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Topics - pvmcguire

Pages: [1]
Family History Beginners Board / Shea / Ringwood
« on: Saturday 20 January 18 05:29 GMT (UK)  »
I am seeking information on the family/ancestors of my great-great-grandparents Joseph Shea of Ballyragget and Mary Ringwood of Templetuohy who were married in the Catholic Parish of Ballyragget in 1859. I have found their marriage on May 23, 1859 online:
National Library of Ireland
Catholic Parish Registers at the NLI
Ballyragget | Microfilm 05017 / 09

Joseph's parents were James Shea and Bridget Dalmer (or Palmer) who were married around 1830 and Mary's parents were Joseph and Bridget. This information is unsubstantiated and has been gleaned from family trees published on line.

Can anyone point me in the right direction? Any info would be appreciated as we are planning to visit the area this summer.


Family History Beginners Board / Hurley / Genane
« on: Saturday 20 January 18 05:01 GMT (UK)  »
I am seeking information on the family/ancestors of my great-great-grandparents Patrick Hurley of Ballymoylan and Bridget Genane of Youghal who were married in the Catholic Parish of Youghal Arra; County of Tipperary; Diocese of Killaloe in 1832. I have found their marriage on July 29, 1832 online:
National Library of Ireland
Catholic Parish Registers at the NLI
Microfilm 02483 / 02 | Page 30
Youghal Arra; County of Tipperary; Diocese of Killaloe. Marriages, June 1832 to Feb. 1833

I can find no other Genanes except in the Parish Registers, so, given that I had previously believed her name was Gannon, am concerned this might be a variant of another name.

Their children (I have 7 in total) were also born in the area and their Baptisms are recorded in the Youghal Arra Parish Registers between 1832 and 1846. My great-grandmother (Winifred Hurley b.July 7, baptised July 12, 1846) subsequently migrated to Australia in 1867 to join her sister Catherine who had migrated earlier.

Any info would be appreciated as we are planning to visit the area this summer.

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