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Topics - Karytay

Pages: [1] 2 3 4 ... 15
The Common Room / People with the surname Seagray
« on: Friday 15 November 24 10:49 GMT (UK)  »
Hi, I have a odd surname of Seagray on my tree. The person is Dorothy May Seagray b. abt. 1896. She was married to James Stevely Taylor in Durban, South Africa. They lived in Durban and had their children there.
That is all I know about her.
Has anyone else come across this surname and does anyone know where it originates form?
I have looked for death notices for this surname in South Africa and found nothing. So I am at a loss where to look now.   

The Common Room / none
« on: Thursday 03 October 24 09:41 BST (UK)  »
 :) :)

Ayrshire / Ardrasson marriages
« on: Tuesday 24 September 24 15:53 BST (UK)  »
Looking for a marriage record for Archibald Taylor  b. 1795 and Catherine Sinclair b.abt.1801. I have the banns record which I found on "Find my Past" 26 Feb 1825 in Ardrosson. I cannot find the actual marriage record were they give more info, like the name of the fathers, age, address ext.

Unless that record did not exist  in 1825?


World War Two / Pow Robert Patterson
« on: Wednesday 17 July 24 14:17 BST (UK)  »
I am lost when it comes to finding any thing to do with War. I need some help please.
On FamilySearch I found Robert Patterson - Military • Prisoners of War, 1715-1947. Link-

I believe this is the man I am looking for. But there is no service number to help trace his service records. It say he was a fusilier taken prisoner in Thailand in 1942, 4d camp

Where do I look to find more information.

Handwriting Deciphering & Recognition / What is written in front on the names
« on: Saturday 13 January 24 08:07 GMT (UK)  »
Can someone make out what is written in front on the names of James Ross and Isabella Lamont.
Also the spelling of Isabella's surname.
Link to doc -


South Africa / Adoption records 1950's
« on: Wednesday 27 September 23 12:51 BST (UK)  »
Can someone advice me were and how to go about looking for adoption records in Durban for the 1950's.

South Africa / Frank Walter Rogers
« on: Thursday 04 May 23 17:51 BST (UK)  »
Hi, I need help finding Frank Walter Rogers parents.
According to his Defense force attestation papers for volunteer units, he was born 29 Jun 1916 in Pretoria. He was 25 at the time of enrollment. Enrollment no. 210117, 1 Apr 1941. Religion N.D.G. Kerk.


Argyllshire / Duncan Taylour b.abt.1766 and Annabella Campbell
« on: Wednesday 08 March 23 16:30 GMT (UK)  »
I am finding it hard to find marriage, death and birth info for Duncan Taylour/Taylor and Annabella Campbell.
What I know is he married Annabella Campbell b. abt. 1770 before 1792 in Skipness.
For their first child was born in 1792.
Duncan occupation was master shoemaker.
Their children are Efrick/ Euphemia b. abt. 1792 Skipness
Archibald b.1795 d. 1857 Calfin, Skipness d. 1857 Saltcoats, Ayrshire
John b. 1797 Skipness d. 1876 Saltcoats, Ayrshire
Donald b. 1799 Skipness
Duncan b. 1799 Skipness
Catherine b. 1801 Skipness
Daniel b. 1802 Skipness d.1870 Troon
Gilbert b. 1803 Skipness d. 1876 Glasgow
Mary b. 1806 Skipness
Robert b. 1809 Skipness
Annabela b. 1812 Skipness
Ann b. 1815 Skipness


Unwanted Certificates & Artefacts / Unwanted Will and Testament for Charles Edward Rogers
« on: Wednesday 15 February 23 11:08 GMT (UK)  »
Charles Edward Rogers died in 1927 in Boorne, NewYork. He was from England and traveled a lot for his job. Living in different countries in including South Africa. His Wife's name Marie Louise Newcomb.
They had three daughter's Vesta Marie, Barbara Symour and Martha Newcomb.

Found the Will on Family Search here is the link -

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