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Messages - jimmymac

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Cork / Re: Aghadown: McCarthy
« on: Sunday 25 March 18 22:58 BST (UK)  »
Dear Catherine

This is very interesting. I think the family cannot have been very close in previous generations; my father did not know of any McCarthy cousins.

I can't answer all your questions with certainty as my computer hard drive broke in January and I have not located my family history disc which would allow me to see all the detailed information I have. However I am fairly sure that John Stephen's birth is not recorded at the GRO. This did happen, that births were sometime not registered, and I imagine it happened more frequently in poor Irish families than some others. I found his baptism in the parish records after finding a clue in the civil service evidence of age records on findmypast; this gives his date of birth as 17th February 1855; these records  also have his brother Pat born 12th March 1858. I think the reason they are on these records is that they worked for the post office. The parish record of the church of the Holy Family confirms this birth date for John and gives his mother's maiden name as Regan. The patrons (godparents) were Dionysius (i.e. Denis) Burke and Elizabeth Dwyer. The 1851 census has an Elizabeth Dwyer born in Cork living in Freeman Street, Spitalfields, aged 20.

Do you have records of the Whyte family and of John Stephen's siblings marriages? If not I can fill in some details.

It's great that you got to Skibbereen and found records of Catherine, Honora and Michael. I'd be interested to know more. I haven't been to Ireland (republic of) for over 50 years!

I live in York and would be happy to exchange documents if you wish. I have other information which is best shared away from this site.

Thank you for making contact.


Cork / Re: Aghadown: McCarthy
« on: Sunday 25 March 18 17:41 BST (UK)  »
Hi, good to hear from you.

My great grandfather John McCarthy married Eliza Jane Whyte 29th July 1882 at St. Monica's chapel, Hoxton. John was baptised 18th February 1855 at the church of the Holy Family, Saffron Hill, London  and died 19th November 1929 in north London. John's father was also John McCarthy, born in Ireland about 1814. John and Eliza Jane had eight children as far as I know: John, Eliza, Catherine, Nora, Justin Joseph, George Whyte (my grandfather), Joseph M, and Mary Agnes.

Are we related?
James McCarthy

Yes, I'd be interested to see photos from 1913. Many thanks.

Occupation Interests / Re: Patten Makers
« on: Monday 27 September 10 16:25 BST (UK)  »
My experience fits with Carole's suggestion. The patte(r)n makers I have come across have been in the Black Country and connected with engineering e.g. 1901 census, West Bromwich, William Garness, pattern maker and millwright. Ten years previously, age 15, he had been an engine fitter.

One Name Studies: A to G / Boulcott
« on: Tuesday 27 April 10 20:55 BST (UK)  »
I have some data on the Boulcott name, mostly from the Birmingham area, with links to London and by 1911 to other areas as well. The name appears to be concentrated originally in Worcestershire and Herefordshire. No doubt related to Bowlcott but I don't have much on that one.


Essex Completed Lookup Requests / Re: Cowland
« on: Tuesday 01 December 09 13:11 GMT (UK)  »
Dear Yorkslass

Brilliant! I had no idea any vicars kept this sort of record. Thanks so much for finding it.

Perhaps they were in competition with the nonconformists, and thought that more detailed records would encourage their flock to stay with them...

many thanks


Essex Completed Lookup Requests / Re: Cowland
« on: Friday 27 November 09 13:14 GMT (UK)  »
Many thanks for your reply, OR. I only know of Moreton at present. Lucy's father was James Cowland - I have no dates for him but  guess he was born between 1750 and 1778. If he seems to be on your lists I'd be pleased to know.

Essex Completed Lookup Requests / Cowland
« on: Friday 27 November 09 10:03 GMT (UK)  »
My great x3 grandmother was Lucy Cowland, born in Moreton, Essex about 1799. I'd be interested to hear from anyone with knowledge of this surname in that area.


The Common Room / Getting around
« on: Monday 09 March 09 21:25 GMT (UK)  »
Dear everyone,

Is there a place where family historians get together to offer and request lifts? There must be a number of people travelling to archives who might be happy to offer car space to a fellow traveller.

Any ideas?


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