
General => The Stay Safe Board => Topic started by: Mowsehowse on Monday 25 December 23 08:32 GMT (UK)

Title: DIARY: Christmas Day to New Year’s Eve.
Post by: Mowsehowse on Monday 25 December 23 08:32 GMT (UK)
DIARY: Christmas Day to New Year’s Eve.
Having woken early, and nothing else to do, I might as well start the new week. I guess most regulars will be too busy.
Hello to everyone, especially those feeling bereft, fearful or isolated. It is still dark, damp and suddenly misty outside, so I have left the balcony coloured lights on, to cheer passersby.
I am feeling very cut off as my special loved ones are too far away to have a family time.
But I did have a video call last night, and have fingers crossed for another at some point today.  I do know in my heart I should be glad and grateful they are all well and happy, and I send hugs to everyone who is in a less fortunate position.
Enjoy this special day as best you can. Pamper yourself in the best way.  Pretty soon we shall be able to get back to our individual “normality”.  Look after yourselves, and I wish you peace.
Title: Re: DIARY: Christmas Day to New Year’s Eve.
Post by: louisa maud on Monday 25 December 23 08:58 GMT (UK)
I have hopped over Mowsehowse.

After a couple of very windy dry days it is wet and miserable here, shame for any children with new outside toys and they can't go out, bikes and the like.

Happy Christmas day to everyone

Title: Re: DIARY: Christmas Day to New Year’s Eve.
Post by: Roobarb on Monday 25 December 23 09:48 GMT (UK)
Wishing everyone a very Happy Christmas. Haven't contributed to the diary threads much for for a while but still like to look in and see what everyone is up to.

The sun has just come out here, a very welcome sight. We had really high winds over the weekend, so much so that I didn't go for my daily walk yesterday, I might have ended up being tossed around like a leaf! The field is still too boggy to walk on after all the rain we had and too windy to walk through the woods, quite a lot of damage done there. So I've had to stick to the walkways but at least it gets me out in the fresh air.

Thinking today  of all those who are having a rough time and hoping that the new year brings better things for you. Hope your video call gives you a lift MH.
Title: Re: DIARY: Christmas Day to New Year’s Eve.
Post by: Gillg on Monday 25 December 23 11:36 GMT (UK)
Christmas Day has dawned mild and damp.  We had our Christmas dinner at my daughter's house Scandinavian style on Christmas Eve and left the table groaning slightly, full of roast chicken (they don't like turkey) and all the trimmings cooked by my son-in-law plus pudding made to my grandmother's recipe.  Grandchildren were very excited, even though they know that Santa Claus is just a lovely story.  10-yeat-old has wished for perfume (!) and 13-year-old something for his bike (he got a voucher).  Daughter wanted an air fryer and son-in-law a particular brand of bourbon.  But we don't get our presents till today, of course.  Some family members will be taking part in the Christmas Day Swim - an annual occasion which draws hundreds of swimmers down to our beach.   Then we shall come back to our daughter's for a buffet lunch and more present opening and relaxing for the rest of the day.  Our son and his wife will join us - he was working till late last night, so missed out on the Dinner.

Enjoy the day everyone.  For those who have lost ones it will be a time to try to concentrate on reliving happy memories.  My sympathies are with you, particularly those whose loss has been recent.  For those who are unwell, I hope you will soon recover.  You can always have a belated celebration when you feel better. 

The New Year will soon be upon us.  A time to make resolutions, which we probably won't keep,  a time to look forward with hope. 
Title: Re: DIARY: Christmas Day to New Year’s Eve.
Post by: Pinetree on Monday 25 December 23 12:25 GMT (UK)
As everything is ticking along nicely in the oven just popping in to wish everyone a very Happy Christmas 🤶🎄.  I hope you all have a wonderful time.

Title: Re: DIARY: Christmas Day to New Year’s Eve.
Post by: KGarrad on Monday 25 December 23 21:10 GMT (UK)
Just a Manx thought for the New Year:
(pronounced ‘slent azz shee azz aysh the vay, azz mairn-riss sonn the brair)

Or, in English - Health and peace and length of life and happiness for ever!
Title: Re: DIARY: Christmas Day to New Year’s Eve.
Post by: Gillg on Monday 25 December 23 23:46 GMT (UK)
Oh, I think I've eaten rather too much but it was all too tempting and delicious.  I hate to think how many diet rules I have broken, but I know what my New Year resolution will have to be.
Title: Re: DIARY: Christmas Day to New Year’s Eve.
Post by: Aguella on Tuesday 26 December 23 06:36 GMT (UK)
Hope everyone had a smashing Christmas. Ours is the same every year, and I mean that in a positive way: so many traditions and all 3 generations make a great effort. A new event, a family cocktail making competition (as it sounds - everyone had to design & create their own cocktail, and everyone had to then select their favourite) was a great hit. Salmon, ham, pork, lamb chops, chicken, everything delicious.

