
General => The Stay Safe Board => Topic started by: louisa maud on Monday 11 September 23 11:42 BST (UK)

Title: Diary week ending 17th September
Post by: louisa maud on Monday 11 September 23 11:42 BST (UK)
Morning all , was cooler earlier, opened all the doors and  windows but it is getting warmer now.

Hope you have all  had a good weekend

Title: Re: Diary week ending 17th September
Post by: Pinetree on Tuesday 12 September 23 11:15 BST (UK)
Just wanted to say thank you to everyone for their good wishes for my daughter and son-in-law’s big day. It was wonderful even though a bit warm, rather that than the constant rain that seems to have set in now, even though it is very welcome.

It was of course made so special by all of the wonderful people who made such an effort to be there, many of them for the whole weekend.  One particularly funny moment was as we were waiting to go into church, my daughter asked the bridesmaid in front of her if everything was in order with her décolletage, only for a male voice to reply “I couldn’t possibly comment”, she looked up and there was the Vicar!

All the best to everyone,

Title: Re: Diary week ending 17th September
Post by: louisa maud on Tuesday 12 September 23 11:34 BST (UK)
Pinetree, I had to laugh out loud about the vicars comment, what a joker, my husband  wondered what I was laughing  at , I am goi g to tell my vicar .

So pleased tbe wedding  went off well and the weather was fine for you,

We  had about halfa dozen spits of  rain, well a bit exaggerated but it hardly made the path wet, dull and overcast, welcome in my opinion but sad for those who started their holiday this week, we mustn't complain, but we do.

Take care

Title: Re: Diary week ending 17th September
Post by: candleflame on Tuesday 12 September 23 13:56 BST (UK)
Afternoon all.
Pine tree glad the wedding went well.
I’ve been missing from here a bit as we are away giving childcare cover to our two and half year old grandchild and I’m delighted to say we are now grandparents again as the new arrival came on Sunday. All are well .
I read through the old thread and there was lots to comment on , but I’ll just say hi to Roobarb as I haven’t seen her for a bit.
Title: Re: Diary week ending 17th September
Post by: louisa maud on Tuesday 12 September 23 14:05 BST (UK)
Congratulations Candleflame , hope all is well

Title: Re: Diary week ending 17th September
Post by: Viktoria on Tuesday 12 September 23 20:14 BST (UK)
After a nice start the day is now cold and drizzly.
Really cold! Got the fire on after waiting ages for a bus in the really chilly weather.
Beef stew for tea, thank goodness for my pressure cooker.

Programme on this evening about using cob, ( clay sand straw and water) .
It was flung in lumps against a  withy ( willow) frame, then smoothed out.
Good cold and heat insulation .
Very old method.
My daughter’s in Suffolk is cob built but it is not without problems , but is always a moderate temperature.
An insurance nightmare  with  it’s thatched roof !
Not for me , I like old buildings -Victorian suits me fine.

This builder does not seem to be using withy frames, I think I am mixing up wattle and daub, a moment of deja vu, feel I have been here before !! ::)

Blame the tablets.

Hope all are well, look after yourselves folks .
Title: Re: Diary week ending 17th September
Post by: Roobarb on Tuesday 12 September 23 21:38 BST (UK)
Afternoon all.
Pine tree glad the wedding went well.
I’ve been missing from here a bit as we are away giving childcare cover to our two and half year old grandchild and I’m delighted to say we are now grandparents again as the new arrival came on Sunday. All are well .
I read through the old thread and there was lots to comment on , but I’ll just say hi to Roobarb as I haven’t seen her for a bit.

Hi Candleflame, congratulations on the new arrival.  :D A pink one or a blue one? ❤💙 (If we're still allowed to say that!)
Title: Re: Diary week ending 17th September
Post by: louisa maud on Tuesday 12 September 23 22:01 BST (UK)
I don’t see why not Roobarb, sort of question I would ask,  then I would ask the name.


