
General => The Common Room => Topic started by: ChrisAllonby on Friday 10 November 23 20:18 GMT (UK)

Title: Revision Court
Post by: ChrisAllonby on Friday 10 November 23 20:18 GMT (UK)
On researching a particular individual in 1905, lodging in Chepstow, I've come across his application to be added to the electoral register. The application was made in the Revision Court of Chepstow. From reading the newspaper report of the applications (thanks, FindMyPast for the current free access!), it's clear what the purpose of the court is, but I can't find anything online, at least not for the UK. Can anyone point me in the direction of something that gives a summary of the Revision Court?
Title: Re: Revision Court
Post by: David Outner on Sunday 12 November 23 18:29 GMT (UK)
Various statutes provided for hearings before "revising barristers" to determine whether persons were or were not entitled to vote in parliamentary elections, later also in municipal elections.  "Revision court" was simply a name given to such hearings eg Registration Act 1885 s 4(4): "...the said authority may direct the revising barrister for the county to hold a revision court in such town".  There was no standing revision court comparable to (eg) a county court.
Title: Re: Revision Court
Post by: ChrisAllonby on Monday 13 November 23 12:07 GMT (UK)
Thanks David, I'll use the information in my family history write-up.