Family History Beginners Board / Accessing adoption records
« on: Tuesday 01 February 22 19:20 GMT (UK) »
My Aunt was adopted in 1949 by my grandparents. My Aunt lives in South Africa and is not in good health. About 4 years ago we went through finding her birth mother, which we did although sadly she is long deceased, with no other immediate family. We have all the relevant documents for this. Lancashire adoptions office sent me ( as I live in England) the papers for my Aunt to complete. Well 4 years on my Aunt now wants to access her records, she just wants to view her adoption record. Normally a person can apply themselves but she cannot travel to England, so have been advised to get an adoption intermediary, who could act on her behalf and get the records posted. I have contacted a few but seem to get the "oohh & aahh" answer. Does anyone know of a service or had the experience of doing this. To be fair we have done all the hard work prior. We just need help to access the records.
Would welcome any suggestions.
Would welcome any suggestions.