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Nottinghamshire Resources & Offers / Link: Archdeaconry papers Nottingham University Manuscript Collections
« on: Thursday 15 June 06 21:23 BST (UK) »
Nottingham Uni are transcribing the Archdeaconry papers.
Here is a list taken from their web site
Reference Number
AN/A 1-82/1
Act Books (1565-1890)
The principal record of the business dealt with by the Archdeacon and his officials, showing proceedings and judgements of the court
AN/AC 83-100
Account Books (1603-1855)
AN/AR 1-43
Books of Articles (1866-1935)
Proforma articles addressed to churchwardens, containing matters to be enquired about at the Rural Dean's visitation of the parish
AN/C 101-165
Citations (1590-1769)
Summonses to offenders to attend the court, prepared on the basis of churchwardens' presentments; and mandates to clergy, churchwardens and officials to attend at particular times (also called processes)
AN/CL 166-178/2
Call Books (1609-1871)
Lists of clergy, churchwardens and others summonsed to attend visitations
AN/D 1-61
Declarations (1849-1938)
Printed forms signed by churchwardens signifying their willingness to perform office for the following year
AN/E 179-196
Excommunications and Absolutions (1573-1768)
Sentences of excommunication issued by the court for publication in the parish church, and absolutions freeing the offender from the punishment
AN/EX 197-200
Exhibit Books (1717-1864)
Particulars of clergymen's ordination, giving dates of institution to benefices
AN/IM 201-214/3
Induction Mandates (1556-1942)
Archbishop's mandates instructing the Archdeacon to induct clergy into benefices
AN/LB 215-245
Libels (1560s-1791)
Bundles of cause papers including libels, depositions and related documentation
AN/L 246-249
Lists of Clergy (1660-1864)
AN/M 252-281
Miscellaneous (17th-19th centuries)
AN/MB 1-280
Marriage Bonds (1594-1884)
Bonds and allegations on behalf of people seeking to marry by licence
AN/ML 372-373
Marriage Licence Books (1624-1809)
Accounts of delivery of marriage licences to clergy
AN/P 282-291
Precedent Books (17th-19th centuries)
Formularies and related books, covering all types of business before the court
AN/PB 292-351/2
Presentment Bills (1587-1863)
Individual sheets signed by churchwardens, recording their presentment of parishioners to the court for various offences
AN/PN 352-370
Penances (1590-1794)
Schedules of declarations to be made by persons performing a penance, giving details of their offence
AN/PR 1-35
Processes (1866-1938)
Archdeacon's authorisations to institute visitation proceedings, and processes consequently issued to apparitors of deaneries
AN/PV 374-375
Parochial Visitation Books (1718-1736)
Books recording visitations of parishes, giving details of the condition of parish churches and furnishings
AN/V 376-380
Visitation Books and Articles (1582-1856)
http://mssweb.nottingham.ac.uk/catalogue New Link April 2014
Here is a list taken from their web site
Reference Number
AN/A 1-82/1
Act Books (1565-1890)
The principal record of the business dealt with by the Archdeacon and his officials, showing proceedings and judgements of the court
AN/AC 83-100
Account Books (1603-1855)
AN/AR 1-43
Books of Articles (1866-1935)
Proforma articles addressed to churchwardens, containing matters to be enquired about at the Rural Dean's visitation of the parish
AN/C 101-165
Citations (1590-1769)
Summonses to offenders to attend the court, prepared on the basis of churchwardens' presentments; and mandates to clergy, churchwardens and officials to attend at particular times (also called processes)
AN/CL 166-178/2
Call Books (1609-1871)
Lists of clergy, churchwardens and others summonsed to attend visitations
AN/D 1-61
Declarations (1849-1938)
Printed forms signed by churchwardens signifying their willingness to perform office for the following year
AN/E 179-196
Excommunications and Absolutions (1573-1768)
Sentences of excommunication issued by the court for publication in the parish church, and absolutions freeing the offender from the punishment
AN/EX 197-200
Exhibit Books (1717-1864)
Particulars of clergymen's ordination, giving dates of institution to benefices
AN/IM 201-214/3
Induction Mandates (1556-1942)
Archbishop's mandates instructing the Archdeacon to induct clergy into benefices
AN/LB 215-245
Libels (1560s-1791)
Bundles of cause papers including libels, depositions and related documentation
AN/L 246-249
Lists of Clergy (1660-1864)
AN/M 252-281
Miscellaneous (17th-19th centuries)
AN/MB 1-280
Marriage Bonds (1594-1884)
Bonds and allegations on behalf of people seeking to marry by licence
AN/ML 372-373
Marriage Licence Books (1624-1809)
Accounts of delivery of marriage licences to clergy
AN/P 282-291
Precedent Books (17th-19th centuries)
Formularies and related books, covering all types of business before the court
AN/PB 292-351/2
Presentment Bills (1587-1863)
Individual sheets signed by churchwardens, recording their presentment of parishioners to the court for various offences
AN/PN 352-370
Penances (1590-1794)
Schedules of declarations to be made by persons performing a penance, giving details of their offence
AN/PR 1-35
Processes (1866-1938)
Archdeacon's authorisations to institute visitation proceedings, and processes consequently issued to apparitors of deaneries
AN/PV 374-375
Parochial Visitation Books (1718-1736)
Books recording visitations of parishes, giving details of the condition of parish churches and furnishings
AN/V 376-380
Visitation Books and Articles (1582-1856)
http://mssweb.nottingham.ac.uk/catalogue New Link April 2014
The Common Room / Why has this been written?