Over breakfast, as a memory-testing activity everyone wrote out all the addresses they've ever lived at. It was a lot of fun and generated interested memories and anecdotes, and of course I've whisked away the lists to enter any new info into the family tree ;)

Onwards to New Years' now, which is my favourite holiday. Such a refreshing time. After the Christmas party season I must admit I feel like I could sleep from now until then!
Title: Re: DIARY: Christmas Day to New Year’s Eve.
Post by: Mowsehowse on Tuesday 26 December 23 08:34 GMT (UK)
 :) That all sounds marvellous Aguella. A very special get together.
Title: Re: DIARY: Christmas Day to New Year’s Eve.
Post by: Roobarb on Tuesday 26 December 23 12:16 GMT (UK)
Beautiful sunny day here for the Boxing day dip although I don't envy all those hardy people plunging into the North Sea, brrr!! Forecast to cloud over later but have been making the most of the sunshine, been pulling out some dead stuff from the garden so it's not covering the spring bulbs when they appear. The garden has been a bit neglected due to the amount of rain we've had in the last few months, unfortunately more forecast tomorrow.
Title: Re: DIARY: Christmas Day to New Year’s Eve.
Post by: Gillg on Tuesday 26 December 23 12:35 GMT (UK)
Yes, Roobarb, those spring bulbs are making their presence known in our garden already and I'm really looking forward to seeing their cheerful flowers, with their promise of better and warmer days to come.  I'm hoping that 2024 will be a better year for us all, especially for those suffering the tragedies of war in various parts of the world. 
Title: Re: DIARY: Christmas Day to New Year’s Eve.
Post by: rosie17 on Tuesday 26 December 23 14:11 GMT (UK)
Oh, I think I've eaten rather too much but it was all too tempting and delicious.  I hate to think how many diet rules I have broken, but I know what my New Year resolution will have to be.

I think most of us all feel the same just thinking of all these boxes of Chocolate and fancy biscuits just sitting there  :D

Title: Re: DIARY: Christmas Day to New Year’s Eve.
Post by: Aguella on Wednesday 27 December 23 07:10 GMT (UK)
I'm sure I'm not the only one still having leftovers, bubble & squeak etc!

Huge storm today, taking the time to finally send out some emails, Ancestry messages, and draft some letters to send out to distant relatives ... hopefully I get some positive responses!
Title: Re: DIARY: Christmas Day to New Year’s Eve.
Post by: Rena on Wednesday 27 December 23 10:39 GMT (UK)
I had guests on Christmas Day, different guests on boxing Day and now, today I'm left with black bags full of torn wrapping paper.

Santa gave me a couple of large piece jigsaw puzzles for poor eye sighted people.
I'm used to puzzles with 1,000 to 2,000 pieces and as the one I chose to concentrate on is only 500 pieces, I mistakenly thought I'd complete it in a few hours.   Large pieces means they take up most of the  dining table, which means longer to search through them to find a match.   More time spent on my puzzle means less time watching Christmas TV offerings of Gary Cooper, for example.   I'm a great admirer of the late Scottish actor Alastair Sim but there are only so many times I can watch Scrooge before my interest wains.   However, I find I can't watch current new TV offerings due to actors not being taught how to project their voices - all I hear are mumbles.

One very noticeable thing this year has been the size of walnuts!  I've never seen such tiny walnuts in all my life.  It can't be due to weather conditions as I've lived through most types of seasonal weather and walnuts have been what I consider a normal size - except for this year.  Maybe somebody forgot to get the sap rising by hitting it, hence the smallness.

Here's wishing you all that you wish for yourselves in the New Year.

Title: Re: DIARY: Christmas Day to New Year’s Eve.
Post by: louisa maud on Wednesday 27 December 23 10:46 GMT (UK)
Rena, I often complain to my husband about the TV,  you either have to have the volume full  blast to hear a speaking voice  then it gets turned down for the background music , drives me insane.

