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Messages - kerryb

Pages: [1] 2 3 4 ... 1371
Dorset / Re: Penney family from Poole 1700s - 1800s
« on: Wednesday 11 September 24 15:56 BST (UK)  »
There are numerous articles about the family on FindMyPast - newspapers
Thank you amondg

I did look at the newspapers on Findmypast but most were for what must be another part of the family in Sherborne rather than in Poole and not the direct line I am looking at.    Some of them were interesting though and had me going down a few rabbit holes!  LOL  Mind you I found a few relevant articles when I opened up the search beyond just Dorset.


Dorset / Re: Penney family from Poole 1700s - 1800s
« on: Tuesday 10 September 24 17:10 BST (UK)  »
Snippet 1PENNEY - from The Times and General Commercial Gazette, 15 May 1839 St John's
Snippet 2PENNEY - from Liverpool Albion 16 Sep 1839

Thank you Hanes teulu, that is interesting, Neaves is one of the other families having children registered in the book of the Quaker meeting in Poole at the same time as the Penneys. 


Dorset / Re: Penney family from Poole 1700s - 1800s
« on: Tuesday 10 September 24 15:53 BST (UK)  »
Have you checked Ancestry for any Trees on the family?
Hi Carole

Thank you, yes Ancestry and other subscription sites covered for the tree building, which is where I am seeing rumours of something interesting. 


Dorset / Penney family from Poole 1700s - 1800s
« on: Tuesday 10 September 24 15:04 BST (UK)  »

I am currently researching the Penney family from Poole for a client in Canada and have found various links to shipbuilding and Quakerism.  One of his 4x gr grandfathers emigrated to Newfoundland.  Just wondering if anyone has researched this family and knows of any useful websites, archives or books with any information about this family.  What I have found so far, they seem an interesting family!

Thank you


Sussex Lookup Requests / Re: Does anyone have Wadhurst PRs?
« on: Thursday 01 August 24 10:05 BST (UK)  »
New to this forum! I have found the first people I’m related to! Hello! Steven pilbeam 1668 Is my 7th GG. I actually went back to 1529 to Richard pilbeame who is my 10th - but I would like to go through that chain again as I think I was being lazy.

This is the longest line I have managed so far. Anyway just thought I’d say hi! Let me know if you got any further back!
Hi Catherine and welcome to Rootschat. 

I am descended from the same Pilbeam/e line.  At the top of my tree I have Richard Pilbeame who died 1591 in Heathfield and was married to unknown, he had a son Richard who died 1600 in Heathfield, again married to unknown.  I would be interested to know more about the birth year of 1529 and which one that applies to?  I haven't looked at the Pilbeam line in a few years now, maybe its time to relook at them!


Breconshire / Re: Haywood in Crickhowell
« on: Tuesday 16 July 24 14:05 BST (UK)  »
Sept 1912 - Ewart departed London for Wellington, NZ. Occupation: Mason.

New Zealand WW1 Soldiers

Ewart G Haywood
Service number  4/304
Rank/Regiment  Sapper, Field Engineers
Body of Draft  Samoan Adv
Last address  Leviathan Hotel Manners St Wellington
Next of kin  Mrs E Haywood  9 Llanbeder Rd Crickhowell South Wales
Thanks Ashtone, I downloaded some discharge papers from Ancestry with all those details on it.  I wonder why on earth he went to New Zealand though.  Interesting!

Breconshire / Re: Haywood in Crickhowell
« on: Tuesday 16 July 24 14:04 BST (UK)  »
Wow thank you very much, that is really interesting stuff.  I need to read up about it!


Breconshire / Re: Haywood in Crickhowell
« on: Tuesday 16 July 24 13:53 BST (UK)  »
Apologies - I searched under E G Haywood - couple of items about Samoa campaign
Thank you, I didn't think about initials only.  I think I need to stop for lunch, my brain is dying!

Breconshire / Re: Haywood in Crickhowell
« on: Tuesday 16 July 24 12:57 BST (UK)  »
Welsh newspapers

An E G Haywood, age 23, occpn. mason sailed for Wellington, New Zealand on 27 Sep 1912

The newspaper clipping re. the death of F A Haywood is from the Abergavenny Chronicle, 8 Nov 1901.

That's odd. I can't find the Abergavenny Chronicle on the site for 1901 at all !

EG Haywood had a short visit home in 1915 after being part of the New Zealand force which captured Samoa from its German colonists

That appears to be Ewart Gladstone, Frederick’s son.  He was in the territorial army and I found mention of his trip to New Zealand on his attestation papers.  He was eventually discharged because of varicose veins!

That's him - found a couple of items on NZ newspapers
You'll have to be a bit more specific because I couldn't find anything for Ewart Haywood between 1912 and 1918 when he was there??


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