
General => The Common Room => The Lighter Side => Topic started by: Ann12 on Friday 02 December 05 21:50 GMT (UK)

Title: Poll - What makes us tick and why??
Post by: Ann12 on Friday 02 December 05 21:50 GMT (UK)
Hi all,

I recently had a discussion with my husband about genealogy.  He has no interest whatsoever in this subject (and I do ;D) and for some reason we tried to come up with a reason why, after all, we have the same interests in just about everything else (apart from music – I’m more a Coldplay, Greenday, Keane person and he is from the Rolling Stones and Golden Earring era). 

Anyway, what we both have decided is that our interests at school were completely different.  I loved history and geography; he disliked these subjects, but loved maths and science. 

So, my question is:

What were/are your favourite subjects: (maybe we can get an idea on what makes us tick and why).

Anyone with an analysis on the above, please comment.

Anna :)
Title: Re: Poll - What makes us tick and why??
Post by: mc8 on Friday 02 December 05 23:05 GMT (UK)
I loved history and geography; he disliked these subjects, but loved maths and science. 

So, my question is:

What were/are your favourite subjects: (maybe we can get an idea on what makes us tick and why).
Hi Anna
Not sure you will get much common ground here (except for Greenday). I hated history with a passion at school and was proud to get 13% in my last exam and a bollocking from the headmistress for lighting jossticks in the skirtingboard during the lessons. The teaching was so bad, I amaze myself now that I have an interest in social history. For me, it stems from the fact that my father died when I was 13 (exotic travelling circus family so far disproved, nothing more exciting than hawker and dustman) and mother a belgían refugee who decided to leave when an overhead aerial dogfight resulted in a dismembered tongue landing on the balcony. Husband has no interest in relatives alive or dead.
Title: Re: Poll - What makes us tick and why??
Post by: Ann12 on Friday 02 December 05 23:24 GMT (UK)
Hi Monique,

Well, we have found one thing in common so far - Greenday and non-interested husbands ;D

It's a start!!

Anna :)
Title: Re: Poll - What makes us tick and why??
Post by: Ann12 on Friday 02 December 05 23:30 GMT (UK)

Oh yes, and the dislike for certain teachers.  Mine was a maths teacher who whacked my desk with a yard stick and went red in the face every time I drifted off into space!!

Anna :)
Title: Re: Poll - What makes us tick and why??
Post by: Andi R on Friday 02 December 05 23:36 GMT (UK)
I'm quite strange I loved History, loved Geography and loved Fiziks (physics in case you think I'm serious and can't spell), I had to drop history and geography, to go on a engineering track, which was a shame

Always liked history as did my eldest sister.  My mother is average at history, and she knew Methusula, but she is only partially interested in family history, trying to get information from her is quite a slow affair


My mam is a great lady by the way, only joking

Title: Re: Poll - What makes us tick and why??
Post by: runner on Saturday 03 December 05 01:06 GMT (UK)
Andrew    Why is loving history, geography and fzics (ronglie spelt)strange?  The one thing I think we have in common is gathering up dusty, unloved information and storing it away in boxes in case we can find a use for it later!!   :P

Seriously the only common ground is a love of poking around in other peoples lives and the only way to do that is to wait till they're dead then they can't challenge you

My wife is as badly hooked as I am  she was a science lab person -  I was a nurse!- and we both have extensive families so it will take a long time to sort it all out but we now talk about social history, occupational patterns, social migration......and enjoy it.

Vive la differance!

Title: Re: Poll - What makes us tick and why??
Post by: Andi R on Saturday 03 December 05 01:51 GMT (UK)
A lot of people I work with are interested but a few think I am crackers, I love history I'll often spend time looking at old papers and gravestones trying to work out what things were like.  I love hearing older people talk about the past

My best subject a school was Physics, History and Geography would have been up there as well, I also enjoyed social studies as well, this was a mix  of Social History, alas no exam in this

My job once I had stepped off the shop floor, evolved into dealing with records

Title: Re: Poll - What makes us tick and why??
Post by: MarieC on Saturday 03 December 05 08:14 GMT (UK)
My favourite subjects at school were English, history and French!  But more than that, I worked all my working life in occupations which involve other people, like teaching and human resources, and I come from a large, close family, where we kept in touch with aunts, cousins etc.  Also, being of Scottish descent, there is that clannishness very much to the fore!  In my family, two cousins are doing a splendid job of researching one particular part of the family, and a third has been working with me on other research.  Other members are interested in family graves etc, and quite distant cousins have produced incredibly detailed work on the extended family, and tracked me down to find out what I knew.  It is all around me!  I can't escape my genes!!!

