when he was out with them , his little legs going !
He will undoubtedly be able to look back on a full and interesting childhood.

Thanks. Viktoria.

Title: Re: Diary summary week ending 30th July
Post by: ThrelfallYorky on Thursday 27 July 23 15:33 BST (UK)
Managed to get some work done in garden - finally, with OH and brute strength, evicted the roots from a large old fuschia that'd grown through the hole at the bottom of its concrete planter, despite that being on a concrete pad itself, at the side of some low steps! You wouldn't believe how it'd coiled and wriggled and flattened itself to survive. Almost felt sorry for it - but so glad we managed it without destroying the planter itself.
Title: Re: Diary summary week ending 30th July
Post by: candleflame on Thursday 27 July 23 16:30 BST (UK)
It’s colder inside the house than outside today!
Title: Re: Diary summary week ending 30th July
Post by: Ruskie on Friday 28 July 23 09:43 BST (UK)
Hello all. It’s been a while since I posted, but I still read most of the diary threads.

I just wanted to let everyone know that I started a new thread which  might be of interest to those who frequent the diary threads:

Title: Re: Diary summary week ending 30th July
Post by: Viktoria on Friday 28 July 23 20:52 BST (UK)
Just watching “ The secret world of biscuits, “ can you believe it?
99 pence for 14 Puffin biscuit  bars, own brand answer to Penguins which were £1 -14  for 14.
Sometime in the 70’s ,what did they cost pre Covid?
A lot more but even more now.

Now watching Bollywood at The Proms, a tribute to the voice of so many songs that defined the sound of those films, Lata  Mangeshkar.
A very high almost childish voice ,she was quite an old lady when she made many recordings.
She died last year,hope there is at least one of her recordings played.

Title: Re: Diary summary week ending 30th July
Post by: louisa maud on Saturday 29 July 23 16:31 BST (UK)
Well church fete today, hard work but I am home now putting  my feet up,  really hard work, not many people  don’t know why, someone said it is not a good time but we try to space out 3 over a year,  it is always the same , staff contribute, staff buy stuff and that is how it goes time after time, we took just over £700,  where it came from, I know not but it did from somewhere and we were pleased..
I won a box of chocolate mallows, guess what folks, no jam in the middle like there used to be when I was a child, not had them for years,  nearly £2  a box now. 
Weather strange but when the sun  are out it was stifling, looks like rain now though.
Meal time down, I am not cooking I am so shattered, fish and chips will  be good enough for me.
Hope everyone is feeling chipper today.

Title: Re: Diary summary week ending 30th July
Post by: Viktoria on Saturday 29 July 23 18:20 BST (UK)
We don ‘t do Fairs like we used to,so few people willing to give hours of work.
The last straw was when with a young Vicar who coached a Youth football team dud not help us ( average age 80!) to lift big boxes of white elephants!
Well they felt so heavy !
Hardly any young men.
A bit better now but no fairs, however we have a massive JigSaw Festival coming later this year . Help at our church from two others but one not so helpful ,a group of four .
It lasts a week and is a good fund raiser.I will be there in one capacity or another ,I like being in the kitchen or serving food.
We do mid morning snacks,light lunches later and afternoon tea .
Loads of baking etc.
Good fun.
Makes about £6,000.
That us one third of the total ,the other two churches that help really well get a third also but the fourth - don’t think they get a full third as they do not get involved.
Our church is smack bang in the town centre near shops and supermarkets etc so lots if passing trade but also The East Lancs Railway run services from Bury all week, beneficial to them and us.
Well publicised too so people from far and wide.
I haven’t done any jigsaws this year ,we sell new,used but all the parts there and some already made ,very popular are WasJigs , you do not see what you are making but what for example  the people on the front picture are seeing opposite them eg in a Railway carriage .
Had a check on small plastic containers as I usually do individual trifles and bake .
Did a coffee cake one year and used those very crisp highly baked coffee beans people can crunch .
A woman asked “What  is THAT.!” Flicking it on her plate, “ A coffee bean you can crunch ,very light and crisp and meant to be eaten as we would peanuts etc,but of course coffee flavoured “.
“ Hope it did not spoil your cake “.
“ it looked like a dead beetle, .”
Well as she had chosen the cake from the display with a label saying Coffee Cake ,and there were more  beans on each slice she ought to have known.
Nowt so queer as folk.
Hope you all have a nice day tomorrow, cold here and very wet for a spell this morning .
Cheerio .Viktoria.

Title: Re: Diary summary week ending 30th July
Post by: louisa maud on Sunday 30 July 23 17:07 BST (UK)
We don't have many young men to help but Saturday we did manage to get a chap to put the tables up, something us women usually do  , all over 80 now, so thankful to the chap concerned , the fund raiser group are hoping that the 4 people who helped will help again , if not there will be no further fund  raising in  future if we can't manage it,  we need money with the cost of what the church has to pay to the diocese having risen again.

