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Topics - Stanza

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US Completed Requests / Christina Simpson b1893 - emigrated to USA 1920?
« on: Saturday 27 May 17 00:07 BST (UK)  »
My grandfather's adopted half-sister (Christina Simpson) was born in Aberdeen in 1893, and appears there on the 1901 and 1911 censuses. I haven't been able to trace her in any subsequent UK records.

There is a Christina Simpson of the correct age and from Aberdeen, who emigrated to the USA from Liverpool on the White Star liner RMS Celtic, arriving at Ellis Island, New York on 7/8 May 1920. I'm working on the assumption this is her.

Can anyone identify her in any public US records, eg 1930/1940 censuses, or else in marriage or death records? Any suggestions appreciated.

World War Two / Cap Badge Identification?
« on: Wednesday 12 April 17 11:54 BST (UK)  »
This is a photo of my Aunt Isabella Simpson, taken at some time during WW2.

Can anyone identify what regiment or unit she might have been serving in, from the cap badge or insignia? There is an unsubstantiated family story that she served as an ambulance driver, but the uniform suggests something more military.

She married a Canadian during the war and emigrated as a war bride, if that offers any clues.

All suggestions welcome. Thanks.

Canada Lookup Request / Helen Denholm Will - Canadian Passenger Lists
« on: Friday 17 October 14 01:58 BST (UK)  »
If someone has access to Ancestry's Canadian Passenger Lists 1865-1935 (or equivalent) I would be very grateful for any information about a voyage apparently made by Helen Denholm WILL.

Helen (or Hellen/Nellie) Denholm McGregor was born in Aberdeenshire c1886 and married Alexander WILL in 1911.

If there were any other of the Will or McGregor/Macgregor family travelling with her that would also be of interest.

Any help appreciated.

Other Countries / Death Records in Argentina?
« on: Saturday 22 September 12 20:51 BST (UK)  »
Is there any source (either online or by correspondence) for looking up a death in Argentina?

I am trying to find out about Joseph Cole, who probably died in 1935, possibly in the Rosario area.

Joseph was born (according to shipping records) c 1888, and in 1924 he travelled to Coruņa in Spain, where he married Margaret Swainson Littlewood. Joseph & Margaret returned to the UK in 1926, and then in 1930 sailed (separately) to Argentina. Margaret returned alone in 1934, and (according to family folklore) Joseph died the following year.

South Africa / Rhodesian SAS
« on: Thursday 26 May 11 21:29 BST (UK)  »
If it's been posted somewhere else already I apologise, but there is an interesting website on the Rhodesian SAS, which lists those who served in the SAS and also (on the Roll of Honour) when they died.

US Lookup Requests / John H Minnich of Tuscarawas, Ohio
« on: Friday 25 February 11 14:16 GMT (UK)  »
In 1835, there were two cousins with similar names born in Tuscarawas County, Ohio, and I have access to correspondence between them during the Civil War. Unfortunately I am unsure which cousin is which!

John H Minnich was born 1 Feb 1835, to Philip Minnich and Elizabeth Unknown, married Christina Born/Burns 31 Dec 1857, and died 2 Aug 1895 in Ohio.

John Hout Minnich was born 25 May 1835, to John Minnich and Elizabeth Hout. He marrried (1) Sarah Clewell 22 Aug 1852 and (2) Louisa Fries 30 Nov 1862, and died 6 Sep 1881 in Wichita, Kansas.

(Note that I have not been able to check any of the original documents for these dates, and have relied on transcripts and other family trees. Note too that the spelling in some records could be  MINICH or even MINICK)

I am trying to establish the middle name of the first of these cousins, the John H Minnich born 1 Feb 1835. I have been able to see him on the 1870 and 1880 Ohio censuses, but they don't help.
I wonder if anyone has access to his birth, marriage or death registrations, which might give his middle name? Alternatively, it might be on the birth registrations for one of his children Emmett (1858), Philip (1864), William (1860) or Sarah (1866).

Any other suggestions would also be appreciated. Thanks.

Canada Lookup Request / Death of George Harrower in 1920s/1930s- COMPLETED
« on: Friday 22 October 10 18:49 BST (UK)  »

I am looking for any information about George Harrower, born in Alloa, Scotland on 5 May 1894. It is believed that he died somewhere in Canada, possibly Ontario, in his 30s, ie roughly 1924-1933. It is not known if he married or had any children.

Family Background:

George's parents were Colin Harrower and Maggie McKinnon Harrower (ms Arthur).

Colin and Maggie emigrated from Scotland to South Africa, where their daughter Katherine was born and where Maggie died. Colin returned to Scotland and then re-emigrated to Canada (possibly in 1907), working in the mines at Sudbury, Ontario, where he married Mary Lauder in 1910. Their daughter Mary Allan Harrower was born there on 28 Feb 1911.

The family came back to Scotland, but Katherine then went on to marry and eventually die in the United States. It is believed that George remained in Canada, and may well have served in the Canadian armed forces as there is some sort of military medal involved (no details yet known).

Any information about George or the other family members, either from censuses or BMD records or any other source, or any suggestions on how best to proceed, would be very much appreciated.

Thanks for reading this far!

Lancashire / Street in Stretford: Homer or Horner?
« on: Friday 23 July 10 23:56 BST (UK)  »
Hi, I have a death certificate (1918) with the street name written twice, but I cannot decide whether it is Homer Street or Horner Street. Whichever it is, the street no longer seems to exist - can anyone with local knowledge clarify, and even better say where the street was?

The death was registered in the Stretford sub-district of Barton upon Irwell Registration District.

Canada / Isabella Simpson & Russell William Clark (Trooper L10424B)
« on: Wednesday 03 March 10 01:00 GMT (UK)  »
On 15 Mar 1946 my aunt, Isabella Simpson, married a Canadian soldier Russell William Clark (Trooper L10424B or possibly L104248) at the Register Office in Kensington, London.

This was Isabella's 3rd marriage (previously to a Clarkson and an Urquhart) and although she was in fact 36 years old (born 13 Oct 1909) she gave her age as 31. Russell was a 30-year old bachelor, which probably explains the deception!

Isabella only kept in touch with siblings who are now dead, so we have completely lost her trail. Family stories are that she went to Canada as Mrs Russell Clark, which is plausible given the number of war brides, but I have not been able to find her definitively on By now she would be 100 years old and Russell would be 99, so they are probably both dead, but I cannot be sure of this.

Isabella has one brother still living (age 94) and I would dearly like to find out for his sake what became of his sister.

I know that this site is for family history research and is not a family reunion vehicle, but I would appreciate it if anyone can think of a possible route to explore to find Isabella or Russell Clark, given that I have Russell's army number. For example, can I find out where he enlisted from or was demobbed to? Would there be a military record of his post-war return to Canada? Is there any way of searching Canadian death records post-1946?

Any suggestions gratefully received. Thanks.

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