Title: Re: Poll - What makes us tick and why??
Post by: Shaztoni on Saturday 03 December 05 09:10 GMT (UK)
There were no subjects that I liked or disliked, it was a case of which teachers I liked or disliked and I disliked my History teacher and only took the subject to my Junior Cert (GCSE for you). Geography, Art, Home Ec, Biology, English and Maths I kept on to the Leaving Cert (A levels, I was suppose to do Irish too but I blagged my way out of it  ::) ) 
Now I'm in the middle of doing my Masters in History, I never would have thought I would do that in school.
As for music I'm more of an early Blues girl myself Robert Johnson and the Alan Lomax collections among my favorites. I rarely venture into this century for music, although I do have a fondness for Maroon 5  ;D
So what does that make me.
I was always nosey that why I love genealogy  :P

Title: Re: Poll - What makes us tick and why??
Post by: Romilly on Saturday 03 December 05 09:42 GMT (UK)
Hello there,

I was interested to read through all the messages above on this subject:-)

Nobody else in my immediate family has any interest in family history either! (My husband's view is that its all over & done with...& why rake through the ashes?).

As a child I always had a feel for history; certain places would evoke strong feelings. One of my elderly uncles used to take me out & about in London & tell me the history of things which had happened there. In places like The Tower of London, I was very aware that my feet were walking in places where people like Henry VIII, for example, had walked...

Apart from famous people & events, I was always very interested in the life stories of ordinary people too. I spent many years working as a teacher & a social worker, & heard many true stories of people's lives; which were often much stranger than fiction!

At school, my favourite subjects were English & History, although funnily enough I later completed a Psychology Degree, (it wasn't available as a subject when I was at school).

I remember putting on a Career's Advice form that I would like to be a Spy when I left school,  ;D ;D - I was instead encouraged to go into teaching, (more suitable for a girl then). I've often thought though, that to succeed in Family History you need a spy's mentality:-)

(It also helps to be incredibly nosey).

All Best Wishes, Romilly.
Title: Re: Poll - What makes us tick and why??
Post by: trystan on Saturday 03 December 05 10:02 GMT (UK)
I've added a Poll to your topic now for you. Sorry if I've missed out a vital set of subjects.  :P

(I clicked Sciences by the way)
Title: Re: Poll - What makes us tick and why??
Post by: avj on Saturday 03 December 05 10:24 GMT (UK)
I was bored by History at school.

It wasn't that I didn't like it, it was just taught by rote and the real things that would have caught my imagination were barely touched on.

My children (8 and 11) get much more out of the subject as they are discovering not just the important events but what it was like at the time, for ordinary people.

It makes helping them with their school projects quite fun...

The whole family were glued to that BBC series recently 'Green Valley' where a group of experts spent a year living on and running a farm as it would have been done in the 1600s. Wonderful stuff!

Title: Re: Poll - What makes us tick and why??
Post by: bonjedward on Saturday 03 December 05 15:04 GMT (UK)
My memories of high school (west of Scotland, comprehensive, 1970's) are mostly coloured by the teachers of those subjects, who could either inspire you or make you hate their subject. They really did seem to conform to the stereotypes for their subjects.
Physics, being the 'hardest' of the 'hard' sciences, had the most intimidating and aggressive teachers (all male).

Chemistry had a bit of a softer image, there were some female teachers, and more room for discussion.

Biology had largely female teachers and was looked down on by Physics and Chemistry teachers as being almost not a science at all.

Maths teachers (all male) were real hard cases, frequently using corporal punishment for forgotten homework, etc. They were the only ones to wear gowns. In Maths, the answer was either right or wrong, and no questions or discussion were tolerated.

English was a bit more liberal, though God help you if you openly disagreed with the teacher on the meaning of some poem, or on politics.

Music teachers were often highly-strung, and could suddenly burst into tears, or violence.

Art teachers were pretty laid-back, real hippies. But being really nice and understanding can be counterproductive, if everyone is told that they're equally good at art (especially if you knew, like me, that you were crap).