« on: Thursday 26 January 06 19:28 GMT (UK) »
In the column "Relation to head of family" in the 1871 census for the husband and wife it says Mar Head and Mar Wife, in the next column "Condition" it says Mar for both the husband and wife.
Just wondering if it was a mistake to put Mar in the relationship column, and if it wasn't why was it put there.
Just wondering if it was a mistake to put Mar in the relationship column, and if it wasn't why was it put there.
Lincolnshire Lookup Requests / Marriage look up for Medwell/Wing
« on: Monday 23 January 06 22:47 GMT (UK) »
Looking for the marriage Sarah MEDWELL (b 1821 Grantham) to Willliam WING
Lincolnshire Lookup Requests / Marriage look up for Medwell/Bergin
« on: Monday 23 January 06 18:36 GMT (UK) »
Looking for a marriage between William MEDWELL (b 1793 Easton on the Hill, Northants) and Ann BERGEN (b abt 1804 Gt. Gonerby, Lincs)
The only children i know off are Sarah 1821, Hanny 1836, Elizabeth 1838, Martha 1842 died by 1848, Martha 1848 and John 1850.
The only children i know off are Sarah 1821, Hanny 1836, Elizabeth 1838, Martha 1842 died by 1848, Martha 1848 and John 1850.
For Sale / Wanted / Events / Archive CD Books sale.
« on: Wednesday 30 November 05 10:34 GMT (UK) »
Archive CD Books are having a half price sale for the next few days (but i don't know when it started)
Technical Help / Saving web page.
« on: Thursday 06 October 05 19:17 BST (UK) »
I would like to save a webpage as a jpg, I have used infranview to try to convert it but that didn't work.
Can some explain how it can be done ?
Can some explain how it can be done ?
Nottingham Completed Lookup Requests / Clarendon Hotel (Completed)
« on: Tuesday 20 September 05 21:14 BST (UK) »
I have a photograph which was among some old postcards i bought of Nottingham, It is a photo of a very long open top car/bus outside the Clarendon Hotel.
Was there a Clarendon Hotel in Nottingham ?
And does anyone know the time frame if there was ?
Having done a bit of research the photo was taken in the 1910/20's.
Was there a Clarendon Hotel in Nottingham ?
And does anyone know the time frame if there was ?
Having done a bit of research the photo was taken in the 1910/20's.
Nottinghamshire Resources & Offers / Link: Steve's 15 Nottinghamshire links
« on: Saturday 27 August 05 22:58 BST (UK) »
Nottingham castle
Freecen's Census Search
http://www.freecen.org.uk/cgi/search.pl New Link April 2014
Nottingham Church (Rock) Cemetery, St. Ann's Valley Index
Nottingham local history
St. Peters, St Mary and All Saints Churches Nottingham
Nottingham church photographs
Nottinghamshire county council
Nottinghamshire history
The Nottinghamshire Historian
http://www.nlha.org.uk/nottshistn.html New link April 2014
The Meadows, Nottinghamshire old Photographs of the district
Old Nottinghamshire, Local & Family History
University of Nottingham
http://www.nottingham.ac.uk/manuscriptsandspecialcollections/index.aspx New link
The Thoroton Society
and of course my site
http homepage ntlworld com steven ashley link broken
Freecen's Census Search
http://www.freecen.org.uk/cgi/search.pl New Link April 2014
Nottingham Church (Rock) Cemetery, St. Ann's Valley Index
Nottingham local history
St. Peters, St Mary and All Saints Churches Nottingham
Nottingham church photographs
Nottinghamshire county council
Nottinghamshire history
The Nottinghamshire Historian
http://www.nlha.org.uk/nottshistn.html New link April 2014
The Meadows, Nottinghamshire old Photographs of the district
Old Nottinghamshire, Local & Family History
University of Nottingham
http://www.nottingham.ac.uk/manuscriptsandspecialcollections/index.aspx New link
The Thoroton Society
and of course my site