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Family History Beginners Board / William Austin of Blakenhall, Wybunbury.
« on: Wednesday 09 October 19 16:46 BST (UK)  »
I've been trying for years to find the forebears of William Austin, but without resolution. I'm attaching some details and speculation about him. Does anyone fancy some detective work?

Family History Beginners Board / Cheshire Parish Registers Project
« on: Saturday 05 October 19 11:05 BST (UK)  »
When trying to access the database I get an error message. Has anyone an explanation?

Free Photo Restoration & Date Old Photographs / John Bee and locomotive.
« on: Thursday 19 September 19 11:24 BST (UK)  »
I'd appreciate an improvement of this photograph. The driver is John Bee and it was taken in the 1950's in Edinburgh. Can anyone identify the locomotive?


Family History Beginners Board / 35 Spencer Steet, Walton, Liverpool
« on: Tuesday 16 July 19 11:42 BST (UK)  »
I'm trying to find the names of the occupants of 35 Spencer Street, Walton Liverpool, in 1864. In the nearest census of 1861, the number is missing on FindMyPast. I've tried electoral registers and directories with no luck. Can anybody help?


Family History Beginners Board / Finding Property Owners
« on: Saturday 22 June 19 11:31 BST (UK)  »
I am trying to confirm the employer of a groom who lived in the Vauxhall area of Nantwich, a small goup of houses, in 1883. He would have been lodging there and I think that there is a possibility that it could have been in a house owned by his employer, as another groom is lodging there later,  which would be a confirmation of his employer's suspected identity. It is easy to find occupiers in the censuses, but is there a means of finding details of old property owners, preferably on-line? I've asked FindMyPast, who have no idea. There must have been rate books with details of property owners, possibly now in the Records' Office, which I am unable to vist.

Family History Beginners Board / Benjamin Tomkinson Marriage Record
« on: Thursday 06 June 19 10:35 BST (UK)  »
I'm attaching a scan of the marriage record of Benjamin Tomkinson at Norton Le Moors. Staffordshire, 1770. The entry for the parish of Benjamin is mostly obliterated. It could be different from Norton and I would be glad for any suggestions of what it might be.

Family History Beginners Board / Nantwich Deaths pre 1841
« on: Wednesday 03 April 19 15:15 BST (UK)  »
I have been unable to find any record of the deaths of my great great grandparents, John Judson, born 1795 and Hannah née Sutton, born 1793. Both were born and lived in Nantwich, Cheshire. They do not appear in the 1841 census, and the last record of them is at the birth of their youngest child in 1828. There was a typhoid epidemic in Nantwich in 1840 and I wonder if they died in that, although the burial of some victims were recorded, and their deaths should have been registered. (I realise that some events were not recorded in the early days of the General Register). I have not been able to find any record of them, or their deaths, elsewhere, and I think it unlikely that they would have left their three children, who were recorded in Nantwich in the 1841 census. Some typhoid victims were treated in the Nantwich workhouse, but unfortunately records have not survived.
I would appreciate comments.


Handwriting Deciphering & Recognition / OCCUPATION 1861 CENSUS
« on: Tuesday 05 March 19 12:03 GMT (UK)  »
Can anyone decipher this occupaion from the 1861 census? It looks like PENSTALE MAKER - I suppose it could have been an occupation, bit I haven't found it listed.


Family History Beginners Board / MR TOMKINSON
« on: Monday 04 March 19 15:10 GMT (UK)  »
I'm attaching a scan of a miniature by John Smart of an unknown Mr. Tomkinson, which is held by the Victoria and Albert Museum.
I'm attempting to identify the Mr. Tomkinson - possibly an optomistic task - and I would be grateful for any help.
John Smart exhibited in London from 1762 onwards and went to India in1788, returning to London in 1797 where he died in1811. I have been unable to find any record of a Tomkinson in India during the above dates, but think the portrait was probably painted in London. The V & A believe it was done in the 1790's, but have no further information.
I would appreciate thoughts on the age of the sitter and any other comments. Mr. Tomkinson looks to be quite a young man and must be quite affluent. (Which does narrow the field of Tomkinsons!)
I do have a possible candidate, but it can only be a wild guess.


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