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Messages - shellyesq

Pages: [1] 2 3 4 ... 1535
I looked wherever I could think of, and I didn't see any likely matches.  There are links to various NY City death records here - 

It's possible she could have died elsewhere, so I would say if there are any other relatives in other states, check for her there.  There are gaps in the New Jersey death index in the 1940s, and some of the New York state death index from the 1940s is hard to read, so those are possible explanations for her not showing up.

If you can find where her children are buried, see if she is buried with them. 


Jane N Monaghan - date admitted -  9 August 1910 inmate Westchester County Almshouse.
John Monaghan, 819 Uppingham Ave.  Yonkers. New York.

New York Census 1915 -

Jane Monaghan born 1856 Scotland  - inmate - (transcribed as Monahan) Mount Pleasant Westchester.


She seems to be there in 1925 -
and 1930 as well.

This could be her on the death index from 1930, as it was after the census date -  They transcribed it as a Mount Pleasant in another county, but that could have just been a guess. 

It looks like this may be Charles' death record, which was signed by Rebecca on the 2nd page.

He was reported to be buried in Mt. Zion Cemetery per the death certificate and an entry on Find a Grave.  I didn't see Rebecca buried with him per the cemetery's website.

Son Isidor's WWII draft registration card from 16 Feb. 1942 has Dr. Abraham Handelsman listed as the person who would always know his address and Isidor's address changed from 2940 Ocean Ave. Brooklyn to 1412 Ocean Ave. as of 27 Jul. 1942.  Maybe that means Rebecca had died by then?

United States of America / Re: Child adoption
« on: Monday 10 February 25 01:25 GMT (UK)  »
I wouldn't call the census records a lie, as the information could have come from someone outside the family or the person giving the information didn't know the right terminology for what he was to them.

I guess you would need to see if he traveled to Canada as Stuart or John and/or how the adoptive parent(s) came to Canada.  If they had taken him from Scotland to the US, it might have been easier or cheaper to get to Ohio by way of Canada.

US Lookup Requests / Re: New York City - marriage look-up
« on: Saturday 08 February 25 18:41 GMT (UK)  »
It looks like the cousin mentioned on the passenger list is Annie Godwin.  Her address for the 1900 census looks like 538 Beech St., Scranton, PA.

A possible obituary for her lists some McLaughlins in the family.

US Lookup Requests / Re: New York City - marriage look-up
« on: Thursday 06 February 25 17:16 GMT (UK)  »
Find My Past shows the same date and church too. 

US Lookup Requests / Re: New York City - marriage look-up
« on: Thursday 06 February 25 16:40 GMT (UK)  »
In that era, the Catholic Church (among other religions) was publicly resistant to civil registration of marriages in NY City, so sometimes the priests deliberately did not register the marriage.  Also, sometimes the papers didn't get filed with the city by mistake.

My husband has ancestors who were also from Ireland and married in NY City in 1901.  I got the church record from Find My Past (they used to have the images of parish marriages, but they were later removed & now it is just a transcription), but I have never found a civil record despite looking in the places mentioned above by oldohiohome in every possible combination I could think of. 

You can order the church record from the Archdiocese of New York for a fee -

US Completed Requests / Re: Queries about the WIER family in Massachusets 1870s-1940s
« on: Tuesday 04 February 25 20:00 GMT (UK)  »
The Massachusetts death index has her death listed as Jane Jennie Wier in Boston in 1948.

US Completed Requests / Re: Queries about the WIER family in Massachusets 1870s-1940s
« on: Tuesday 04 February 25 19:52 GMT (UK)  »
Brooklyn Eagle is available for free through the Brooklyn public library's site -

If that doesn't work, try, which has many free papers from Brooklyn & elsewhere.

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