Title: Re: DIARY: Christmas Day to New Year’s Eve.
Post by: Gillg on Wednesday 27 December 23 11:15 GMT (UK)
Thank goodness for for subtitles! ;)

Stormy wet weather down here in Devon today.  This means I can stay in all day surrounded by boxes of chocolates (dangerous, but when they're gone they're gone and there will be no more until next Christmas).  No leftovers apart from the odd mince pie and a wedge of Christmas cake, though my husband has his eye on a small Christmas pudding left in the larder.  My recipe always makes two - one large and one small and the small one can come out at any time of the  year. 

What a gloomy day it is! It was so dark when I woke up that I thought it was still night time.  It will be a quiet week for us till New Year's Eve, and even then we may be driven to watching Jools Holland's Hootenanny to keep us awake long enough to raise a glass to 2024.   
Title: Re: DIARY: Christmas Day to New Year’s Eve.
Post by: Mowsehowse on Wednesday 27 December 23 12:19 GMT (UK)
Yes Gillg, very stormy on the South coast of Devon.
Winds gusting over 50 at times, and set to continue till tomorrow tea time!
The coloured lights on the balcony above have become dislodged; the string is hanging down and blowing around wildly, sometimes tapping against our big window. 
Might be quite attractive next time they are turned on!!  ???
(Enjoy your chocolates.)
Title: Re: DIARY: Christmas Day to New Year’s Eve.
Post by: Jebber on Wednesday 27 December 23 13:21 GMT (UK)
A vey grey day and quite windy here in Dorset, but the spring bulbs are showing that spring is not to faraway. :)

I’m another moaner about mumbling actors and loud background music. I find myself sitting with the controls in my hand ready to turn the volume up or down as the situation demands.

Even the use of subtitles can be annoying when they switch from top or bottom to the middle of the screen.p and block the picture p. Not to mention some of the peculiar words that appear, one or the worst was referring to her late Majesty as the ‘green’. ::)

Having broken my three month long chocolate fast, I have hidden the unopened boxes until I can get someone to take them off my hands. The boxes of biscuits can go to the food bank.

I will have no such problem when it comes to enjoying the bottle of single malt. ;D
Title: Re: DIARY: Christmas Day to New Year’s Eve.
Post by: louisa maud on Wednesday 27 December 23 13:34 GMT (UK)
We are chocoholics,  I don't buy it normally but my husband had 2 large bars of chocolate I don't like, doesn’t stop me though, I also won pass the parcel with a large bar of triangle chocolate which I like  but I have decided to pass it on, 

4 members of my family are going down south surfing, are they idiots this weather, it seems not in their opinion but it is in mine.

Title: Re: DIARY: Christmas Day to New Year’s Eve.
Post by: Roobarb on Wednesday 27 December 23 16:57 GMT (UK)

Having broken my three month long chocolate fast, I have hidden the unopened boxes until I can get someone to take them off my hands. The boxes of biscuits can go to the food bank.

I will have no such problem when it comes to enjoying the bottle of single malt. ;D

I like your style!  ;) ;D
Title: Re: DIARY: Christmas Day to New Year’s Eve.
Post by: Caw1 on Wednesday 27 December 23 17:32 GMT (UK)
A belated ‘Happy Christmas’ to everyone… only jut drawn breath!

As OH promised we left for our daughters in Ealing at 7.30 am on Christmas morning and we arrived at 9am just in time for breakfast!
Christmas Day was lots of food, games and general enjoyment. Sadly didn’t get to speak to our son in Oz as by the time all present opening was done it was too late for them sadly.
Boxing Day was beautiful day, so after lunch out for a walk in the park, bit muddy but nice to get some fresh air.
Eldest grandson has a small illuminated drone which was fun to fly… better in tge park than the house although by the end of the day it was doing back flips and manipulated along the hall and up the stairs!
The most enjoying moment was watching and listening to three generations play their guitars together age range from 10 to 70+!
Back home now to the quiet of our house… too many boxes of chocs and mince pies, Christmas cake still to eat… can feel the scales sighing before I’ve even got on them!
Hope everyone has enjoyed the festive season despite any ailments and other sad incidents.
Happy New Year to everyone and a better time ahead.


Title: Re: DIARY: Christmas Day to New Year’s Eve.
Post by: Rena on Thursday 28 December 23 00:34 GMT (UK)
Where have the days gone?  I've had to surf to find what time and date it is.  They've flown passed so quickly..   Once I set my mind to do something such as researching family history, or a jigsaw puzzle I am oblivious to the outside world, which is the cause of my finding a cold cup of coffee and cold toast near my elbow  ;).

