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Topics - naffi girl

Pages: [1] 2 3 4 ... 17
Lincolnshire / Looking for Charles E Sandy
« on: Wednesday 03 July 24 16:11 BST (UK)  »
Hi there I am looking for Charles E Sandy who I think lived in Aslackby and married Ruth stones not sure of a lot more but wondered if you could help.

World War Two / Looking for military records
« on: Friday 15 March 24 10:28 GMT (UK)  »
Dear all I am trying to find my husband’s father’s military records but don’t know how to find his number and wondered if anyone could tell me where I could find it. He was in the RAF towards the end of the WW2. He died in 1965.
Not sure if I can name him.
Regards naffi girl

Family History Beginners Board / Death certificate
« on: Monday 12 February 24 17:05 GMT (UK)  »
I wondered if you can give me advice on how to find my fathers death certificate please I know I can’t say his name but I would like to send for his military records and can’t until I get his death certificate
Regards naffi girl

Lincolnshire Lookup Requests / Ropsley jockey winning the grand national in 1910
« on: Wednesday 19 October 22 15:33 BST (UK)  »
Dear all at roots chat I am not sure if you can help me with this one but I am looking to find Robert Chadwick a jockey who won the grand national in 1910 .
He moved into the bungalow in Ropsley so it said in a picture and writing about him.
I just need some help where this bungalow was.
Can you give me some advice on how to find out
Regards naffi girl

Hi everyone I am looking for inn keepers of the Green man Ropsley in the 1800s my great aunt had it during the 2WW but I am interested in who had it before her.
If anyone can help it would be great
Thank you naffi girl

Lincolnshire Lookup Requests / Shiela Elizabeth Boyle nee Beddells
« on: Sunday 14 March 21 13:37 GMT (UK)  »
Hi there not sure if you can help me but I am looking for the Bedells who lived in Ropsley.  I can just remember there surnames. I have found a grave stone of a Shiela Elizabeth Boyle nee Bedells 1927- 2010. Can you help me find anyone related please
Regards naffigirl girl

Berkshire / Leonard brett
« on: Tuesday 14 January 20 17:04 GMT (UK)  »
I am looking for Leonard Brett born Somerfield in 1902 can anyone find him please
Regards naffi girl

Durham Lookup Requests / look up John Piller on 1861 census
« on: Thursday 07 March 19 15:59 GMT (UK)  »
Hello everyone I have had a lot of help on the Redpath family and also the Piller family but just need to find out a few more things. I would like to find the parents of John Piller born 1833. also would like to find Joseph Albert Piller on the 1901 census
There is a lot of information J Jan did for me on the topic above on Elizabeth Redpath.
naffi girl

Durham Lookup Requests / Look up Elizabeth Redpath please
« on: Tuesday 05 March 19 16:40 GMT (UK)  »
Dear all at roots chat I am trying to help my friend find her grandparents but not got a lot of information but here goes,
I am  looking for Elizabeth Redpath born 15th May 1885 Sunderland she married Joseph Piller who was a theatre musician definatly not alive in 1943.
they had a son called John George Piller born Oct 1905 Sunderland.

Hoping to hear from you soon.

Regards naffi girl   

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