Lousy day today, rained almost constantly since about 2pm ish, so sorry for those on holiday,

Hope everyone, despite the weather is having  a good weekend, some might of course have the sun

Title: Re: Diary summary week ending 30th July
Post by: BumbleB on Sunday 30 July 23 17:13 BST (UK)
LM - I had no idea that a church had to pay fees to the Diocese  :o  (sorry, I gave up religion when I was about 13).  :-X
Title: Re: Diary summary week ending 30th July
Post by: radstockjeff on Sunday 30 July 23 17:29 BST (UK)
Farewell service this morning to the  minister at the local Methodist Church who is moving to pastures new in September. Good turnout, probably over 60, which is way above the norm.We are not members there but still hold our membership at another Methodist Church in the Circuit, but for convenience , 5 minutes walk rather than half an hour car journey, so its a no brainer really. We have been attending on an irregular basis for a while. We have had much better pastoral care from this Minister than we ever got from the one in our "real" church since our dear Nick died three years since. But that's another story.
It was an emotional time this morning for the Reverend gent and particularly at the close when presentations and speeches were made. It was quite obvious that from comments he will be greatly missed.
And then we followed with tea and coffee and a  very nice salad lunch in the church hall, prepared by the "kitchen team", with donations for Cancer Research.
Title: Re: Diary summary week ending 30th July
Post by: louisa maud on Sunday 30 July 23 17:30 BST (UK)
They most certainly do, think it might be called "the family purse" but not 100 % sure I'm ashamed to say,  it is a huge amount. LM

No, it is called " the parish share or quota"
Title: Re: Diary summary week ending 30th July
Post by: BumbleB on Sunday 30 July 23 17:35 BST (UK)
Thanks for that - and good luck for your future, for for the future of your local church.
Title: Re: Diary summary week ending 30th July
Post by: louisa maud on Sunday 30 July 23 17:42 BST (UK)
Not sure how it is calculated, I do believe it is either how many properties or people in the parish regardless of whether they attend their local church or not,  AND  it is voluntary I think, that is interesting, how many churches have closed because they either don't pay or don't reach their full  quota
Think I had better give up on this subject!!

Title: Re: Diary summary week ending 30th July
Post by: BumbleB on Sunday 30 July 23 17:45 BST (UK)
Yes, it could be VERY controversial to continue!  Sorry for stirring it up  :'(
Title: Re: Diary summary week ending 30th July
Post by: louisa maud on Sunday 30 July 23 17:55 BST (UK)
No, no, don’t be apologetic,  still able to have free speech,  I don't wish
to be  a stirrer either , don't worry

Title: Re: Diary summary week ending 30th July
Post by: BumbleB on Sunday 30 July 23 17:58 BST (UK)
Great!   :) :)
Title: Re: Diary summary week ending 30th July
Post by: Viktoria on Sunday 30 July 23 19:41 BST (UK)
Not to be controversial but our Diocesan Quota is £125,000.
It will go down though as the people who spent hours working it out from the forms we have to fill in ,made a great error, not sure what that was but done in error, and in all innocence too.

Whatever it is reduced to it will still be hard to raise it .
I am assuming the D.Q is what has been mentioned.

We raised money to repair the spire years ago.
Many shops helped ,but due to red tape the repairs were halted,now the amount raised will not even pay for the scaffolding!

Raining again here , I do hope August is a more reasonable month weather wise.
Take care everyone .
Title: Re: Diary summary week ending 30th July
Post by: louisa maud on Sunday 30 July 23 20:09 BST (UK)
Fortunately we have a good congregation who donate when things need doing, the organ had thousands spent on it years ago, well worth every penny,  it doesn't stop.
Viktoria, your quota is a huge amount, not sure how much ours is at the moment, I wonder what happens if churches can't raise what is requested.

Still pouring  with rain, getting  boring now

Title: Re: Diary summary week ending 30th July
Post by: louisa maud on Tuesday 01 August 23 14:32 BST (UK)
I don't think I will  mention anything about church business on the diaries anymore  for fear of being  controversial , church is part of my diary although I don't push or ram it towards anyone, we are all entitled to our opinions.

Title: Re: Diary summary week ending 30th July
Post by: rosie99 on Tuesday 01 August 23 15:39 BST (UK)
I enjoy hearing about the things you do around the church LM and I am sure others do to.  My SiL is very involved with the local church and since we have moved nearer to the family we have attended a couple of events there.  We have a very large market in town on the first Sunday in the month resulting in road closures, the church holds a sale at the same time and does very well with its book and bric a brac sales, though the good thing about the books is that many are returned after having been read and get sold again.  ;D
Title: Re: Diary summary week ending 30th July
Post by: louisa maud on Tuesday 01 August 23 17:42 BST (UK)
Thank you Rosie, you are very kind but I don't want to to go on about controversial  things to do with the church, I will talk about the fund  raising and keep off what I call the political side of church matters, I must say it is interesting to read about others who attend their church and what they get up to, I don’t preach at all.

 Best Regards