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Topics - Teresa in Wirral

Pages: [1] 2 3
Berkshire / Munitions factory Reading WW2
« on: Saturday 13 November 10 20:57 GMT (UK)  »
Hi, does anyone know of a munitions factory in Reading during WW2?


United States of America / William C MacDonald
« on: Thursday 11 June 09 20:41 BST (UK)  »
My Grandads brother William C  Macdonald went to America in 1927.
My grandad is "said" never to have heard from him again.

Antrim Completed Look up Requests / Carnmoney Graveyard look up (Liscoole)
« on: Thursday 11 June 09 20:04 BST (UK)  »
there wouldn't be any George family listed in the Carnmoney Graveyard?
Thomas or James are names that I have so far.

Which book are the inscriptions in?


Just realised I'd asked you before!!! and you gave me a lot of information unfortunately they weren't mine but I'd like to know the book   as I was thinking of getting the new Carnmoney gravestone book.

Surrey Lookup Requests / Surrey History Centre look up needed
« on: Thursday 11 June 09 09:21 BST (UK)  »
Hi if anyone is going to the Surrey History Centre please could they do me a look up.
I'm trying to find out the name of people living at

Homewood Cottage, Newark road, Ripley.

during the War so an electoral register look up for 1939 or 1945 would be appreciated.

My Dad was evacuated  here from Portsmouth and would have been 5 years old at the time but thinks either his Dad's brother or sister lived here.

Thank you


Aberdeenshire Lookup Requests / Aberdeen obituraries 1840-54 lookup needed
« on: Friday 30 January 09 15:25 GMT (UK)  »
hi old rowley,
would it be possible to see if there is a Francis Deans in your obituaries. i haven't got a death date for him but he's not on the 1851 census. and i have info on him for 1844

Inverness / tweed weaver Inverness
« on: Thursday 15 January 09 14:13 GMT (UK)  »
My great grandmother was a tweed weaver on the 1891 census. I've tried a google search but can't find out where a factory may have been located at this time.


Dunbartonshire / Excelsior Milngavie
« on: Tuesday 18 November 08 10:14 GMT (UK)  »
I have anancestor who states their resident on marriage certificate was the Excelsior Milngavie. I presum this was a  hotel but have been unable to find out for sure.


Dunbartonshire / Absent Voter list
« on: Tuesday 18 November 08 10:11 GMT (UK)  »
Does anyone know if there are absent voters list for the WW1 period available for Jamestown in Dunbartonshire?


Please would anyone be able to check two marriages for me?

Thomas George married Janet Martin 21 March 1878 Ballycarry Presbyterian church. The bit I need checking is whether Thomas' father was a sailor or soldier and whether it says deceased. I have a transcription from the UHF but on another mnarriage they transcribed the occupation incorrectly.

The other is
George McKinney married Mary Boles
17 October 1840 Carrickfergus 1st presbyterian church.
I got this from "family search" and wondered if there was any more information.

Thank you


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