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Topics - kevynne

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Midlothian / james reid/ janet burns
« on: Wednesday 22 August 18 05:06 BST (UK)  »
james Reid and Janet burns married about 1768 in South Leith, first child  Andrew born in 1770
I cant find birth or parents  for James Reid, there are so many James Reids, Janet  Burns ,I think was ch.1734 in South Leith parent John and Isabel Reid.
Could anybody help me find James Reids Parents please.
Thank you

Midlothian / Thomas Davidson / Mary Nisbet
« on: Friday 03 August 18 02:23 BST (UK)  »
Thomas Davidson born about 1740 in Leith married Mary Nisbet in 1766 in Leith. I have managed to find Thomas , but cant find where Mary Was born and who her parents were . Gateful if anybody can look in the parish records to find her please.
Thank you.

New Zealand Completed Requests / Marriage date please
« on: Sunday 28 May 17 05:32 BST (UK)  »
John Walsh and Kathleen Bradley were married sometime between 1915 and 1920, don't know where the marriage took place but they settled in Napier. The first child was born in 1921.Kathleen was English , John born in the Taranaki area.

Yorkshire (East Riding & York) / kathleen Lillian bradley
« on: Saturday 27 May 17 22:48 BST (UK)  »
I am trying to help a friend find a little bit about her grandmother and great grandparents. She knows very little as she hasn't been interested until lately.
Kathleen Lillian Bradley was born in Harrogate about august 1894-95 .her father was a butcher , possible name George, however he died when Kathleen was very young. her mother and brother carried on with the shop and She had an elder sister, possibly named jean.Kathleen was christened and confirmed in the catholic church in Harrogate Leeds and all the records were lost in a fire. Kathleen immigrated to new Zealand , probably prior to 1920 as she married here and her first child was born in 1921.
Could anybody help to find this Bradley family in Harrogate please.

South Africa / charles henry READER
« on: Wednesday 10 May 17 20:44 BST (UK)  »
According to my Grandparents marriage certificate William John Reader was born in Capetown in 1894 ,son of Charles Henry Reader and Lucy pettoni .William Reader married my grandmother in New Zealand in 1920 and after two children he deserted her and was never heard of again.From my researches I know enough about him, but if possible I would like to find out more about Charles Henry Reader and Lucy Pettoni. On the marriage certificate Charles was noted  a stockbroker in Capetown. Could anybody please suggest sites I can go to to find more about this Family. In the past research has put me in touch with other  south african Reader researches but none has been connected to my family. All help is really appreciated thank you.

New Zealand Completed Requests / an auckland burial look up please.
« on: Wednesday 12 April 17 04:14 BST (UK)  »
I have found a burial for my great uncle William Parker who died in 1954 at Ellerslie .He was buried at Waikemete cemetery aged 77.
I can't find a burial for his wife named Sylvia though I have looked at databases for other Auckland cemeteries. I have no idea if she may have predeceased him or not. I am wondering if maybe Sylvia was not her first name which is why i cant find her.
Any help or suggestions please.

New Zealand Completed Requests / marriage dates please
« on: Friday 16 September 16 00:26 BST (UK)  »
Could someone help with marriage dates of 4 sisters from Thames please.
Maria Regan born 1845, she could possible have died young as no one in the family knew of her.
Maggie (Margaret ) Regan born 1846 ,married name Richards
Ellen Regan born 1849 married name Robson.
Winifred Regan born1856 married name Bond. She is thought to have lived in Auckland.
I also have no idea if any of them had families.
Thanks for all help.

New Zealand Completed Requests / john paulin
« on: Thursday 25 August 16 01:13 BST (UK)  »
I am trying to find information about John Paulin who was living in new Zealand , possibly around Wellington or top of the South Island. He was a seaman, possibly a whaler and was known to be there from 1860 to 1870, as we have evidence of an Australian relative stopping with him during those years. John was born in London 1815-1816.I am wondering if possibly there ore early census or electoral rolls that I could look up. Can anybody advise where I might find a seaman who may have settled in these areas please.
Thanks for your help.

Australia / victorian protestant federation
« on: Wednesday 24 August 16 23:56 BST (UK)  »
Could anyone please tell me if the Victorian Protestant federation of Melbourne is still in existence.
My 2x great Uncle Walter Samuel Bennett was the secretary of the Port Melbourne branch before his death in 1920 and A letter from him is the only piece of information about him that I have. I would like to find out more about his life if possible. he was married to Grace Smith, his 2nd marriage and left 2 children when he died. Grace Bennett died in 1962.
Thank you

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