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Messages - Sallie

Pages: [1]
Family History Beginners Board / Re: MARY BUTLER nee LARKIN
« on: Tuesday 15 March 16 13:51 GMT (UK)  »

John James and Mary Butler are my Great Grandparents. I've just started researching, with my limited knowledge, my paternal family tree.  Their daughter Bertha is my Grandmother.

If you have any information on the Butler family I would love to see it  :)

Sussex / Re: FIELD in Ticehurst 1861-1911. Occ: Butcher, Publican
« on: Wednesday 19 November 14 16:04 GMT (UK)  »
Hi Paul,

Welcome to the Field search. You have got as far back as I have, Joseph Field (b 1740). It would be great to go back further but I have the inconvenience of a full time job which just seems to take up all my time unfortunately  ;)

My link to you is William Field (b 1880) who is the father to my great grandfather Clarence (b 1854) He went on to have 9 children (7 surviving), one being my grandfather Ernest.

I am friends with another distant relation who I met through an RAF kids page on FaceBook. Her mothers name was the same as ours and they had also been to the same overseas postings as us. She mentioned that her family orginated from Ticehurst and that is where we made the connection. Her great grandfather is Jacob Field (b 1844) another son of William.

Please keep us updated if you manage to get any further than 1740. One day I will find the time!

Kind regards


Sussex / Re: FIELD in Ticehurst 1861-1911. Occ: Butcher, Publican
« on: Tuesday 16 September 14 09:26 BST (UK)  »
Post number three...hopefully I can send you a PM now!!

Sussex / Re: FIELD in Ticehurst 1861-1911. Occ: Butcher, Publican
« on: Tuesday 16 September 14 09:25 BST (UK)  »
Sorry, I have to post 3 times so that I can sed a PM to you John so these two posts will be no related to the above ;-)

Sussex / Re: FIELD in Ticehurst 1861-1911. Occ: Butcher, Publican
« on: Monday 15 September 14 16:52 BST (UK)  »
Hi John,

I have just found this site after putting in my maiden name Field and Ticehurst in Google search. I have recently started looking for my family tree.

I am related to Clarence Field (b 1854) who was my great grandad and have managed to trace the Field line back to 1740 but would love to know more and see some pictures of the family. I do have one picture of Clarence with his son Ernest, my granddad, and my dad.

I hope you see this post even though you put it on ages ago. Unfortunately I can't PM you until I have posted three posts.

It seems that Simon Rowe is not active on this site anymore but I'm hoping that you have remained in contact with him as he is also a distant relative.



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