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Messages - polarbear

Pages: [1] 2 3 4 ... 383
Canada / Re: Obtaining Canadian (Ontario) Pasport Applications from the 1930's
« on: Thursday 06 February 25 19:23 GMT (UK)  »
Hi again,

I believe the “Personal Information Request” would be to access what info the government holds about the requester so they can see if it is accurate or whatever. You would need to use the “Access to Information Request”. But then as noted, citizenship is unfortunately an issue.


Canada / Re: Obtaining Canadian (Ontario) Pasport Applications from the 1930's
« on: Wednesday 05 February 25 16:49 GMT (UK)  »
Hello Glenn5,

I suspect your issue is likely related to Canadian privacy legislation. Some info…

I wonder if you might try a step further and ask if they would reconsider if you can prove your relationship to your mother, the original executor. It looks like there might be an issue with your location too, though.

Wish I could be of more help but Canadian privacy laws are very strict. I’m going to ask a moderator to move the thread to the regular Canada board….it will get more exposure there.


Handwriting Deciphering & Recognition / Re: Help deciphering cause of death
« on: Friday 17 January 25 18:50 GMT (UK)  »

My thoughts:

Fractured skull …….    ………  temporal (………. backward).

Struck by an auto on Prov (Provincial) Hwy (Highway) County(?) Rd (Road?) 2


Added: Had it typed so thought I’d post.

Immigrants & Emigrants - General / Re: Interment of Enemy Aliens Record Help
« on: Friday 27 December 24 19:14 GMT (UK)  »
I don’t know if you have seen this? It is my understanding that you can write to inquire whether your rellie(s) were interned there.


Canada / Re: Bursey in Old Pelican Newfoundland
« on: Friday 27 December 24 17:52 GMT (UK)  »
You’re very welcome. Good luck in your search.


Canada / Re: Bursey in Old Pelican Newfoundland
« on: Tuesday 24 December 24 13:49 GMT (UK)  »
I wonder if perhaps you might be looking at Old Perlican?

This link will give you some Burseys in Old Perlican. Note as you look through that there is an occasional note connected to a Bussey that indicates an s has been overwritten with an r to indicate Bursey.

Link to other records for Newfoundland for you to explore….


Added: if you have access, there are some Bursey records on ancestry as well.

World War Two / Re: Canadian RCASC Ambulance Driver
« on: Sunday 15 December 24 13:08 GMT (UK)  »

Canada / Re: Death David Johnston, Mar 4, 1939, Montreal
« on: Saturday 14 December 24 18:40 GMT (UK)  »
Another go…

Put Caleb Bell into the name slots.

Put Quebec, Canada in the place where ancestor might have lived.

Put 1939 as year of death and Quebec, Canada as the location for the death.

View the record that comes up in the Drouin Collection, not the death register.

You need to then back click from the image using the arrow on the left side to get to David. 2 clicks should do it, David is on the left page.

Hope this one works.

Added: until I posted I didn’t see that Sandra posted the image for you….it didn’t show in the red notice.

Canada / Re: Death David Johnston, Mar 4, 1939, Montreal
« on: Saturday 14 December 24 18:18 GMT (UK)  »
Hi again,
Sorry you have had an issue with the record.
I’ll try and find another way for you.

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