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Messages - JQB6

Pages: [1]
Ayrshire / Still missing Quintin
« on: Saturday 15 January 11 02:29 GMT (UK)  »
Dear All,
Since my last post, we've found reference to Quintin Bone, "sometime farmer" in High Stewarton, Ayrshire, but in 1844 living in benston, parish of Dalrymple.
In the 1841 Census he was 35 and living with Janet Bone aged 75, presumably his mother at Stewarton.
He doesn't appear in the 1851 Census so is still "missing", any suggestions.

Family History Beginners Board / Re: Missing Quintin
« on: Monday 10 January 11 00:16 GMT (UK)  »
Sorry about the lack of info, QB was in Dalrymple, Ayrshire, Scotland. The child was my GGfather also named Quintin who came to Australia aged 19 in 1862

Family History Beginners Board / Missing Quintin
« on: Sunday 09 January 11 22:42 GMT (UK)  »
My GGGrandfather, Quintin Bone fathered an illegitimate child with Isabella Hose (nee Duff) in 1843 then seems to have disappeared. A link which I've since lost said he immigrated to Texas and lived in Houston. Does anyone have any clues?

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