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Topics - wrjones

Pages: [1] 2 3 4 ... 92
Denbighshire / Llwyngwyn
« on: Tuesday 14 May 24 13:31 BST (UK)  »
I am looking for a place apparently in Denbighshire, Llwyngwyn?
William Russell Jones.

Flintshire / Burial place of Joseph Durber 1940
« on: Wednesday 19 April 23 09:38 BST (UK)  »
I am still looking for the Burial place of my Grandfather joseph Durber whose death is given in the Dec qtr of 1940 in the Holywell District of Flintshire.

William Russell Jones.

Denbighshire / John and Caroline Griffiths 1871.
« on: Wednesday 25 May 22 15:47 BST (UK)  »
Can someone give an opinion as to where John and Caroline Griffiths are living in 1871 in Erbistock Denbighshire in 1871 please?The entry isn't great or maybe my eyesight isn't great!

William Russell Jones.

Denbighshire / More Jones!
« on: Wednesday 25 May 22 09:42 BST (UK)  »
Edward T Jones was born in the Corwen District in 1920.His Mother's maiden name is given as Jones.The info I  have about is parents is pretty sketchy,other than their  Christian  names were Hugh and Sarah.I'm getting nowhere in the  search for a possible Hugh Jones/Sarah Jones Marriage.The possible thrown up by the Marriage Index in 1912 has proved not to be a Match as my  money sent for the purchase of the Marriage Certificate has been returned.I'm getting nowhere fast,help please?

William Russell Jones.

The Common Room / Adoption,Long Lost Sibling.
« on: Saturday 14 May 22 09:53 BST (UK)  »
A friend is asking for advice.She has recently found she was put up adoption at Birth some years ago.Through the advances of DNA research she has found she has a sibling with the same biological parents.Obviously I can't give any names on an open forum but she is after advice in her search for her brother please.

William Russell Jones.

Technical Help / Acer Chromebook Help.
« on: Tuesday 26 April 22 13:35 BST (UK)  »
All I'm getting with my Acer Chromebook today is a completely blank screen.Help please?

William Russell Jones.

The Common Room / Divorce Date.
« on: Thursday 07 April 22 13:26 BST (UK)  »
It may sound a bit silly but I'm asking genuinely for  someone?They have asked me how they  would go about  finding their  own Divorce date abou/t 40 years ago now?They  are  not sure  of it  but apparently need it for Pension purposes.

William Russell Jones.

Armed Forces / Sidney K Davies Flint.
« on: Saturday 26 March 22 11:30 GMT (UK)  »
Can anyone help  find any info on a Sidney K Davies whose name appears on the War  Memorial at Fliint North Wales?He died in World War 2

William Russell Jones.

Armed Forces / Military Medal holders.
« on: Tuesday 13 April 21 08:07 BST (UK)  »
Was it a regular occurrence for holders of the Military Medal to be given  Military style Funeral whenever they died?

William Russell Jones.

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