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Topics - danieloks2ndaccount

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Handwriting Deciphering & Recognition / Height on WW1 British Army Record
« on: Sunday 29 December 24 12:45 GMT (UK)  »
My best guess is either 5 feet 4 inches, or 5 feet 1/4 inch (i.e. 5'0.25"). Any help is appreciated.

Ayrshire / Jacob Owens (+ wife)
« on: Saturday 10 August 24 21:48 BST (UK)  »
Hi all,

Hoping for some help with this as this man and his wife have been elluding me for years.

My 4th great-grandfather was William Owens (c. 1840-1918); his parents were Jacob Owens and Agnes Kennedy Richmond, according to his two marriage and death certificates. I haven't been able to find any information on them apart from what is shown on the certificates.

In 1860, William married his first wife; Barbara Richmond, yes, same last name as his mother. Her mother's maiden name was also Richmond, so I presume there is some three-way relationship there however I haven't really been able to get further than Barbara's grandparents on that side. Anyway, in 1860 both William's parents are alive, and Jacob is listed as a soldier.

Barbara died in 1870 and in 1871 William marries again, to Elizabeth Ross/Rofs. At this time, his mother is listed as deceased but his father is still alive and a miner.

When William dies in 1918, his parents are both deceased of course and his father's last occupation is a journeyman blacksmith.

Looking at deaths for Jacob Owens, seemingly there are only four in the whole of Scotland, neither of them fit my gentleman though. As for Agnes, I think there is only one death which could've fit, in 1861 aged 38. I have looked at this certificate however and it doesn't match my woman.

I know these are the right names as William names two of his children Jacob and Agnes. Any help would be appreciated.


Ayrshire / Dick Institute
« on: Saturday 06 July 24 22:52 BST (UK)  »
Wondering if anyone knows anything about the history of the ownership of the Dick Institute. My grandmother + aunt are telling me that at sometime in the early 20th century it was owned by a (great) aunt and uncle of theirs, surname Blackwood. Their grandmother (my great-great-grandmother) was one of 16, born between 1876-1905, most of the last name Blackwood, so I'm supposing it could be any of them. At the turn of the century the family lived in the Hurlford/Riccarton area.

Any help is appreciated.

Scotland / Any reason why marriage certificate wouldn't be on SP?
« on: Sunday 07 April 24 16:14 BST (UK)  »
Hi all, having trouble finding a marriage record.
The people in question are living so I wont state any names but they were married in 1959. I have checked surrounding years within a 10 year radius, checked all sorts of name variants and I feel like I have exhausted every option apart from asking them "Are you married?" which is a bit of an awkward question.

Any reasons why it might not be on SP?

Ayrshire / Annbank, Tarbolton and Mossblown
« on: Saturday 27 August 22 18:26 BST (UK)  »
Been looking at a lot of SP records lately and I was wondering, why was Annbank and Mossblown always under Tarbolton? I have seen it in census records where a family will be listed as living at 54 Annbank, Tarbolton.

I live in Tarbolton, and nowadays I believe Mossblown and Annbank are not under Tarbolton.

Ayrshire / Can't find family in 1901 census
« on: Sunday 21 August 22 04:33 BST (UK)  »
Hi all. Having a bit of trouble finding a family in the 1901 census, any help would be appreciated, and if they weren't in the census, what would the reason be?

Head of household would be
Hugh Alexander, born 1857 (give or take a few years for each birthdate)
Wife, Margaret (or Maggie) born 1863
Children, David born 1881
Hugh born 1883
Ellen born 1885
James born 1887
Jane born 1889
William born 1891
Margaret (or Maggie) born 1894
Agnes born 1896
John born 1898

The family would be living in Tarbolton, or possibly surrounding areas.


Ayrshire / William Ruddock
« on: Sunday 14 August 22 03:07 BST (UK)  »
Hi all. Looking for a bit of help on this man, his name is William Ruddock. Last name has also been down as Ruddocks, Reddick(s) or Riddick(s).

Died February 26th 1876 in Annbank, death cert says he was 98 years old but I think this is a stretch. I think he was most likely early in his early nineties. He was born in Ireland, and according to his death cert and his daughters marriage certificate he was married to an Ann Jess/Jefs. Ann is listed as living when her daughter Grace got married in 1858, but is deceased by the time William died in 1876.

William and Ann had 4 children that I know of
Hugh (1811-1867)
Alexander (1818-?)
Jane (1822-1909)
John (1823-?)
Samuel (1827-1863)
Grace (1834-1919)

Some trees say that Ann was born in 1803 and died 1850, but they have little to no sources, and even if she was born in 1803 I highly doubt she gave birth to Hugh at 8 years old.
The only record I seem to have found of Ann is her listed as the mother on her son, Alexanders baptism in Ireland, and her other son, John's baptism in 1823.

Graces 1919 death cert says parents are William Reddick and Annie Campbell. Maybe Grace is actually old Williams granddaughter, and William had a son called William who also married an Annie?

England / Having trouble finding someone in the 1939 register
« on: Saturday 30 July 22 21:34 BST (UK)  »
Hi all, I'm having trouble finding someone in the 1939 register, I can't think of any reason why he wouldn't be on it.

I'm looking for William Albert Cluderay, born Oct 22nd 1870. He would be living in West Yorkshire, probably with his son Lawrence and daughter in law, Dorothy. Thanks

Scotland / Births after 1921
« on: Friday 29 July 22 00:07 BST (UK)  »
Is there any way to find someones birth date if they were born after 1921?
Or do I have to wait until the year that their birth certificates become public?
If it matters, the people I'm looking for were born in 1923 and '24.

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