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Topics - StefanD99

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Yorkshire (West Riding) / George Haigh & Jenette Clark Wakefield/Barnsley
« on: Friday 17 November 23 07:32 GMT (UK)  »
Good Morning.
I am looking for help finding a marriage for the above couple.

I have them having numerous children christened in Royston between 1797 and 1813, and I have them in 1841 here;

I also have a possible christening for George to Joseph and Ann Haigh in Royston in 1780,
and for Jenette, as Janet, to John and Mary Clark in Woolley in 1776.

I have also looked for a possible prior marriage between a Mr Clark and a Jenette with no success.


The Lighter Side / 'Creative' Register Keeping?
« on: Sunday 05 November 23 21:47 GMT (UK)  »
Hi. Came across this recently in the registers for the Warwickshire village of Brailes.

In one register, this entry;
Christening 18 January 1801 Brailes Susanna Tylor  Mother Mary Tylor

In another register, presumably written some time later:
Christening 18 January 1801 Brailes Susanna Gregory Parents Martin and Mary Gregory

"Nothing wrong, there, two different children", I hear you say. Then another entry reads;

Marriage 18 May 1801 Brailes Martin Gregory (widower) and Mary Tyler (spinster)



I am looking for help to find more about where my 4G Grandmother, Ann Ringrose, came from.
I have her in censuses;

         CENSUS      1841      
Foleshill and Sowe, Holy Trinity, Coventry, Warwickshire                     
Surname   Names   Rel.   Status   Age   Born   Occupation   Place Born
Ringrose   William   Head   married   60   1781   Ag Lab   Warwickshire
Ringrose   Ann   Wife   married   50   1791      Ireland
Ringrose   William   Son      20   1821      Warwickshire
Ringrose   Ann   Daughter      15   1826      Warwickshire
Ringrose   Rebeccah   Daughter      11   1830      Warwickshire
Ringrose   Thomas   Son      10   1831      Warwickshire
Ringrose   Charlotte   Daughter      7   1834      Warwickshire
Ringrose   Hannah   Daughter      3   1838      Warwickshire
Ringrose   Richard   Son   married   25   1816   Ag Lab   Warwickshire
Ringrose   Ann   D in law?   married?   30   1811      Warwickshire
Ringrose   Elizabeth   Gdaughter      3   1838      Warwickshire
Ringrose   Samuel   Gson      0   1841      Warwickshire

         CENSUS      1851      
Foleshill, Holy Trinity Coventry                     
Surname   Names   Rel.   Status   Age   Born   Occupation   Place Born
Ringrose   Ann   Head   widowed   56   1795   Labourer   Ireland
Ringrose   Thomas   Son   single   20   1831      Willenhall
Ringrose   Charlotte   Daughter   single   17   1834      Willenhall
Ringrose   Hannah   Daughter      13   1838      Willenhall
Brewitt   Walter   G’son      4   1847      Willenhall
Ringrose   Jane   G’daughter      3   1848      Willenhall
Lambeth   Emma         0   1851      Willenhall

William and Ann's children;

Parents   William    & Ann   Ringrose / Ringrows
Surname   Name   Date   Place
Ringrose   Samuel   23 Dec 1815   Holy Trinity Coventry
Ringrose   Mary Ann   16 Aug 1818   Holy Trinity Coventry
Ringrose   William    17 Feb 1821   Holy Trinity Coventry
Ringrose   Elizabeth   3 Aug 1823   Holy Trinity Coventry
Ringrose   Ann   11 Mar 1826   Holy Trinity Coventry
Ringrose   Rebecca   22 Jun 1828   Holy Trinity Coventry
Ringrose   Charlotte   22 Jun 1835   Holy Trinity Coventry
Ringrose   Hannah   22 May 1838   Holy Trinity Coventry

William's death;
Death Q3/1850 Foleshill, Warwickshire
William Ringrose

From Hannah's birth I have;
Birth Q2/1838 Foleshill and Sowe, Coventry
Christening 22 May 1838 Holy Trinity, Coventry
Hannah Ringrose
Parents William and Ann Ringrose
mmn Anderson

I cannot find a marriage for William and Ann.
Nor can I find Ann Ringrose after 1851, but I do have this;

Death Q2/1858 Coventry
Ann Anderson age 62 born c.1796

This doesn't appear to fit with any of the Ann Anderson's in Coventry.
Perhaps William and Ann were not married.

