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Messages - jcritch

Pages: [1]
Family History Beginners Board / Re: Help: McKivigan Clan Associations
« on: Monday 03 August 15 21:09 BST (UK)  »
Philip, the first recorded instance that I have of the name is a James McKivigan of Ireland (1834-1911), who married a Caroline Ann McGinnis in Glasgow, Scotland in 1861. I have found little to no information online for the McKivigan surname, and after speaking to volunteers at Celtic and Scottish festivals, i've been led to believe that is most likely a spelling variation of another more common name. The best lead i've found is the variatons of McIver spellings, such as McIvey and McKiver.

Thank you for your response, Joshua.

Scotland / Help: McKivigan Clan Associations
« on: Monday 03 August 15 20:30 BST (UK)  »

I have attended several Celtic festivals and spoken with members of Clan Associations looking for some connection between the surname McKivigan and a variation of a clan spelling. A volunteer at a Clan McKay tent thought there was a connection between McKay and McKivigan given spelling variations and such, but nothing appeared to be a solid connection. Further research into Clan McIver spellings and associated surnames has shown the closest matches, but still nothing solid. The main purpose of my research is to determine if there is a tartan associated with a spelling variation of McKivigan, so any help would be appreciated. Thank you, Joshua.

Moderator comment: duplicate post here - with some responses, so please add any further comments there.  Thanks  :)

Family History Beginners Board / Help: McKivigan Clan Associations
« on: Monday 03 August 15 20:23 BST (UK)  »

I have attended several Celtic festivals and spoken with members of Clan Associations looking for some connection between the surname McKivigan and a variation of a clan spelling. A volunteer at a Clan McKay tent thought there was a connection between McKay and McKivigan given spelling variations and such, but nothing appeared to be a solid connection. Further research into Clan McIver spellings and associated surnames has shown the closest matches, but still nothing solid. The main purpose of my research is to determine if there is a tartan associated with a spelling variation of McKivigan, so any help would be appreciated. Thank you.

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