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Messages - shirleywhirley

Pages: [1]
US Lookup Requests / Re: charles retallick
« on: Saturday 03 August 13 10:22 BST (UK)  »
Hi Clare,
My Father-in-Law has loads of postcards from Cassandra written to Viole dating back to the early 1900s, they obviously had a very close relationship.  We also have 2 numbers which we believe to be grave numbers but no idea where they are located.
We also live in Cornwall, so was wondering if maybe you would like to arrange a meet and show you the postcards (about 150 of them!) and bible?
I am a bit of a novice on family history so any information would be gratefully received! We are going to Veryan on Sunday to try and find the grave that you mentioned.  Don't suppose you know where New House, Roche Road is? This address comes up a lot but we can't find where they actually lived.
Thanks, Shirley

US Lookup Requests / Re: charles retallick
« on: Friday 02 August 13 23:17 BST (UK)  »
 :) Charles Retallick was my husbands Great Grandad.  Viole G Retallick was Charles' son and when his wife, Margaret Rodda died in childbirth, he sent Viole back to England on a boat in the care of the Captain.  We have a family bible given to my husbands dad by the Rodda family and a huge amount of postcards from Margarets sisters.  Just wondering your connection to Charles?  Do you have any more information on his death as my Father-in-Law would be very interested? Shirley

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