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Topics - Girl Guide

Pages: [1] 2 3 4 ... 9
Technical Help / Blinking light where mains lead is plugged into computer
« on: Tuesday 23 July 24 20:29 BST (UK)  »
I have an HP Pavilion computer bought in 2015.

A light is blinking at the side of the computer where the mains lead is plugged in.  The battery is fully charged and I have the computer switched on at the mains.  I don't recall seeing this light blinking yesterday, it's usually a solid white light.

I'm struggling to find out why it is doing this.  Can anyone help please?  Any information in simple terms please as I am not technically minded where computers are concerned.

Thanks to anyone who can help.  :D

Technical Help / Connection not secureWhen I
« on: Monday 22 April 24 10:46 BST (UK)  »
When I go on to some websites I get the message that the connection is not secure.  Is the problem my end or the website owner?  Example below.

Technical Help / Email address
« on: Saturday 20 April 24 16:03 BST (UK)  »
I send photos that I have taken on my phone to my email address which ends in

Every time I send the photo from my phone, it always comes up with the .com version not

How can I get it to send to the address?

I still get the photo but it comes up as being from and says it rejects the message as follows:-

A communication failure occurred during the delivery of this message. Please try to resend the message later. If the problem continues, contact your email admin.

How do I get my phone to send to the address please?  Hopefully any instructions will be simple to follow.   Thank you.  :D

Technical Help / Land Registry Form printing in wrong colour
« on: Thursday 11 January 24 11:08 GMT (UK)  »
Can anyone help please?

On a downloaded Land Registry form, I typed all the details required in black as requested.  When I went to print it the typed details came out as blue and underlined.

On the Before You Start blurb there are the words Personal Information Charter in blue and underlined.  Is this why the typed info came out blue?  Or is there some other reason?

Technical Help / Bookmarks Bar on Chrome
« on: Thursday 09 November 23 11:15 GMT (UK)  »
It seems that Chrome has been 'updating' the look of their page. I now have all my bookmarks in  grey and is okay but harder on the eyes to see.

Trying to find out how to make them easier to see. I didn't get anywhere doing a Google search.  Not super technically minded!

Below is what I see now.  Can someone tell me how to get the folders to be coloured and maybe the writing bigger?  Many thanks.  Below is what I see now.:-

Technical Help / PayPal payments not showing on email account
« on: Wednesday 04 October 23 10:44 BST (UK)  »
On my email account I have various folders one of which is for PayPal.  Whenever I make a payment via PayPal I receive a message to the PayPal folder.

The last two payments I made, one yesterday and one today, have not shown up in that folder.

I can't work out why that is so.  The payments appear on the PayPal website.

Any suggestions on how to solve this please?  Thank you.

Technical Help / Google Chrome Blog Lines
« on: Wednesday 28 June 23 21:18 BST (UK)  »
For the last couple of days I've been getting these Google Chrome Blog Lines boxes popping up in my email tab.  They are not actual emails, just boxes flogging various commodities.

I've tried to find out how to get rid of them but not getting anywhere. 

If someone can tell me how to stop these I would be most grateful.

Correction - they pop up on the computer regardless of what tab I have up.

The Common Room / Find My Past sign-in problem
« on: Tuesday 18 April 23 16:19 BST (UK)  »
Is anyone having a problem with signing in to Find My Past?  ???

It looks as though they have been 're-designing' their website and I now cannot sign in.  I am using the correct email and password but it keeps claiming that one or the other is incorrect.

I have sent a message to FindMyPast and also ran a CCleaner in case that made a difference, but it didn't.

Family History Beginners Board / Cousin relationship
« on: Friday 10 February 23 16:13 GMT (UK)  »
I always get somewhat muddled with this.  ::)

My sister has now become a grandma through her son and his wife.

My son and daughter are therefore first cousins to sister's son.

This is where I get muddled - what is the relationship between my children and my sister's grandchild?

Is it second cousin or something else?

Thanks to anyone who clarifies this for me.  :D

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