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Topics - Fogmoose

Pages: [1] 2 3
Aberdeenshire / "College" District in Aberdeen?
« on: Tuesday 13 February 24 16:22 GMT (UK)  »
Hello all the wonderful folks on RC, I have been gone a while but I have returned!
Hope all the great folks are still here and well!

So now that the 50 year privacy rule has expired, I finally was able to obtain the image of the DC for my GG-Uncle who passed in 1972 in Inverurie. Not much useful info but it does give more information about his foster-daughter,********. Her address is listed as Meadow Cottage, Upper Coltown, Kintore. Trying to trace a birth record for her I've hit on three or four possibles. The closest and most likely is in Ellon, but one of the others the RD is listed as "COLLEGE". I am unable to find any further info on this as all the searches just keep coming up with various College's such as the Univerity of Aberdeen. Anyone able to help with this?

I will next try and find if ******* married and had any children. Would love to find her if she is still alive. She would be in her 70's now at least.

Take care all!

Scotland / Yet another question regarding Kirk Sessions...
« on: Thursday 15 April 21 05:22 BST (UK)  »
I frequently see mention of "Tokens" being distributed. What exactly are they talking about?

Scotland / Another question re: KS records
« on: Saturday 03 April 21 01:11 BST (UK)  »
What does it mean when a person is referred to as a "Seat Holder" in the parish? For context, in the 1835 Gilcomston minutes the clerk refers to a "list of male heads of families communicants and seat holders".

Kincardineshire / Kirk Session records question....
« on: Friday 02 April 21 15:29 BST (UK)  »
Quick question...I have ancestors from Banchory-Devenick. Which Kirk Session records should I search to find any possible info about them?

Handwriting Deciphering & Recognition / More help with New Deer KS records 1822
« on: Tuesday 30 March 21 17:24 BST (UK)  »
OK here's another one, this one I have most of it
but its hard reading some of the compressed lines....


Handwriting Deciphering & Recognition / Help reading Kirk Session record...
« on: Monday 29 March 21 17:36 BST (UK)  »
Hello Everyone! Been away awhile, but back and happy to be so! Hope all here on the Forum are well and safe! Happy Spring!!

I think I got lucky in the New Deer Kirk records, but I am having a tough time decipering them. The attached paragraphs appear to mention my 3rd great grandparents Jane Fowlie and Alexander Hutcheon.

Any help appreciated!

Handwriting Deciphering & Recognition / Help with ships name and a few other things...
« on: Wednesday 09 October 19 19:53 BST (UK)  »
Hello everyone...been a while!

Can anyone make out the name of the ship mentioned in this missive from 1924? I was unable to find records of a ship that sounds anything close to that!

Also, does that PostScript mean anything to anyone? 'Fat something o' the face' is what I that a saying anyone remembers? or maybe it was just an inside joke...

And one last thing, what does N.B mean at the end of the address? 

Thanks All!

Aberdeenshire / Foster-Daughter?
« on: Wednesday 14 November 18 22:47 GMT (UK)  »
So a relative of mine died in Inverurie in 1972. A kind soul on r/genealogy was good enough to check out the DC at the Mitchell library on a recent trip:

Donald Forsyth Hutcheson, single, born 18 Nov 1878, died 10 Apr 1972.

No father listed. Mother Jane Hutcheson (deceased).

Informant listed as XXXXXXXXXX, foster daughter.

So two things: What is the definition of a Foster-Child in Scotland? Is it anything like the US version?

And secondly, a quick search online reveals one possible of the proper age still living (I hope!) in Inverurie. Does anyone have access to Postal Addresses in Inverurie environs? The online portals like all want you to pay to see the entire address. I would love to contact this person and see what I can find out about my great grand uncle Donald!

Folks here on RootsChat have always been so helpful in the past!
Hope everyone is well!!  Here's a link to the thread with more info on Uncle Donald and my Hutcheson line....

Armed Forces / Help with 1793 Bounty for Aberdeen County Volunteer for Naval Service
« on: Wednesday 05 April 17 00:04 BST (UK)  »
Please see my post in the Aberdeenshire forum re: a Bounty Certificate from 1793 for a relative of mine who volunteered to serve on His Majesties Frigate Southampton. I probably should have posted it here instead!

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