In 1851, son Richard is given as being born in Ireland, which explains not finding his birth or christening in England.

         CENSUS      1851      
Brick Kiln Lane, St Michaels, New Arley, Coventry                     
Surname   Names   Rel.   Status   Age   Born   Occupation   Place Born
Ringrose   Richard   Head   married   37   1814   Dyers Lab   Ireland
Ringrose   Ann   Wife   married   41   1810      Wittenhall,Warks
Ringrose   Elizabeth   Daughter      12   1839   Cotton Winder   Wittenhall,Warks
Ringrose   Samuel   Son      10   1841      Hensworth,Staffs
Ringrose   Lucy   Daughter      4   1847      Coventry
Ringrose   Sarah Ann   Daughter      2   1849      Coventry
Ringrose   Hannah   Niece      12   1839   Cotton Winder   Willenhall,Warks
Hannah is probably Richard’s sister                     

         CENSUS      1851      
Brick Kiln Lane, St Michaels, New Arley, Coventry                     
Surname   Names   Rel.   Status   Age   Born   Occupation   Place Born
Ringrose   Richard   Head   married   37   1814   Dyers Lab   Ireland
Ringrose   Ann   Wife   married   41   1810      Wittenhall,Warks
Ringrose   Elizabeth   Daughter      12   1839   Cotton Winder   Wittenhall,Warks
Ringrose   Samuel   Son      10   1841      Hensworth,Staffs
Ringrose   Lucy   Daughter      4   1847      Coventry
Ringrose   Sarah Ann   Daughter      2   1849      Coventry
Ringrose   Hannah   Niece      12   1839   Cotton Winder   Willenhall,Warks
Hannah is probably Richard’s sister                     
Was Richard Ann's son from a previous relationship?

I have;
Marriage 28 January 1818 Daresbury, Cheshire
William Ringrose of Warburton and Ann Hampson

They go on to have a family in Warburton.

I also have;

Christening 26 September 1781 St Michan's Catholic Church, Dublin
Elizabeth Ann Anderson
Parents George and Bridget Anderson

Christening 12 November 1800 Mallow County Cork, Ireland
Mary Ann Anderson
Parents William and Alice Anderson

Any help very much appreciated.


Family History Beginners Board / George Berry of North Warwickshire
« on: Sunday 14 May 23 16:03 BST (UK)  »
Good Afternoon,
Can I ask for help locating George Berry, in the GRO, so that I can confirm the identity of his Mother.
I have the following:

         CENSUS      1861      
Whitley, Coventry                     
Surname   Names   Rel.   Status   Age   Born   Occupation   Place Born
Berry   James   Head   married   30   1831   Carter   Willington, Oxon
Berry   Charlotte   Wife   married   26   1835      Whitley
Berry   George   Son      7   1854      
Berry   Hannah   Daughter      5   1856      
Berry   William   Son      3   1858      

         CENSUS      1871      
Fillongley, Meriden                     
Surname   Names   Rel.   Status   Age   Born   Occupation   Place Born
Berry   James   Head   married   39   1832   Shepherd   Kidlington, Oxon
Berry   Charlotte   Wife   married   38   1833   Shepherd’s Wife   Willenhall, Warks
Berry   Frederick   Son      10   1861      Westley (Whitley?)
Berry   Mary A   Daughter      3   1868      Westley (Whitley?)
Berry   Louisa   Daughter      1   1870      Fillongley, Warks

         CENSUS      1871      
Fillongley, Meriden, Warwickshire                     
Surname   Names   Rel.   Status   Age   Born   Occupation   Place Born
Baker   Thomas   Head   married   50   1821   Farmer 70 acres   Over Whitacre, Warwickshire
Baker   Sarah   Wife   married   47   1824      Arley
Clift   Thomas   Father      81   1790      Arley
Clift   Ellen   Niece      10   1861      Birmingham
Berry   George   Servant      14   1857   Farm servant indoors   Willenhall, Warwickshire

I have only found Louisa, Mary Ann and William in GRO all mmn Ringrose.