Teachers of German were more authoritarian than their counterparts in the French department. These were the most boring lessons - all drilling, and repetition.

Technical, and P.E. teachers were looked down on by the other staff, being seen as less qualified. They took their revenge on the kids: in technical drawing, we got one stroke on the backside with the specially-made "Board of Education" for each millimetre's inaccuracy in a drawing. And in P.E, the teachers would ridicule boys as being "poofs" if they were unable to get over the vaulting horse.

History was my favorite - really the only subject where you were encouraged to think for yourself, and look for evidence with which to successfully challenge the viewpoints of others. The History teachers were considered outsiders by the rest of the staff, who disapproved of such openness, and of them rolling up their shirt sleeves in the summer, or wearing corderoy jackets.

This might seem terribly stereotypical. All I can say was, "that's how it was". There must have been some considerable pressure among staff to conform, or to move to another school.
Title: Re: Poll - What makes us tick and why??
Post by: Shaztoni on Saturday 03 December 05 15:16 GMT (UK)
Ah David I know those teachers so well, we must have had the same ones.

Title: Re: Poll - What makes us tick and why??
Post by: Andi R on Saturday 03 December 05 15:27 GMT (UK)
Must be a thing about Technical Drawing teachers, ours would cane us all, (yes all of us) at least once per lesson - In and I quote "alphabetical order starting with you - BECK"  poor 'Becky'.  Thing is most times we never done anything wrong, and when anyone did the slightest thing wrong like hide the cane, we all got caned (once he found it)

Leader ot the council now that teacher, ooh could I ruin his political life, can't be normal, can it a teacher liking caning teenagers all the time

Title: Re: Poll - What makes us tick and why??
Post by: Boongie Pam on Saturday 03 December 05 15:45 GMT (UK)
Seems there are 2 camps.  History interests is an obvious lead in to FH but I think the sciences do to.  I was a scientist by education and early career but I've moved out of that line and FH helps me keep my research skills.  Flexes the investigative muscle so to speak.

P ;D
Title: Re: Poll - What makes us tick and why??
Post by: kerryb on Saturday 03 December 05 16:52 GMT (UK)
I enjoyed History and English at school but then lost interest a bit.

I took a degree with the OU in Environmental Science but now am back into my interest of history.  So I must be straddling both sides!

Title: Re: Poll - What makes us tick and why??
Post by: Headbanger Veron on Saturday 03 December 05 18:04 GMT (UK)
I enjoyed english and music, languages, in fact anything that wasn't a science, except history and geog. which I couldn't wait to give up. Funny that - because now, I work in finance, love figures, and program computers for fun - and my hobby is genealogy!

I've often wondered why - and come to the conclusion that what you like at school is a combination of liking the teacher, and being pigeon holed by one's parents ("oh you're the musical one dear..."). I've certainly had more fun since I turned 40, and realised there were a whole lot of things out there that I knew nothing about, and might be good at. One of the really interesting things about this family history lark, is discovering that your parents (and your ancestors through them) give you more than your name, they give you a whole lot of traits which might not be apparent when you are at school, but might show themselves later.  I can't help thinking that the fact that my grandfather was a tax inspector, and one of my other ancestors won a prize for maths back in the 1830's, might have something to do with it.

Makes you think, doesn't it!!

Veron  :D
Title: Re: Poll - What makes us tick and why??
Post by: bonjedward on Saturday 03 December 05 19:12 GMT (UK)
There is a theory that successful and happy people are those whose job is relevant to the interests and skills they had in childhood. These are broady divided into 3 categories: people, information, and physical objects.

People - were you the leader of the gang as a kid? Or the comedian? Someone your friends could confide in, etc?

Information - did you collect things, cataloging them? Or explore and investigate? Or express yourself - writing, music ,etc?

Physical things - did you fiddle about with tiny objects, or build treehouses?

