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Topics - Traveller47

Pages: [1]
Banffshire / MG Enthusiast
« on: Sunday 23 May 21 19:28 BST (UK)  »
I understand there is an MG car enthusiast who lives in or around Grange, Keith. He has restored many MG cars over the years and I should like to contact him. I believe his surname is Leighton. Does anyone know of him and how or where I might make contact?

Any help appreciated.

Family History Beginners Board / Lock Keeper at Crinan Canal
« on: Sunday 11 April 21 13:33 BST (UK)  »
A relative of mine, known to my grandfather as "Aunt Janet" was married to a lock-keeper at Lochgilphead. His name was McCallum (possibly Dugald? but not sure). Mr McCallum was lock-keeper around the 1920/30s and his sons Neil and Archie were also the lock-keepers there in the 1950s. He lso had two daughters, Morag and Jessie. I would love to know more about the history of the loch and this family. Can anyone please help?

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