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Topics - LizzieW

Pages: [1] 2 3 4 ... 63
Technical Help / Portable external hard drive
« on: Friday 27 September 24 16:46 BST (UK)  »
Can anyone recommend a portable external hard drive to use with Windows 11, not too expensive.  I don't have room for a large external hard drive.  My Toshiba hard drive no longer backs up my laptop.  I guess it's too old, or not configured for newer Windows. Or would a DVD be better? 

Family History Programs, Tree Organisation, Presentation / Legacy tree
« on: Thursday 12 September 24 12:20 BST (UK)  »
I hope someone can give me some advice.  My laptop broke last week and for some unknown reason the hard disk had been wiped clean as had my external hard drive and the OneDrive on the laptop. :'( :'(  The computer engineer I use managed to set up the laptop again and downloaded Windows 11 (which doesn't seem very intuitive to use to me, but I guess I'll get used to it).  Fortunately, and again I have no idea why, OneDrive back up from 2021 was still there so he downloaded that for me. (Obviously not only did I lose everything on the laptop from 2021, but also anything that I had updated on Legacy since that time - fortunately not too much.

My question is, a few weeks ago I sent a Gedcom Legacy file to one of my grandsons.  He downloaded a free Legacy program so he could look at the file.  If I ask him to send a Gedcom file back to me, can I load it onto my current Legacy program, or do I need to download another one?  As well as my family tree, I also have another tree on the same program connected to my g.grandfather.  As I can't find out who his parents are, I haven't linked the two trees yet, but obviously I don't want to lose that family tree which I compiled by researching lots of 2nd to 4th cousins and with their help too.

Any advice would be welcome.  Thank you.

We will be going to RHS Harlow Carr in the area for 3 nights in the middle of June.  Obviously, Harrogate is very expensive, so we would like some recommendations as to where to stay up to a 20-25 mile radius.  We prefer b & b or small guest houses if possible.

Many thanks.

Can anyone brighten this photo of my dad, possibly taken in Ceylon (now Sri Lanka) around 1943, plus get rid of the awful curtain and fake flowers?

Many thanks

Free Photo Restoration & Date Old Photographs / Jorgia died 18.10.23
« on: Sunday 07 January 24 12:59 GMT (UK)  »
After the lovely work Rootschatters did for me last year with a photograph of Jorgia, I wonder if I can ask another favour.  Is it possible for anyone to remove the blue ball behind her shoulder on this photograph.  The photo was taken in a mall in USA and the blue ball is to stop cars driving onto the footpath.

Many thanks

Free Photo Restoration & Date Old Photographs / Please alter background
« on: Wednesday 08 November 23 23:10 GMT (UK)  »

This is our beautiful granddaughter Jorgia who tragically died suddenly on 18 October 2023 in USA where she lived.  Autopsy didn't find any cause, so her death certificate reads "Cause Unknown".  Is it possible for anyone to provide a better background to Jorgia's photograph than the cloakroom where the photo was originally taken.

Ancestral Family Tree DNA Testing / Ancestry DNA match gone missing
« on: Friday 01 September 23 10:42 BST (UK)  »
I don't know if this is usual or not. 

In May (fortunately I made a note of it, which I don't usually as I expect the matches to stay on Ancestry) a DNA match for a half 3rd cousin came up.  I clicked on the match and found, much to my surprise, a half sister for my mysterious g.grandfather.  Yesterday, I spent at least an hour searching all through my DNA matches, going further back than 3 months but there was no sign of the match, or indeed the person I was matched with.  I did a search for public family trees and the match has a tree on line still, although it doesn't show the half sibling relationship, it just shows the have the same parents.

Is it possible to remove your DNA from Ancestry.  I have matches with many people who have no tree on line, so I don't know how this particular match has disappeared.  Any ideas?

Technical Help / Printer not responding
« on: Friday 25 March 22 12:32 GMT (UK)  »
My laptop is connected by WiFi to our printer.  I can print Word and pdf documents, and I also VueScan for scanning but I cannot print any attachments from emails, or even the emails, or scan without using VueScan.  I've got used to it now and if necessary just email what I can't print to my husband and he prints it from his tablet!

However, when it doesn't want to print I get the following message.  The problem is that although, when I check, there is nothing in the queue, this message is now coming up every time I log on.  How can I get rid of it.  I'm using Word 10 on a Lenovo laptop.

The Common Room / Absent Fathers
« on: Wednesday 19 January 22 08:48 GMT (UK)  »
I've just started doing some transcriptions (I don't think I can say for who at the moment), anyway they are about single women who got pregnant and in every case so far, the putative fathers have scarpered to Scotland.

Was it the case in the 1800s, (1840s in particular), that men in Scotland were not liable for any offspring they left in England, or more that many Scotsmen were working in England at the time and just decided to go home rather than face the music?

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