I have
Marriage 2nd January 1853 Holy Trinity, Coventry
James Berry, Batchelor age 25 born c.1828 and Charlotte Ringrose, Spinster age 20 born c.1833
both of  Willenhall, Warwickshire
Fathers William Berry and William Ringrose

with sight of register.

I also have:

Christening 24th July 1853 St. Peter's Coventry
George Berry
Parents James and Charlotte Berry residing Willenhall


Free Photo Restoration & Date Old Photographs / A pair of photographs for dating
« on: Wednesday 27 April 22 13:01 BST (UK)  »

I have these photos that I found behind photos of my Great Uncles in their new uniforms after enlisting in the army for the Great War. They were in a pair of round, small, hardwood frames with carved decoration, that look too upmarket for my working class family to have bought. My family were located in Warwickshire, England, and some worked in service for local wealthy families.

1. The photograph of the lady looks to be the correct size and shape, though badly trimmed for the frame. It is mounted on board, with no markings on the rear. Taken to celebrate a wedding, perhaps.

2. The photograph of the gentleman is unmounted, with no markings on the rear. Probably taken at a different time.

Can anyone give any thoughts of the subjects identity, or date they were taken?


Family History Beginners Board / Mary Cox
« on: Monday 18 April 22 11:08 BST (UK)  »
Hi all,
I need help, please to find the origins of my ancestor Mary Cox.
This is the earliest reference I have that is definitely her;

Marriage 6th June 1825 Ilmington, Warwickshire
Giles Smith Mason and Mary Cox
No mention of their marital status, both of this parish in the register.

Then later;
         CENSUS      1841      
Wharf Inn, Ilmington, Shipston on Stour, Warwickshire                     
Surname   Names   Rel.   Status   Age   Born   Occupation   Place Born
Mason   Giles                          40   1801                    Warwickshire
Mason   Mary                          40   1801      
Mason   Giles                          15   1826      
Mason   William                  15   1826                    Warwickshire
Mason   Thomas                  12   1829                    Warwickshire

Mary's birth shown out of Warwickshire, as is son Giles. I cannot find Giles junior other than this;

Burial 25th January 1846 Ilmington
Giles Smith age 23 born c.1823
which suggests he was born before the couple married.

Later census show Mary born either Broadway, in Worcestershire, or Stockton, in Herefordshire.

         CENSUS      1851      
Frog Lane, Ilmington, Warwickshire                     
Surname   Names   Rel.   Status   Age   Born   Occupation          Place Born
Smith   Giles          Head   married   53   1798   Journeyman Smith   Ilmington
Smith   Mary          Wife   married   58   1793                      Broadway, Worcester
Smith   William   Son              25   1826   Ag Lab                   Ilmington

         CENSUS      1861      
Frog Lane, Ilmington, Shipston                     
Surname   Names   Rel.   Status   Age   Born   Occupation   Place Born
Smith   Giles          Head   married   62   1799   Blacksmith   Ilmington
Smith   Mary         Wife   married   72   1789              Stockton, Herefordshire
Smith   William   Son              36   1825   Labourer           Ilmington

Burial 16 May 1872 Ilmington
Mary Smith age 80 born c.1792

There is also this;

         CENSUS      1841      
Wharf Inn, Ilmington                     
Surname   Names   Rel.   Status   Age   Born   Occupation   Place Born
Cox          Samuel   Head               50   1791      
Cox         Elizabeth                  50   1791                     Warwickshire
Cox          George                   7   1834                     Warwickshire
Cattle   Martha                   5   1836      

Same location, same family name and both born out of county, Samuel could be related to Mary.
Burial 14 July 1845 Ilmington
Samuel Cox age 54 born c.1791

so no further information on Samuel's origin in later census.

An earlier marriage gives;
Marriage 16 August 1821 Ilmington
Samuel Cox, a bachelor, of Marston Sicca, in Gloucestershire,
and Elizabeth Sharlett, a spinster, of this parish.

