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Messages - glyn24

Pages: [1] 2 3 4 ... 7
Nottinghamshire Resources & Offers / Re: Offer: Notts Hearth Tax 1664 : 1674
« on: Wednesday 27 May 15 16:51 BST (UK)  »
Thanks Alexander
Johns the one i'm interested in

Nottinghamshire Resources & Offers / Re: Offer: Settlement Cert/ Removal Orders
« on: Wednesday 27 May 15 16:16 BST (UK)  »
Thanks Carol
it was worth a try

Nottinghamshire Resources & Offers / Re: Offer: Notts Hearth Tax 1664 : 1674
« on: Wednesday 27 May 15 13:46 BST (UK)  »
Hi Alexander
are there any Warburtons in there, thanks

Nottinghamshire Resources & Offers / Re: Offer: Settlement Cert/ Removal Orders
« on: Wednesday 27 May 15 13:39 BST (UK)  »
Hi Sunflower
can you see if there are any Warburtons in your settlement cert/removal orders, thanks

Staffordshire Lookup Requests / Re: harriet caithness
« on: Tuesday 26 May 15 23:04 BST (UK)  »
Thanks everyone for your replies
this might give me something to work on, especially the two with ann as the mother. i have seen the one about henrietta before and was wondering if it was a misspelling. thanks again and if you see any more just put them on here

Staffordshire Lookup Requests / harriet caithness
« on: Tuesday 26 May 15 16:17 BST (UK)  »
Hello everyone
Im looking for a harriet cathness or Caithness born in Brockton around 1799, or any other caithnesses around that area. I know she married  Thomas crossley  on the 9th march 1825 in tansley Derbyshire and she died in 1866 in tansley. On the 1851 census it says she’s born in Brockton Staffordshire. Any info on any caithnesses around that area would be most welcome

Derbyshire Resources & Offers / Re: Offer: Derbyshire Parish records
« on: Tuesday 26 May 15 11:40 BST (UK)  » on page 2 of this register it shows a sarah sellors as being excluded in 1839. dont know if this is the same person, although i suspect it is.

Derbyshire Resources & Offers / Re: Offer: Derbyshire Parish records
« on: Tuesday 26 May 15 11:24 BST (UK)  »
i cant find him (william) on any 1841 or 1851 censuses, which leads me to believe he either died before 1841 or he seperated from his wife for some reason. i have william married to a sarah hibbert on 12 aug 1824 in tansley critch. i think sarah was born in dronfield, christened 5 nov 1800, parents are abraham hibbert and sarah raisen. in the 1841 census for tansley theres a ann ball age 11 living with sarah sellors and charles sellors. sarahs age is given as 35, charles is 25. in the 1851 census, anns still with charles and sarah, but now theres an ellen ball with them. sarah is 50, ann is 22 and ellen is 18. what i cant understand is why ellen isnt on the 1841 census if shes 18 in 1851.

Derbyshire Resources & Offers / Re: Offer: Derbyshire Parish records
« on: Monday 25 May 15 22:52 BST (UK)  »
thanks for that derek
thats a bit to keep me going. looks like i'll have to order marriage cert to be sure of anns father,
cheers, Glyn

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