So the theory goes that once you've analysed your interests as a kid e.g. liked making medium sized physical objects, and entertaining people, you can then find a range of careers that utilises these abilities, for example a chef, pottery teacher, etc.
Title: Re: Poll - What makes us tick and why??
Post by: linmey on Saturday 03 December 05 20:02 GMT (UK)
I have had a life long love of history, mainly sparked off by my mother and a very enthusiastic teacher in primary school. I studied history at London University and have recently finished a degree in history with the Open University. So what do I do for a living? I`am a nurse.
     I get all sorts of odd comments from people when I tell them my academic background, they just assume I have taken a nursing degree, and that if I have chosen to study a different subject then I should automatically work in some related field. Perhaps they are right but the bottom line is I love my job and medicine really interests me. We can follow more than one path.
   I also love Coldplay, Greenday and Keane. And sacred choral music.
Perhaps I am just schizophrenic!!!!!

If I ever decide to give up nursing I rather fancy being an osteo archaeologist. That would certainly combine both interests.
Title: Re: Poll - What makes us tick and why??
Post by: Shaztoni on Saturday 03 December 05 20:24 GMT (UK)
No your a mixed bag like the rest of us and thats what makes life interesting  ;D

Title: Re: Poll - What makes us tick and why??
Post by: linmey on Saturday 03 December 05 21:41 GMT (UK)
Thanks for that Sharon. I feel much better now.
          Regards  Linmey.
Title: Re: Poll - What makes us tick and why??
Post by: Romilly on Saturday 03 December 05 23:10 GMT (UK)
Quote from: linmey link=topic=110602.msg481023#msg481023 date=1133640141
  I also love Coldplay, Greenday and Keane. And sacred choral music.

Hello Linmey,

I'd agree with that list, (apart from the Greenday bit:-)

Best Wishes, Romilly.
Title: Re: Poll - What makes us tick and why??
Post by: MarieC on Sunday 04 December 05 09:51 GMT (UK)

I've often thought though, that to succeed in Family History you need a spy's mentality:-)

(It also helps to be incredibly nosey).

Yes, Romilly - a spy, and a detective, and a jigsaw puzzle expert!  (Now where do I put this piece of sky....?  AHA!  Got it!!!)

Title: Re: Poll - What makes us tick and why??
Post by: Headbanger Veron on Sunday 04 December 05 10:16 GMT (UK)

(Now where do I put this piece of sky....?  AHA!  Got it!!!)


And four corner pieces - they're called "Grandparents" and it's mighty hard to get anywhere without them......

Veron  ;D
Title: Re: Poll - What makes us tick and why??
Post by: MarieC on Sunday 04 December 05 10:31 GMT (UK)
Right on, Veron!! ;D

Title: Re: Poll - What makes us tick and why??
Post by: wheeldon on Sunday 04 December 05 14:37 GMT (UK)
I loved history at school-possibly because I had a fab teacher.  We studied modern history - ie: 1st and 2nd world wars, Russian revolution, the great depression etc.  I went on to do History at A Level and hated it - boring teacher and couldn't relate to any of the subjects (Hapsburg Empire etc)

I now like to research different eras to try and understand how my ancestors lived at this time - it brings them to life!
Title: Re: Poll - What makes us tick and why??
Post by: jinks on Sunday 04 December 05 15:00 GMT (UK)
My Favourite subject at School was Maths
because I always saw maths as a puzzle a bit
like Family History really.

I never liked History at school, the syllabus was
the World Wars (First and Second).
But since leaving School I do enjoy History
Suffragettes, Royalty, Medieval, Plague, etc.
So maybe it was just the subject matter I had no
interest in.

After leaving school I have studied Psychology
and Computer Studies. ( Both not available when
I was at School)

Musical Tastes varied everything but not POP
i.e. Rock, Punk, Country, Easy Listening, Folk and
a little Classical.

Title: Re: Poll - What makes us tick and why??
Post by: D ap D on Monday 05 December 05 09:01 GMT (UK)
I've always had a bit of a natural leaning towards the sciences, so I ended up doing double maths (applied and stats), physics and chemistry at A level. Ended up doing a degree in civil engineering and am still working in the industry now, although I've put max 5% of what I learnt into practice.

Welsh and Chemistry were really my favourite subjects though.

Couldn't stand history at school, it was all about the agricultural revolution, crusades and other stuff I couldn't relate to. My highest mark in 3 years of exams was 25%, before I dropped it. On the other hand, I also did Welsh first language at O and A level, which did include a fair amount of history and "cultural" aspects. That was sumething I could relate to and ended up taking O and A levels in Welsh 12 months early.

