
General => The Stay Safe Board => Topic started by: louisa maud on Monday 21 August 23 07:48 BST (UK)

Title: Diary summary week ending 27th August
Post by: louisa maud on Monday 21 August 23 07:48 BST (UK)
Good morning  folks
Thought I would start off this week.

After a couple of very hot days it is dull and damp today, a real shame  as I have a funeral to go to today, just hope the weather cheers up.

Viktoria, you are very kind to your friend, you can only do your best but family should be involved to know what is going on.

Bank Holiday this coming  weekend, hope the weather stays nice for those out and about, I am going  Whistable on Saturday with the bowls club as they have spare seats, I said I won't go if it  pours with rain, no fun in that.

Hope everyone feel chipper this morning, take care

Title: Re: Diary summary week ending 27th August
Post by: Caw1 on Monday 21 August 23 08:18 BST (UK)
Morning LM and all those that follow… another week rolls on and it’s nearly the end of August!

We have had pleasant weather the last few days and today is sunny too… good job as I’ve washing to go out!
We have though sadly suffered from the awful smell of ‘much on the fields’ it’s been truly horrendous since last Tuesday 😩😳😤… to the extent that we’ve had to keep the windows closed and not sit out in the garden… I know we live in the country and it happens every year but this has been the worst one we can remember in over 30 yrs… neither of us have felt great either and I do wonder what effects breathing in all this stuff has on us!

On a brighter note we went on Saturday to Old Warden, Shuttleworth for the Battle Proms… seeing all the old aircraft flying to music played by the National Symphony Orchestra was quite spectacular… The Lancaster flew over along with a Spitfire and Hurricane they are quite wonderful to see. A very enjoyable a/noon and evening.

Hope everyone has a good week and enjoys the bank holiday… lots of folk don’t post now, it would be good to hear how they are all getting on …. Seems a while now since we all posted daily during the pandemic …

Take care
Title: Re: Diary summary week ending 27th August
Post by: Viktoria on Monday 21 August 23 09:11 BST (UK)
Well a lovely start to my new week, Flash Harry and the one baby demolition squad aka Kyra, are here with Grandson and their Mummy, for lunch.
Been up to look at a caravan but not in good condition behind the scenes.
Grandson is a “nit picker “, everything done in detail, so he did not buy it.
The owners who had it serviced regularly were quite upset when he pointed out various serious things ,a wasted journey to the North for my grandson and they were horrified at one thing and phoned the people who have serviced it regularly. They said it was not accessible ,got blasted as it so obviously was as grandson looked there immediately as it is a common area for  dampness ,where the  towing car splashes up rainwater from the roads.
So lots of fun this afternoon.

Glorious morning ,mild temperature and bright sunshine .
I will walk to the shops, about 30 mins downhill.
Can’t use bus pass until after 9-30 ,I also need some means if amusing the children,all the toys they had here have gone for Kyra, educational ones but
she likes chalking ,I have a blackboard ,F.H. Loves paper and crayons so very easy really .
We take them a walk round the cemetery “ where all the little gardens are “
F.H ‘s name for  the graves. He has no idea what they really are.
Hope all are as well as can be expected, some undergoing treatment etc.
Well I must “ make shape” as Mum would say re getting on with jobs.
Must phone Dr’s too re blood tests results .

Look after yourselves folks .
Title: Re: Diary summary week ending 27th August
Post by: candleflame on Monday 21 August 23 10:16 BST (UK)
Morning all
Scary to see the date of the 27th August on the thread - summer is nearly over and I certainly don’t feel as if I’ve done very much. We haven’t had a holiday either , just out for a few odd days using our National Trust sub. Can’t remember if I posted this before so sorry if I did, but one of our days we went to Southwell Workhouse near Nottingham. Absolutely fascinating and well worth a visit if you are in that area. They had a transcript of the 1921 occupants there as part of this new project between NT and FindMyPast.
Title: Re: Diary summary week ending 27th August
Post by: Viktoria on Monday 21 August 23 23:03 BST (UK)
Can any bright spark out there enlighten me?

How much electricity goes through the little ignition button on cookers?
My friend ‘ s little button has lost its insulating cover.
She uses a towel or tea towel to insulate when she presses it, but should that ever be damp———?
Can’t think it is really safe.
Not sure of the model and if it can be replaced .