I've now had to recharge the LED magnifier that I'm using to piece the jigsaw together.  I wish I'd known about the gadget prior to this Christmas, as I could have used it since my eye operations to sort my paperwork.

I've not eaten many chocolates because Santa also left me one of my favourite goodies, which are Pontefract cakes.  I'm surprised at the makers name which I thought was American - and surprise, surprise they've not messed about with the recipe unlike the Bournville Quakers chocolate recipe..

Happy New Year everyone - here's hoping all your wishes come true.
Title: Re: DIARY: Christmas Day to New Year’s Eve.
Post by: Gillg on Thursday 28 December 23 10:44 GMT (UK)
I love Pontefract Cakes, too!  For those who don't know, Pontefract is actually a town in Yorkshire, and its name means "broken bridge" in Latin.  The old name was locally known as "Pomfret", which is how the "cakes" are called by us Pomfret Cake lovers.  Warning - if you don't like liquorice you won't like these!
Title: Re: DIARY: Christmas Day to New Year’s Eve.
Post by: ptdrifter on Thursday 28 December 23 11:35 GMT (UK)
Mmm Pontefract cakes. Sorry to the purists, but two Pontefract cakes sandwiching a giant white choc button , my favourite.
Title: Re: DIARY: Christmas Day to New Year’s Eve.
Post by: Gillg on Thursday 28 December 23 11:48 GMT (UK)
 :o :o  Not sure if I would like that!
Title: Re: DIARY: Christmas Day to New Year’s Eve.
Post by: ThrelfallYorky on Thursday 28 December 23 16:10 GMT (UK)
Squelch! Seem to be developing webbed feet. Very quiet Christmas, ventured out today for essential supplies - was determined not to be under a small mountain of leftovers at the end of Christmas, and managed it very well. Ate too much, especially of all the nibblies.
Has it really rained every day? - and all day?
Title: Re: DIARY: Christmas Day to New Year’s Eve.
Post by: Stanwix England on Thursday 28 December 23 17:11 GMT (UK)
I love Pontefract Cakes, too!  For those who don't know, Pontefract is actually a town in Yorkshire, and its name means "broken bridge" in Latin.  The old name was locally known as "Pomfret", which is how the "cakes" are called by us Pomfret Cake lovers.  Warning - if you don't like liquorice you won't like these!

Some of the locals now affectionately call it 'Pontecarlo' to go with nearby Castleford, also known as 'Cas Vegas".  :D
Title: Re: DIARY: Christmas Day to New Year’s Eve.
Post by: Roobarb on Thursday 28 December 23 21:46 GMT (UK)
 ;D ;D ;D

My grandfather always called them Pomfret cakes. (He was from County Durham).

TY, we had a nice day on Tuesday but it reverted to the wet stuff yesterday and most of today. I'm thinking of building an Ark.  :-\
Title: Re: DIARY: Christmas Day to New Year’s Eve.
Post by: Caw1 on Thursday 28 December 23 22:57 GMT (UK)
Think we must have been more fortunate with the weather today as it was quite sunny and even some blue sky…
Sadly by about 3pm it was overcast and raining … I did manage to get some washing on the line ….
..well all chocs now finished… stock from turkey made …
I couldn’t believe I’d only gained 1lb so pretty happy with that as it’ll soon go!

Title: Re: DIARY: Christmas Day to New Year’s Eve.
Post by: radstockjeff on Friday 29 December 23 11:55 GMT (UK)
What a roller coaster week! I set off last Friday on the train to London to stay with Mark (eldest son) and Erica. I got as far as the escalator at Victoria Station and had a blackout. So instead of going on to Penge with Mark (who , luckily was with me) I finished up in Chelsea and Westminster Hospital for a couple of days whilst they sorted me out. Luckily no bones broken, but lots of bruises and scratches and a stern warning to TAKE IT EASY! I guess a build up of stress over the past few months and  then Jane's passing contributed to an overload on the brain and body.

