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Messages - markw78

Pages: [1] 2 3 4 ... 20
Scotland / Re: Photo/MI of Stewart Family Lair - Sighthill Cemetery Glasgow
« on: Wednesday 12 February 25 11:13 GMT (UK)  »
kentishkiwi  Have you tried   Free to join and you can search and or request a photograph... I did for my 3rd great grd and was lucky enough to receive one posted.

Scotland / Re: Photo/MI of Stewart Family Lair - Sighthill Cemetery Glasgow
« on: Wednesday 12 February 25 11:11 GMT (UK)  »

The Lighter Side / Re: How do I tell them?
« on: Tuesday 21 January 25 10:23 GMT (UK)  »
I had a similar experience with distant ancestors of my wife who had incorrectly linked 3rd grt grandparents to the wrong birth record. I advised them that this was wrong as he had written his autobiography where he had written where he was born.. and I had his wife's DC which detailed her parents..   Needless to say they did not take it well and broke off all contact.. so obviously annoyed with either me for telling them or themselves for poor research...
Rgds Markw

United States of America / Re: WW2 Medal Records Query
« on: Monday 13 January 25 18:59 GMT (UK)  »
Once again thank you for the link... will pass onto to his relatives in California..

United States of America / Re: WW2 Medal Records Query
« on: Monday 13 January 25 11:23 GMT (UK)  »
Hello shellyesq
I assumed he had served but as you started he was in mid forties so probably unlikely.. thanks for the links to his naturalization records.. which showed his wife details so one more piece to his family jigsaw.. many thanks,

United States of America / WW2 Medal Records Query
« on: Sunday 12 January 25 13:50 GMT (UK)  »
Hello Does anyone have any idea to find out if relative was awarded medals during WW2. Trying to find out if distant cousin was awarded any he was Batchelor John Brodie 1942 United States.

In UK we have medal cards but cannot seem to find USA equivalent.

Hoping someone can help,
Mark W

Angus (Forfarshire) / Re: John Donald born Forfarshire 1948
« on: Tuesday 31 December 24 19:07 GMT (UK)  »
Your welcome,  glad you found of interest... you can see a picture of No 5 Ann Street at this url too...
and map at
Good luck with your research on your family history.
Mark W

Angus (Forfarshire) / Re: John Donald born Forfarshire 1948
« on: Tuesday 31 December 24 11:17 GMT (UK)  »
Hello Wrightta
It seems William D and Margaret G were married in Brechin, Angus Relief Session 23 Dec 1837...
If you search on Family Search william d id is LHRH-47V.... there is also 6 siblings listed for them which I am sure would be of interest to you... FS is completely free to use also... Hope this helps your research,
Mark W

Angus (Forfarshire) / Re: Occupation Query
« on: Tuesday 20 August 24 19:41 BST (UK)  »
Thanks for the information
Mark W

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