« on: Monday 13 February 06 16:30 GMT (UK) »
RE: VWilson's posting and Annraoi's posting
I am searching for information about my great, great grandmother Eliza Clark. She was born in Ireland around 1838, possibly in Belfast, but came to the USA and married in 1860.
She had a sister named Jane in Ireland who married a Wilson. I have reason to believe that Jane's husband was named William Wilson. I am not certain at this point where Jane Clark Wilson and William Wilson lived, but Jane and Eliza's mother, Meary, wrote letters to Eliza from "Horn head" and "Claggan".
As this is near Dunfanaghy I wondered if these could be the same Wilson's as you are mentioning.
In addition. Eliza received a letter from a nephew Alex Wilson, written in 1894. He addressed the letter from Blair Co, Pennsylvania.
From the letters I know that Eliza and Jane Clark Wilson had a brother named Henrey, and a sister named Marry. They also had an Uncle James and Aunt Jane.
To further confuse things, Eliza's mother signed the letters "I remain your mother to deth --Meary Alcorn". I know that Eliza was named Clark when she married in 1860, so I don't know where the name Alcorn came from unless perhaps her mother was widowed and remarried.
Any information on the Alcorn, Clark or Wilson's of the Claggan, Horn Head area that you think might be related would be greatly appreciated.
Thank You!