Now back in Radstock. Andrew changed his flight plans from Oz and came a week earlier than planned and will be with me until after Jane's funeral- keeping his beady eye on the old man and doing some essential maintenance work around the house.
A difficult few days ahead but I have wonderful support from friends and neighbours and of course my two boys and their families.
Title: Re: DIARY: Christmas Day to New Year’s Eve.
Post by: Gillg on Friday 29 December 23 12:15 GMT (UK)
Take that as a warning, Rj, not to attempt too much at what must have been and still is such a difficult time for you.  Let others look after you and do the worrying for you and take your time to recover.  Our thoughts and best wishes are with you.   
Title: Re: DIARY: Christmas Day to New Year’s Eve.
Post by: ThrelfallYorky on Friday 29 December 23 12:21 GMT (UK)
Do take it easy, Rj, what a stressful time and place to have to be travelling, in the first place!
Remember we are all thinking of you, and wishing you well. Try to have a happy new year - after all 2024 must be better than 2023, - mustn't it?
Title: Re: DIARY: Christmas Day to New Year’s Eve.
Post by: Caw1 on Friday 29 December 23 12:34 GMT (UK)
Rj- very sorry to hear about your incident in London, as you say thankfully Mark was with you.
As other RC’s suggest take time to recover and allow your wonderful sons and families to look after you and take the strain.

My thoughts are with you and like others I wish you all the best for the coming few weeks and know we’re all thinking and praying for you.

Take care

Title: Re: DIARY: Christmas Day to New Year’s Eve.
Post by: Mowsehowse on Friday 29 December 23 15:58 GMT (UK)
Just to echo all the others Jeff.... thinking of you, and sending you good wishes.
Title: Re: DIARY: Christmas Day to New Year’s Eve.
Post by: BumbleB on Friday 29 December 23 16:11 GMT (UK)
Like everyone else - Rj - be careful AND all good wishes to you and the boys for 2024.

Title: Re: DIARY: Christmas Day to New Year’s Eve.
Post by: Roobarb on Friday 29 December 23 16:26 GMT (UK)
My best wishes too Jeff, thank goodness your sons are there to help you. Here's hoping for a better 2024 for you.
Title: Re: DIARY: Christmas Day to New Year’s Eve.
Post by: BushInn1746 on Friday 29 December 23 21:19 GMT (UK)
Jeff, you take it easy and best wishes, Mark
Title: Re: DIARY: Christmas Day to New Year’s Eve.
Post by: Ruskie on Saturday 30 December 23 08:07 GMT (UK)
Best wishes for the New Year to everyone. Hope 2024 is kind to you all.

Christmas was very quiet here. As my daughter had covid we didn’t attend our usual family lunch but as luck would have it, she tested negative on Christmas (mid) day so we were able to enjoy a scaled down version of Christmas dinner., as I had most of the ingredients and had done some preparation days earlier.

Much hot, humid, stormy weather hereabouts, with lightning and thunder most days, and some destruction in some areas. Some loss of life, in most cases due to unnecessary risk taking.

Stay safe.

Title: Re: DIARY: Christmas Day to New Year’s Eve.
Post by: Viktoria on Saturday 30 December 23 08:54 GMT (UK)
Back home now and lovely to be back and in touch.

Jeff, in these modern times we forget I think how grief is not solely emotional
but can affect us physically too. People who lead simpler lives give full vent to their grief by quite public displays of wailing etc.
We - well I know I would be too embarrassed to behave in that way, but it helps perhaps to avoid a physical collapse from emotional trauma.
A “safety valve “ perhaps.

Back home now from Suffolk ,a good run with no hold ups ,just one diversion on the M 62, bridgework.

Off to shops early, got meat yesterday as we have to pass the Butcher’s and the queue will be half way down the street today..
All well at home.
Son who was here and his wife joining us on New. year’s day for aChristmas meal.Not sure what happened Christmas Day as daughter in law was helping her two sisters , one recently bereaved and sadly one who in all probability will soon lose her husband.

So Cheerio, every good wish for a Peaceful New Year to you all.
Many thanks for your friendship throughout 2023, and hopes of enjoying RoootsChat for another year.
Title: Re: DIARY: Christmas Day to New Year’s Eve.
Post by: louisa maud on Saturday 30 December 23 09:30 GMT (UK)
So pleased you are back home and enjoyed Christmas with your family, have missed you as you usually have plenty of news and quips.

Who can believe nearly another year gone, where does the time go.?

I hope everyone has a peaceful , blessed  and healthy 2024.

Title: Re: DIARY: Christmas Day to New Year’s Eve.
Post by: louisa maud on Sunday 31 December 23 07:51 GMT (UK)
I would like to wish everyone a happy and healthy 2024, let's hope we have more peace in the world.