Nothing there that seems to help.
I haven't managed to find her. So going down a different rabbit hole,
if Mary had been a widow when she married Giles then these may be relevant;

Burial 10 September 1824 Ilmington
Thomas Cox age 29 born c.1795

preceeded by;
Christening 9 November 1823 Ilmington, Warwickshire
Harriett Cox
Parents Thomas and Mary Cox

preceeded by a straw-clutching;
Marriage 12 January 1823 Herefordshire
Mary Watkins and Thomas Cox


Christening 6 July 1800 Dilwyn, Herefordshire
Mary Watkins

However, it only works if Giles junior was Harriett, and if that doesn't cast enough doubt there is;

Marriage 23 January 1827 Ilmington
Mary Cox (widow) and Thomas Handy (widow)

         CENSUS      1851      
Middle Street, Ilmington                     
Surname   Names   Rel.          Status   Age   Born   Occupation   Place Born
Handy   Thomas   Head      married   52   1799   Ag Lab          Ilmington
Handy   Mary     Wife        married   59   1792                    Horley,Oxon
Cox           William   Son in Law*single   32   1819   Carrier         Horley,Oxon

Can anyone see something else?


Family History Beginners Board / Thomas Smith Mason
« on: Sunday 24 January 21 06:49 GMT (UK)  »
Good Morning.
Can anybody help me by locating Thomas Smith Mason christened in Ilmington, Warwickshire, March 1829, parents Giles and Mary?
(Not to be confused with his similarly named cousin, christened 1831, parents John and Jane Smith Mason)
I have him in 1841, age 12, with his family at Wharf Inn, Ilmington.
Can anyone locate him in 1851 and 1861? I cannot.
I have him next in November 1866 marrying Rhoda White from Wimpstone. They married in Birmingham. Rhoda would have been pregnant with Mary Elizabeth who was christened in Ilmington, where the family subsequently lived. His occupation was agricultural labourer.


Handwriting Deciphering & Recognition / Village in Warwickshire?
« on: Wednesday 30 December 20 09:36 GMT (UK)  »
Hi, all.
This an extract from the Cherington, Warwickshire, Parish Register for 1770. Can anybody identify where Richard Rose is from?


Family History Beginners Board / Benjamin Edkins's Parents in 18th Century Warwickshire
« on: Tuesday 24 November 20 20:07 GMT (UK)  »
Can anyone help me with this, please.

I have my GGG Grandad;
Christening 26th May 1779 Tanworth in Arden
Benjamin Edkins
Parents John and Sarah Edkins

with his possible siblings;
Parents   John and Sarah       Edkins
Surname   Name   Date   Place
Edkins   Sarah   5 Apr 1767   Beaudesert
Edkins   Dinah   12 May 1771   Beaudesert
Edkins   William   5 Mar 1774   Tanworth in Arden
Edkins   Henry   31 Mar 1777   Tanworth in Arden
Edkins   Benjamin   26 May 1779   Tanworth in Arden

Am I assuming too much to think this is one family that moved to a neighbouring village?
I have not found other births for similarly named parents in either location.
I cannot find a suitable marriage for John and Sarah in either Tanworth in Arden or Beaudesert.
Can anyone else?
I do have this as a possible marriage;

Marriage 12 December 1762 Wootton Wawen, Worcestershire (?)
John Edkins and Sarah Brunt

and also;

Marriage 26 October 1765 Tanworth in Arden
Samuel Brunt of Wootton Wawen and Sarah Carpenter of Tanworth in Arden
which could be irrelevant, or if Samuel is Sarah's brother it provides a link to Tanworth.

However, Edkins appears to be a common name and can be found prior to this time in the villages, and others, mentioned.

Possible John Edkins includes;

Christening 22 June 1735 Alcester
John Edkins
Parents Joseph and Ann Edkins

and there is;

Burial 11 July 1806 Tanworth
John Edkins age 71 born c.1735
Residence Kemps Green

Is my theory that John Edkins (b.1735 Alcester) married Sarah Brunt 1762 in Wootton Wawen, then they raised a family in Beaudesert and Tanworth in Arden, including Benjamin, then John Edkins died in Tanworth in Arden in 1806, plausible or likely? Or should I accept that I will probably never know?


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