Any help gratefully received.
Title: Re: Diary summary week ending 27th August
Post by: louisa maud on Tuesday 22 August 23 10:36 BST (UK)
This isn't a miserable message

Yesterday I went to a neighbours funeral, known  since 1966,  I offered them a hynm book but was told it was a celebration with a celebrant,  ok, anyway it was almost an hours service but must admit it was one of the nicest funerals  I have been to, grandsons and granddaughters carried her into church, a nice gesture, although there was plentry of tears it was a happy celebration, she was surrounded  by family and friends who adored her, I found  out she wrote poetry, she was a cleaner in a hospital but walked out every morning in a smart suit, hair in a chignon  and stilettos,  you would not have thought she was a cleaner, her poem was about just because she was a cleaner she was put down in some cases, the joke was she sees herself getting  to heaven being welcomed for "just being a cleaner", it was humorous, we were all given  a scroll with this poem, it was fantastic, she had the  Lord's prayer and the committal , then we went to the celebratiion after, it was such a nice  service I won't forget for a  long time.

Title: Re: Diary summary week ending 27th August
Post by: candleflame on Tuesday 22 August 23 16:10 BST (UK)
How lovely LM to be able to remember your neighbour that way. Curiosity - was it in your church,  as some vicars can be a bit tetchy about less formal religious services ?
Title: Re: Diary summary week ending 27th August
Post by: louisa maud on Tuesday 22 August 23 16:32 BST (UK)
No CF , it was in a crematorium,  I think my friend was a believer as she,  in the past  came to the carole service with me and a memorial service but I suspect her family arranged it, the Lord's prayer and the committal,  I find that important but as I have said before, each to their own,  I am preaching to no one.

Title: Re: Diary summary week ending 27th August
Post by: louisa maud on Tuesday 22 August 23 16:34 BST (UK)
CAW,   my mum loved country smells,  she would liked  to have lived in the country, I like country smells but  not to excessive

Title: Re: Diary summary week ending 27th August
Post by: Caw1 on Tuesday 22 August 23 17:50 BST (UK)
CAW,   my mum loved country smells,  she would liked  to have lived in the country, I like country smells but  not to excessive


LM - there are country smells and country smells! We’ve lived here for 35+ yrs and have grown used to them but this year it’s been the worst ever…
 after a phone call to the local council it appears it’s a new company selling to farmers … it’s waste from a bio digester apparently and is being spread on combined wheat fields ready to be sewn with rapeseed oil.. after over a week it’s still lingering around.

A good way to remember a neighbour, it’s always interesting to hear about people’s early lives and interests sometimes gives a whole new perspective to a person. It sounds like it was an uplifting service.

Viktoria hope you enjoyed the visit from FH, demolition Kyra, grandson & wife, always a joy to enjoy young ones company.

Candleflame - your visit to the NT property sounds interesting, they do work hard to give lots of info… not visited a workhouse before.

Title: Re: Diary summary week ending 27th August
Post by: ThrelfallYorky on Thursday 24 August 23 09:13 BST (UK)
We visited that Workhouse in Nottingham area, Candleflame - funnily enough, when down in that area for a family funeral a decade ago, approximately. It was fascinating then, we agreed. In dim distant family history found a man who was the keeper of a Workhouse - that always made me think he'd be grim and stern!
Title: Re: Diary summary week ending 27th August
Post by: radstockjeff on Thursday 24 August 23 13:45 BST (UK)
Visited 2016. Menu for the week!
Title: Re: Diary summary week ending 27th August
Post by: ThrelfallYorky on Thursday 24 August 23 15:42 BST (UK)
But probably better than we tend to guzzle, if more/any fresh veg  added?
Title: Re: Diary summary week ending 27th August
Post by: Viktoria on Sunday 27 August 23 18:44 BST (UK)
Has anyone started a new week’s diary?
I can’t find any posts.
Hope all are well.
Title: Re: Diary summary week ending 27th August
Post by: louisa maud on Sunday 27 August 23 18:48 BST (UK)
Tomorrow  for a new week  Viktoria

Title: Re: Diary summary week ending 27th August
Post by: Viktoria on Sunday 27 August 23 19:02 BST (UK)
Thanks,the old question is Sunday the last or first day of the week?
Well tomorrow us a Bank Holiday ,hope the weather is good so,people can get out.
Almost back to school time ,got Flash Harry a lovely set of felt tips .
A pack of 24, they won’t be colouring as much in The Juniors ,but nice to have new ones,he does lovely pictures.
Kyra does modern art. ;D

Well off to prepare evening meal ,son a big steak he can cook himself, !
I am having salmon .
Son has been stripping the layers of paint from  the  original 1929 door fittings!Underneath they are Bakelite!He likes stuff like that.
Well look after yourselves folks ,hope you have a nice day tomorrow.