Title: Re: DIARY: Christmas Day to New Year’s Eve.
Post by: Viktoria on Sunday 31 December 23 08:52 GMT (UK)
Yes,L.M. Peace first and foremost.

Watched “ Laurence of Arabia” yesterday as I was pottering about ,what a mess it was then in the Near East and France going behind our backs during WW1 with the Arabs in the Near East, whilst our men were fighting in France to prevent Germany from getting complete occupation. !
A book titled “ A Line in The Sand “ , which was how places were divided up, is a heavy read but does explain how things came about that have an effect still.

A dark damp morning,I must get some fresh bread and check how much butter I have .
A big Fortnum and Mason’s Christmas Pud, ,a present last year with their Brandy Butter,is leaking through the steaming cloth.
It is supposed to be O.K until July 2024, but I am not sure.
A present last Christmas and costing £17 .
From Flash Harry, well with a little help from his parents.

So as I am making mince pies today I might make one bigger pie or have small mince pies ,warm with cream or ice cream tomorrow for dessert.
Everyone is still full up from Christmas..

So Sincere good wishes to all, to those bereaved comfort , those  unwell an improvement and those with worries that they are resolved.

Very Best Wishes to The RootsChat Team, you will never know how much help it has been through the troubled times we have had and will be in those that still lie ahead, a sincere “Thankyou” and well done.

Title: Re: DIARY: Christmas Day to New Year’s Eve.
Post by: rosie17 on Sunday 31 December 23 11:12 GMT (UK)
Happy New Year to everyone and best wishes for 2024  :)

Title: Re: DIARY: Christmas Day to New Year’s Eve.
Post by: Jebber on Sunday 31 December 23 12:04 GMT (UK)
Happy New Year to you all.

I hope it brings you peace, good health, happiness and  the means to break down all your brick walls.

Title: Re: DIARY: Christmas Day to New Year’s Eve.
Post by: louisa maud on Sunday 31 December 23 12:13 GMT (UK)
Thank you Jebber, let's  hope  so

Title: Re: DIARY: Christmas Day to New Year’s Eve.
Post by: Rena on Sunday 31 December 23 13:26 GMT (UK)
Time has passed so quickly that I hadn't realised it's New Year's Eve and I haven't taken down any my Christmas decorations.

My furniture has been needing a good feed and not from the spray on petrol type "polishes" in the supermarkets these days.    I sent away for some lavender bees wax, which came on Christmas Eve, which means I didn't have time to use it until now.  I'm looking forward to the smell in this room after it's been applied.

I haven't managed to empty any of the boxes of chocolate or boxes of biscuits that Santa left me.

One grandson always buys me a jigsaw and this year he bought me two smaller jigsaws especially for people with poor eyesight. I made sure all the family saw the finished jigsaw that I've been working on and it's now been packed away so that the table is cleared for me to start on one of the other jigsaws that I can attempt now that I've been given the white light magnifying gadget

Last year Santa thought I needed a large assortment of hand creams, talcum powder, etc. and this year I've a surfeit of new jumpers and dressing gowns.  One present that I was given is an electrically heated tabard.  It's warm enough without plugging it into a socket, but it's darned heavy.

I don't usually watch films on TV but today I got caught up in a film based on the children's story  Jack & the Beanstalk.  It was so bloodthirsty I thought surely it can't have been aimed at children (!)

Here's wishing everyone all that they wish for themselves in the coming Year.

Title: Re: DIARY: Christmas Day to New Year’s Eve.
Post by: BumbleB on Sunday 31 December 23 14:26 GMT (UK)
Rena - not sure why you think you should have taken down the decorations by New Year's Eve!  I was always taught that 12th Night was the time - 6 January.  :-\

My task is to get around "first footing" tonight.  I think that I will have to go out of the back door to let the old year out, go towards the front door, collect money, liquid refreshment and food from the car, and let myself in!!!  :o
Title: Re: DIARY: Christmas Day to New Year’s Eve.
Post by: Viktoria on Sunday 31 December 23 14:48 GMT (UK)
Yes , Epiphany ,when The three Kings first saw Jesus, which was not December 25 th.
Adults in Belgium get their presents on New Year’s day.
Children on 6 th December.

You must save the holly—- if you hung any up —- it must be used to cook pancakes on Shrove Tuesday.

