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Messages - kmahard

Pages: [1] 2 3 4 ... 13
Handwriting Deciphering & Recognition / Re: Deciphering William Knapp Doc
« on: Tuesday 16 June 15 10:48 BST (UK)  »
Hi Bookbx

A big thank you
save me so much time

Kind regards

Handwriting Deciphering & Recognition / Re: Deciphering William Knapp Doc
« on: Tuesday 16 June 15 09:01 BST (UK)  »
Yes Itchen Thanks again Ambley any joy with the other one I posted above

Handwriting Deciphering & Recognition / Re: Deciphering William Knapp Doc
« on: Tuesday 16 June 15 08:26 BST (UK)  »
Thanks Ambley
Here is another could do with help


Handwriting Deciphering & Recognition / Deciphering William Knapp Doc
« on: Tuesday 16 June 15 04:01 BST (UK)  »
Is there someone out there that could decipher and transcribe this document.
 It is of William Knapp born in Cornwall I think it shows his movements

Thanks in advance

Berkshire Lookup Requests / Re: Cheyne/Cheney Family Lambourn Berks
« on: Sunday 24 May 15 09:15 BST (UK)  »
Thanks Alan
I found the death of Julian this afternoon lol.
I have looked at the trees but no sources have tried to contact a few of them most no replies or they
 said they followed other trees
I cant find a marriage between Lawrence and Julian  or the link to Lawrence's Parents none of the 1600's visitations show a Lawrence until 1396
The milennium File on shows a Lawrence born 1566 and death  1643 which is the same as the death I have for Lawrence. I shows his Father as John and Mother Agnes but have found no details on them
Will keep looking and if you find out anything else of use I would be grateful if you would forward it
I have found Extracted probates docs for John 1575 and Agnes 1584 will have to see if wills are available

The Common Room / Millennium Files
« on: Sunday 24 May 15 02:12 BST (UK)  »
How accurate is the data? and how is it sourced

Berkshire Lookup Requests / Cheyne/Cheney Family Lambourn Berks
« on: Sunday 24 May 15 01:57 BST (UK)  »

I am struggle with the Cheney/Cheyne Line
I am descended from Dorothy Cheney b 1591 Lambourn Berkshire Her father was Lawrence but no mother is shownon her birth details. Dorothy married John Streate
Many online trees have Lawrence marring Julian Waldron but I cannot find any records of this and the trees are not sourced.
The website has the line but it is unsourced and doesn’t match the 1600’s visitations. Some trees show Lawrence’s Father as John and others William
I have Lawrence’s Children all born in lambourn but  looking to continue the line up
There is a Millennium File showing Lawrence born 1566 and death 1643.How accurate are these files?
If any one out there can help me I would appreciate it

I am researching the same line
I have Thomas Seley marrying Susan Spinks on the 17 Nov 1781 at Gislingham Suffolk not Susan Osborne. The only Susan Spinks I can find is 1 born 1759 Feltwell Norfolk and the other at Northwold Norfolk 1761.
They had 2 children Susan 1785 and Lydia 1786 both born in Finingham Suffolk
Thomas’ parents were John and Rebecca nee Copper they were married 31 Mar Gislingham Suffolk
Interested in your thought

World War One / Re: Can anyone identify this uniform
« on: Friday 27 February 15 10:21 GMT (UK)  »
Thanks all It is the Middlesex regiment

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