Title: Re: Diary week ending 17th September
Post by: Viktoria on Tuesday 12 September 23 23:37 BST (UK)
Lots of fun to come either way,pink or blue .

Our new Vicar is really good fun.
How things have changed, jokes from the pulpit and a - partial  - I must add , striptease ,just the vestments you understand!

That quip will always be remembered in years to come Pinetree.
There is always something amusing at weddings.

Nice to see you back Roobarb, after your travels ,we miss one another on the diaries.
They have been such support throughout Covid and its aftermath.
A wonderful idea.

Well kitchen to bed, after Ellie Simmonds’ wonderful programme,
“ A world without Dwarfism”.

Title: Re: Diary week ending 17th September
Post by: Caw1 on Wednesday 13 September 23 00:05 BST (UK)
Congratulations from me to Candleflame… how lovely to have a little bundle to cuddle.. I miss that and now not likely to have any more… enjoy it all while you can.

Glad to hear the wedding went off well to Pinetree… and I do love the comment! The weather always makes such a difference to these occasions too..

Rhubarb hope you enjoy your upcoming hols and some nice warm sunshine!

Viktoria as always you give us many smiles and chuckles reading your posts… they’re like a breath of fresh air and mean as much today as they did in those dark days of covid… so thankyou for keeping us all smiling!

LM - what would we do without you starting up the new weeks as they are flying by another year wizzing along…
it did seem odd to see the date this week as it’s my birthday on Sunday… daughter & OH have been having clandestine conversations for some months now that I don’t need to know about!
All I know is we’re going to London, I had to book the train tickets! Be there by 10.30 am… wear something smart, some walking involved, inside and out… we will be eating…. That’s it I know no more! It’s not even a special birthday! I’ve been racking my brains to think of what it could be but so far come up with a big fat O…

Enjoy the rest of the week, hope it warms up a bit… chilly this evening had to put trousers on as been in shorts for sometime now!

Take care

Title: Re: Diary week ending 17th September
Post by: Pinetree on Wednesday 13 September 23 08:19 BST (UK)
Congratulations CF on the new arrival and glad to hear all are well.

Caroline, I hope you enjoy your birthday treat on Sunday.

All the best everyone

Title: Re: Diary week ending 17th September
Post by: louisa maud on Wednesday 13 September 23 08:30 BST (UK)
Caroline, hope your birthday goes well, don't forget the comfy shoes.

I like London but my husband doesn't, I would keenly get on a train and go to  London for the day,  my friend and I, she has just returned from Minorca have said, we will  do a London trip before it gets to dark or to cold.

I usually think " oh, Monday again, better  check the diary" that is why I am an early bird on the diary.

Yes, Viktoria certainly keeps us going with her humour and  interests, she packs so much in a day,

Quite chilly today, not complaining!!


Title: Re: Diary week ending 17th September
Post by: Roobarb on Wednesday 13 September 23 12:03 BST (UK)
Thanks for good wishes ladies, yes I'm definitely looking forward to the Turkish sunshine Caroline, forecast is about 32 degrees, phew! Hope you have a lovely birthday, I'm intrigued as to what it could be in store for you!
Title: Re: Diary week ending 17th September
Post by: louisa maud on Wednesday 13 September 23 12:18 BST (UK)
Our daughter returns tomorrow, my grandaughter in particular is really tanned but they have had some rain and storms  but they have been out and about, a case of lots of sun protection I think
Enjoy Roobarb

Title: Re: Diary week ending 17th September
Post by: Viktoria on Thursday 14 September 23 20:04 BST (UK)
An email from “age UK, “ asking for support in making The Government aware there are still many people not able to cope with or at least not comfortable with modern technology .
They - we- are getting left behind ,for many and various reasons .
No High  Street banks, not  confident about PIN numbers and shopping
online etc .Few P.Os, and utilities want to end paper statements.
It is frightening especially for those  alone and with no children who can cope and help.