I must admit I like to get stuff away .
I hope used cards are wanted this year ,no charities seemed to want them last year .
It seems such a waste .

Well off to do the bathroom , mince pies made ,some for neighbour who has my key if I am away, not needed this year, but a dozen for him.

Title: Re: DIARY: Christmas Day to New Year’s Eve.
Post by: aspin on Sunday 31 December 23 15:44 GMT (UK)
Reading through Roots I came across this thread I like many more take my cards and tree down about the 6 th of January . I’m going to my daughters tomorrow like I did last year . I’ve baked a ham from my new slow cooker recipe book and have had a nibble it’s lovely this is for myself . I’ve made my usual for both my daughters peas pudding not sure if it’s a Scottish thing or Northumbrian recipe and for tomorrow I have a Sticky Toffee Pudding in the oven this was given to me from a rootscatter years ago
Have a lovely New Year everyone
Elizabeth  : :)
Title: Re: DIARY: Christmas Day to New Year’s Eve.
Post by: Caw1 on Sunday 31 December 23 16:51 GMT (UK)
I don’t take my decorations down until 12th night either… they look so beautiful with all the twinkly LED lights I have around the place! Came in very handy the year the village had a power outage on Christmas night… some poor lady missed the bend and went straight into the mains electricity box… thankfully she was ok but the village was in complete darkness!

Friends round for dinner tonight so slow cooked lamb shoulder in the oven.. it’s smelling delicious! Starter complete and dessert in the fridge… time to sit down before getting ready for a long night!

My best wishes to all RC’s especially those who have kept the diary going for the past three years! What would we all have done without it… I still enjoy my daily read and to hear from those who don’t often comment.

Let’s hope 2024 will bring some peace to the world but I’m not holding my breath sadly 😢… hoping my D-in-law is able to have her kidney transplant and their lives can continue without her having dialysis four times a day…this amongst many other wishes but the top of my list!

Enjoy what ever celebrations you’re all having and raise a glass to old friends, lost friends and those still to come..

Happy New Year

Title: Re: DIARY: Christmas Day to New Year’s Eve.
Post by: Marianthompson47 on Sunday 31 December 23 17:03 GMT (UK)
If it was left to me, I would have a Christmas tree up all year round, just for the Twinkle of gold, green and red.
We will be taking ours down on the 6th January, the neighbours would otherwise give us strange looks.
😁😁 happy New year all.
Title: Re: DIARY: Christmas Day to New Year’s Eve.
Post by: BumbleB on Sunday 31 December 23 17:08 GMT (UK)
If it was left to me, I would have a Christmas tree up all year round, just for the Twinkle of gold, green and red.
We will be taking ours down on the 6th January, the neighbours would otherwise give us strange looks.
😁😁 happy New year all.

Problem with that is that it would become too "normal".  Having the decorations up just for a few weeks, makes it all so much more special.

AND it might lead to having to eat TURKEY, CHRISTMAS PUDDING AND MINCE PIES all year round  :-X :-X :-X  (Apologies, I don't like any of them!)
Title: Re: DIARY: Christmas Day to New Year’s Eve.
Post by: Marianthompson47 on Sunday 31 December 23 17:18 GMT (UK)
BumbleB. That is very true, that is another reason the tree and baubles go back into their boxes until next time round.

I am vegetarian and so do not eat meat.
Furthermore,  it has been quite impossible to source good quality mince pies.
Even M&S cannot produce.
Title: Re: DIARY: Christmas Day to New Year’s Eve.
Post by: Jebber on Sunday 31 December 23 17:19 GMT (UK)
If it was left to me, I would have a Christmas tree up all year round, just for the Twinkle of gold, green and red.
We will be taking ours down on the 6th January, the neighbours would otherwise give us strange looks.
😁😁 happy New year all.

Listening to the radio a few days ago, the chap being interviewed said his decorations stay up all year long, he also has Christmas dinner every day.  I don't know if it was the same person I saw on television a few years ago, he did the same.

