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Topics - Tikka62

Pages: [1]
Ayrshire / Francis Love 1772/Ayr
« on: Thursday 01 March 12 20:02 GMT (UK)  »
I believe my 4th great grandfather to be Francis Love born 21 Apr 1772 Stevenston, Ayrshire; died 14 Jul 1860 Stevenson, Ayrshire. He married Agnes Cockburn born 12 Sep 1784 Dundonald, Ayrshire; died 15 Mar 1867 Stevenston, Ayrshire.
His son, my 3rd great grandfather, Robert Love Sr, was born 1816 Glasgow, Lanarkshire; died 1858 Honolulu, Hawaii. Married Margaret Watt born 1816 Lanarkhire; died 1855 Honolulu, Hawaii.
I am looking for more information on Francis Love please. Parents? Siblings? Anything will help!

Thank you!

Gloucestershire / Tempest FLETCHER 1801
« on: Thursday 13 October 11 22:20 BST (UK)  »
Searching for Tempest FLETCHER, born 1801, married to Jane Masat (?sp) around 1836; somewhere in England, I believe. Children: Jessica Matilda 1840-1891, Tempest 1842-1919. Both children born in Middlesex, and immigrated to Wisconsin, USA, date unknown. Thank you!

Lanarkshire / James LOVE 1839-1840
« on: Thursday 13 October 11 22:08 BST (UK)  »
Searching for James Love, born April 1839-1840 in Glasgow, Lanarkshire. Possible descendant from surname 'LUIFF'. Married to Ho'opii/Ho'apii in Hawaii. Children: Annie 1870-1954, James R 1873-? both born in Hawaii. Unable to find much info since documents from Scotland not computerized. ???  Thank you!

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