Now today we are being blamed for” clogging up” the N,H,S. !!!

I was very angry and sad, after hearing that in the lunchtime news.
So many benefits these days , and by comparison hardly any in my young days, and almost none existent pre war,that generation are the very old now.
Almost 100 years old .
We 80 +  and 90+ people lived without The NHS for the first ten to twenty years  of our lives , not all our life with that great benefit .
We lived through the  war,rationing ,great poverty and deprivation ,but came through .
I really resent hearing that we are now seen as a great financial nuisance .
Let whoever came to  that opinion  try living on wartime rations ,with  no  health  service,  the lack of benefits taken for granted nowadays.
They hopefully would change their opinions.
I really am angry ,and sad too.


P.S.Corrected myself ,did not mean depredation —- ,deprivation ,so have changed to what I intended to use. V.

Title: Re: Diary week ending 17th September
Post by: candleflame on Thursday 14 September 23 21:46 BST (UK)
Thanks all. Roobarb apparently the in thing is in every text one uses a blue heart if it’s a boy, so I’ve seen a lot of blue hearts. I hadn’t realised that was a thing but I’m older so what do I know lol.
It would be nice if they lived a bit nearer ( 6 hours drive away), but I’m lucky they are in this country and not abroad as many have to work with. Mobile phones and FaceTime are wonderful inventions!
Title: Re: Diary week ending 17th September
Post by: Viktoria on Friday 15 September 23 08:34 BST (UK)
A grey wet gloomy morning, dustbin day.
My bin was being decanted in to another ———?
Of course it spilled all over the place ,I was just getting the milk in ,the collector said he’d pick it all up,tins bottles and plastic today, he did so I thanked him.
Son off to get some stuff he has stored at his sister’s.
It has been there since last July and I feel it might not be in good state ,a container used for shipping motor cycles.
Taking down a tiny pair of clogs for Kyra ,you would be had up for cruelty if you put them on such tiny soft little feet.
I ought to have photographed them .
A book about common insects etc for F.H. who has an “ Explorer’s Outfit” with nets and pooters and magnifying glasses etc.
He loves to go into the fields with my daughter , and a swipe net and pooter
to see what is in it.
He has settled well in to the Juniors.
Kyra misses him though and is very demanding at the moment but I think there are some groups like “Tumble Tots”, where she will meet others of her age.
Then of course she has the office to run at my daughter’s motor cycle franchise ,she and the dog are really in charge .
A very determined little girl like her auntie ,Daddy’s younger sister.
She has almost finished her he Chartered Accountancy course,whilst working and getting day release. .It has taken a good while but no debt etc.
My grand daughter that us—- not Kyra!

Hope all are well, lovely to read of family gatherings, weddings etc and visits ,holidays. Thanks for such happy news.
We need it don’t we ,the news from Libya is tragic, so many people lost .

Well, what to do today? The choice us endless.
Son’s bedroom first ,as he is trying to be back tomorrow.

Hope everyone is O.K ,a few we have not heard from for a while.

Cheerio .
Look after yourselves.

Title: Re: Diary week ending 17th September
Post by: louisa maud on Saturday 16 September 23 09:50 BST (UK)
Good morning  folks

Hope everyone is feeling  chipper  this morning, sun out but chilly, my friend in Hayle says they have had torrential rain overnight, we have hardly seen any proper rain for weeks.

Our bin men decant one into another but in most cases are quite tidy, they have changed our 3 bin collections to every other week, seems to work OK, think they are talking  about having a food bin, I hope not , with foxes around who knows what will  happen..

Viktoria,  hope your  son's day  went well and he gets safely home,  youngsters are back to Uni this week so there could be a lot of movement on the roads, my grandson  goes back today for freshers week, no doubt a complete  waste of a week drinking and laying about, or have I got it wrong?