I was advised at school, I should concentrate more on the sciences, as once I had dropped them, I couldn't pick them up again afterwards, which could not be said for languages. Which also turned out to be the best piece of advice I was given in my whole time at school. Having moved around the world a bit with my job, I find it relatively easy to pick up a new language, and have since done a part time degree in German.
Title: Re: Poll - What makes us tick and why??
Post by: jjq on Monday 05 December 05 15:48 GMT (UK)
Well, history was always my favourite subject - I don't think it was the teacher. He looked as if he had stepped straight out of the Stone age - a Neanderthal man. He enjoyed the "blood and gore" of history - which kept the male half of the class interested in his lessons!

I love reading, but hated English with a vengeance! (I expect that was due to the teacher!) Always got low grades for essays, had appalling handwriting. But I got my revenge in getting a top grade in my GCE "O" level English Language!
Also disliked Geography - would have been useful now!

If I had my time again, I would have liked to be a librarian . What have I done, workwise? Bank cashier and post office clerk (maths was never a problem). Turns out I have banking ancestors - must be in the genes!!

Title: Re: Poll - What makes us tick and why??
Post by: Andi R on Tuesday 06 December 05 20:01 GMT (UK)
Iwas really annoyed at having to drop history, but as my was to be in engineering then I had to take, Engineering Drawing, Metalwork, Phsics (though it was called Engineering Science) which I loved, (though had to drop chemistry)Social Studies which was a sort of blend of geography and history,

I wouldn't mind re doing History but at 47 (honestly) what for

Title: Re: Poll - What makes us tick and why??
Post by: Romilly on Tuesday 06 December 05 20:04 GMT (UK)
I wouldn't mind re doing History but at 47 (honestly) what for


Best Wishes, Romilly. :)
Title: Re: Poll - What makes us tick and why??
Post by: Andi R on Tuesday 06 December 05 20:15 GMT (UK)
if I was to do it it would probally have to have a Social Local history leaning cos the history in West Cumbria esp Whitehaven is interesting

Have I just invented a new course?

Title: Re: Poll - What makes us tick and why??
Post by: linmey on Tuesday 06 December 05 20:18 GMT (UK)
There are some good local history courses run by university continuing education departments. Some entirely on line.
Title: Re: Poll - What makes us tick and why??
Post by: Romilly on Tuesday 06 December 05 20:26 GMT (UK)
if I was to do it it would probally have to have a Social Local history leaning cos the history in West Cumbria esp Whitehaven is interesting
Have I just invented a new course?

LOL. Well, I'd probably sign up to it as well then, because some of my lot came from west Cumbria.

Best Wishes, Romilly.
Title: Re: Poll - What makes us tick and why??
Post by: 1000xlch on Wednesday 07 December 05 17:24 GMT (UK)

I did not like history at school (was unclassified!), loved music, chemistry, geography and english.  Now into social history for the research! Detective work, whodunnit and when and why.  It is as exciting as mapping the DNA when the double helix was first discovered.  This happens everytime I find an ancestor.  Simple pleasures in life  :o

I now spend a large proportion of my free time at rootschat and chasing ancestors.  Very good intellectual stimulation.

John Rowley
Title: Re: Poll - What makes us tick and why??
Post by: CarolBurns on Wednesday 28 June 06 23:52 BST (UK)
Languages mainly

I love reading though and read anything that is put in front of me (except Mills and Boon - sorry any M&B lovers out there) and that is where I have learnt so much about so many things.

Researching is great as I get to read, write and travel

Title: Re: Poll - What makes us tick and why??
Post by: Burrow Digger on Thursday 29 June 06 02:47 BST (UK)
I loved geog & history. I had a crush on my geography teacher. But I hated my 5th form (equivalent to O levels) history teacher - she was so boring I could have fallen asleep - and didnt rediscover history until 4 years after I left school.

I love doing research, but have no history or arts degree - lots of genealogy experience though whivch is not counted as a "transferable skill". Now the only research job I can get is "market research" - which involves talking to people (as a survey interviewer) when I'd much rather be dealing with information.


Title: Re: Poll - What makes us tick and why??
Post by: nutkin on Tuesday 04 July 06 02:40 BST (UK)
I am fascinated by what makes me who I am and wonder if tracing all these relatives will give the sum total of what makes up Kristin.  I doubt it  but is worth a try.

And I have a degree in art history and city planning. I just love books and research.