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Messages - mazwad

Pages: [1] 2 3 4 ... 28
The Common Room / Re: 1882 Funeral etiquette
« on: Thursday 07 July 11 22:49 BST (UK)  »
I think in some areas of Wales the women never attended funerals.  I remember my sister in law never went to her baby sons funeral and that was in the 1960's.  She said it was not unusual as it is consided the mens chance to grieve away from the women.

The Lighter Side / Re: "Alive with your Ancestors"
« on: Friday 22 April 11 22:17 BST (UK)  »
My great grandad was in Colney Hatch lunatic asylum at the same time as David Cohen who was suspected of being Jack the Ripper.

Completed Census Requests / Re: Query about Ancestry
« on: Sunday 22 November 09 00:11 GMT (UK)  »
I am sure she wouldn't have deleted my veiwing privileges as we are very friendly.  I have tried going back on old links with the same result, no entry unless I pay.  Are you in the same position as me veiwing but not paying? if so could you try one of your links to see what happens.

Completed Census Requests / Query about Ancestry
« on: Saturday 21 November 09 23:55 GMT (UK)  »
My cousin belongs to Ancestry and has been doing our family tree on there, she invited me to look at it and I have been on there many times checking out new content as I get an automatic e-mail to say new content has been added.  I do not subscribe to Ancestry but it has never been a problem doing this however this time it won't let me look unless I subscribe.

Does anyone know if they have recently changed the rules and is there anyway round this without paying out to join as I can't afford it at the moment.

Sussex Lookup Requests / Re: 1901 census look up please
« on: Saturday 14 November 09 19:43 GMT (UK)  »
They are not all certain but the date ranges fit and the places all close together.  I may just join her in searching the parish records as I want to know now too.  I don't want her recording it all without checking properly. anyway its thanks to you and Scrumper for getting us started.

Sussex Lookup Requests / Re: 1901 census look up please
« on: Saturday 14 November 09 19:31 GMT (UK)  »
I have managed to go back using IGI to 1745 as the name was not that common, now if she wants she can go round looking at parish records to verify.

Sussex Lookup Requests / Re: 1901 census look up please
« on: Saturday 14 November 09 19:07 GMT (UK)  »
you are so kind to go to the trouble of doing that.  I had found it but thanks anyway as it was the info here that led me there.

Sussex Lookup Requests / Re: 1901 census look up please
« on: Saturday 14 November 09 19:06 GMT (UK)  »
Thanks for that i am sure she will find it interesting.  I have now gone on to find Hebert Dowdy in 1881 which gives me his father so I will have a few generations to give her.  We live in Sussex so she will be able to visit those places.

Sussex Lookup Requests / Re: 1901 census look up please
« on: Saturday 14 November 09 18:49 GMT (UK)  »
Yes please Tati as i am gathering everything I can for my mate, she has the internet but is still not that comfortable with it.

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