My grandaughter back from holiday Thurday evening  had a job interview in London  yesterday and got the job at the interview,  I knew she wouldn't waste her time once she was fully back from all of her holidays, hope she has hot rid of the travel bug and will stay put for awhile.

Candleflame, I am not into emoji or whatever they are called,  I have to ask my daughter, LOL  as an instance means so may things and can be misconstrued  so I don’t use it.

Roobarb, enjoy Turkey, my family,  just returned enjoyed it.

Take care everyone, enjoy your weekend


Title: Re: Diary week ending 17th September
Post by: Viktoria on Saturday 16 September 23 10:43 BST (UK)
Very chilly here this morning too, with a stiff breeze.
Cleaned son’s bedroom windows and washed net curtains ,all dry with the  breeze and back at the windows.
Bathroom done to” bottoming “ Mum called it —- a really thorough deep clean .
Not sure when son will be back , as has been said a lot of traffic this weekend with new Uni students travelling .
I will get bacon ,sausages etc and also do a chicken curry , in case he wants to eat fairly soon after arriving but he usually likes to wait a good while so we will be covered for every eventuality!

A dog I have sponsored with DOGS TRUST has after nine years been rehomed.
I was told he could not be ,so I have sponsored him for about three years at I think £10 a month ,but I might be wrong there.Will have to look at my bank statements.
So I feel a bit miffed, and will re- direct my donation to another of the charities I support.
I was emotionally waylaid in Tesco when I started my support if this dog some years ago.
Maybe Blind Dogs for the Guides ,as Flash Harry’s daddy used to call it when a little boy!
Well off I go to the shops—- a free woman,able to plan my shopping to my best convenience ,not where son likes to park!
He really thinks he is helping. Bless Him  >:(

Hope all are well, and weather is kind.

I am going to transplant some tiny ferns that have seeded in my Cumberland green slate chippings ,I like ferns and have bare patches where I have brutalised the Dogwood .
Thanks fir the news re students, their travels, returning holidaymakers, etc, all of interest.
So off to the shops I go ,if I miss a bus I will walk otherwise get the bus ,as I still have the lounge to tidy .
Title: Re: Diary week ending 17th September
Post by: ThrelfallYorky on Saturday 16 September 23 14:54 BST (UK)
Over the decades I've become really good at avoiding being scooped into donating to /supporting things like lost dogs, etc with regular payments, especially since with one Charity organisation the child of a friend said they got a commission on the punters they brought in! That rather shocked me.
It's been a busy week, zooming hither and thither for own an OH's medical appointments, and long 'phone calls with other family, worried about various things, pity I can't be to hand to support them.
Good news on my own account, from Heart specialist team. Made me feel a lot better.
Title: Re: Diary week ending 17th September
Post by: Rena on Saturday 16 September 23 16:32 BST (UK)

Good news on my own account, from Heart specialist team. Made me feel a lot better.

It's good to read that new TY

I spent the week moving stuff to one corner of the room in a big clear out.  Yesterday son brought his two little tots to visit me and  I now see that I don't need to find a storing place for various items - the garbage bin will do nicely  :D
Title: Re: Diary week ending 17th September
Post by: Viktoria on Saturday 16 September 23 19:56 BST (UK)
Yes good news T.Y.
I am pleased for you.

Son phoned ,not back today.
I knew he wouldn’t be ,had set too high a target.
Kyra knew where the clogs should go,pointed to her feet, loved them and the noise they made but were taken off her as they really are a bit dangerous ,no flexibility at all and  her little shoes are so soft by comparison.

Flash Harry a bit unwell, not sure what it is.

Kyra lets you do the work , not as much chatter as from F.H at this age.
However he went to Nursery .
That will alter I am sure, she does attend a toddlers’ playgroup at the Church.

Nearly time for the Ireland v Tonga Rugby match.Kick off at 8-00.
Wales v Portugal was a bit lacklustre .
