Family History Beginners Board / Re: Manchester District in 1939 Register
« on: Tuesday 01 May 18 05:39 BST (UK) »
Thank you everyone for all of your help. This research is for the fellow who cuts my hair. He was raised in Manchester. We both live just outside of Vancouver. Whenever I’m there I take my iPad to research a bit more for him. We were looking for Bury Street in Gorton on my last visit and no wonder we couldn’t find it. It’s no longer there. He was recently back there for a wedding and got very nostalgic. He has been here for about 40 years but now is keen to return this summer. There is an aunt in her 90’s that he wants to get more family info from. I’m trying to help him find some of his old stomping grounds. On the 1939 Register, the last entry for the Reads would be his dad who was born in 1920. He passed away several years ago, here in Canada.
Thank you so much again,
Thank you so much again,