That would drive me mad, my decorations come down on 12th night usually, this time they will come down a couple of days early, when my cleaner comes.
Title: Re: DIARY: Christmas Day to New Year’s Eve.
Post by: BumbleB on Sunday 31 December 23 17:26 GMT (UK)
Isn't it good that we are human beings, and therefore possibly have a brain to make our own decisions. 8)
Title: Re: DIARY: Christmas Day to New Year’s Eve.
Post by: louisa maud on Sunday 31 December 23 18:15 GMT (UK)
Yes BB,  that is why we are all different, thank God we are, it would be a dull world if not

Title: Re: DIARY: Christmas Day to New Year’s Eve.
Post by: BumbleB on Sunday 31 December 23 18:42 GMT (UK)
Absolutely true - I wouldn't want too many like me  :D
Title: Re: DIARY: Christmas Day to New Year’s Eve.
Post by: candleflame on Sunday 31 December 23 18:46 GMT (UK)
Very best wishes to all.
Title: Re: DIARY: Christmas Day to New Year’s Eve.
Post by: Mowsehowse on Sunday 31 December 23 18:57 GMT (UK)
This morning I counted 17 oyster catchers foraging among the puddles on the rugby ground. :)
Happy New Year everyone.
I hope 2024 is kind to you all.
Title: Re: DIARY: Christmas Day to New Year’s Eve.
Post by: carol80 on Sunday 31 December 23 19:12 GMT (UK)
Happy New Year everyone
May 2024 be all that you want it to be.
It's 2024 here in New Zealand and the sun is shining. A great beginning to 2024
Title: Re: DIARY: Christmas Day to New Year’s Eve.
Post by: louisa maud on Sunday 31 December 23 19:17 GMT (UK)
Carol, from what I heard from a cousin in Wellington that weather-wise you didn't have a very good year,  we didn't either
Title: Re: DIARY: Christmas Day to New Year’s Eve.
Post by: carol80 on Sunday 31 December 23 19:41 GMT (UK)
Plenty of Sun in the Tauranga sprinkled with a few days of rain which we needed to bring the temperature down.
Over the last week according to our personal Weather Station, our temperature has been as high as 33C. Hot and Muggy.
8.30am today and we are at 18c with the sun shining however last night pouring rain.
Title: Re: DIARY: Christmas Day to New Year’s Eve.
Post by: louisa maud on Sunday 31 December 23 20:19 GMT (UK)
We aren't getting  many days without rain, wake up with blinding sun, dangerous when driving ,  but before midday it is raining  not just spitting, pouring with rain  getting gfed up with it, but hey ho, new year soon so must cheer up and buck up.

Title: Re: DIARY: Christmas Day to New Year’s Eve.
Post by: Rena on Monday 01 January 24 03:24 GMT (UK)
Isn't it good that we are human beings, and therefore possibly have a brain to make our own decisions. 8)

It's not brains that I need BB,  I need a decent memory bank !!

On the face of it, it seems that most of my memory has got stuffed full of names, occupations and bmd's   :D

Title: Re: DIARY: Christmas Day to New Year’s Eve.
Post by: Pinetree on Monday 01 January 24 08:06 GMT (UK)
Happy New Year, I hope 2024 is good to everyone.  🎆 🎇  :D
Title: Re: DIARY: Christmas Day to New Year’s Eve.
Post by: Mowsehowse on Monday 01 January 24 08:09 GMT (UK)
Happy new year everyone!! Had we better start a new thread?
Title: New Year’s Day
Post by: Viktoria on Monday 01 January 24 08:29 GMT (UK)
( I got up early to put the sprouts on! )
Title: Re: DIARY: Christmas Day to New Year’s Eve.
Post by: ThrelfallYorky on Monday 01 January 24 15:52 GMT (UK)
I'm afraid I always take my decorations down FOR Twelfth night - so the 5th of January. (We always used to count the 12 days as starting with Christmas Day itself.
Title: DIARY:
Post by: Viktoria on Wednesday 03 January 24 12:16 GMT (UK)
Well I started a new diary but for the life of me have no idea why it is in things for sale etc!
Dark and wet, here today.
No chance of washing hung outside!

Spoke by phone with my little friend this morning, as there was an ambulance at her door on New Year’s Day when my son drove past on his way here .
Not sure of the events but she is back home again.
She is 90 tomorrow, hoping to get to The Bury Blind Society .I hope so as her
Daughter is unsure if she can come as bad weather and roads in Cumbria.

What a pity.
I have a card and gift for her but will not go in as her personal circumstances are now very difficult , my G.P. advised me not to as I am very vulnerable .

Appointment with Heart Specialist team ,but not until February, despite ASAP
on my records from GP.

Photo of Kyra “ riding “ a big floppy elephant cushion my son bought her has come , using its ears as reins.

Well must get on, hope all are O.K ,thanks for the “ chats “ throughout the last year.