The Lighter Side / World War Two. Plum Jam From Taunton, Somerset
« on: Saturday 29 December 18 17:01 GMT (UK) »
During the Blitz my late father's family moved from Portsmouth to Taunton having been bombed out twice in ten days. His only surviving brother has always had a liking for plum jam. I gave my uncle a jar of home made jam yesterday evening and he then started telling us about his quest. This is the first time we have heard this story. It seems that he has spent the best part of seventy-seven years trying to find a plum jam like that he tasted in Taunton. It seems every type he has tried has been lacking in the special taste. He cannot remember if the Taunton jam was bought in a shop. Although he does know that it was not rationed. Needless to say we sat there speculating as to what the hidden ingredient might have been or if it was produced by the Women's Institute.
So, are there any experts around who know about cooking at this time? Or, someone who is an expert on local cooking? If so, please could you suggest what the special taste was created by?
He has a significant birthday next year. It just might make it into the cake! Thank you.
So, are there any experts around who know about cooking at this time? Or, someone who is an expert on local cooking? If so, please could you suggest what the special taste was created by?
He has a significant birthday next year. It just might make it into the cake! Thank you.