Essex / Holy Trinity Littlebury
« on: Sunday 12 June 11 14:52 BST (UK) »
Does anyone know if the churchyard in Holy Trinity Littlebury has been mapped? It's so far from my home but I had a recent chance to look for the headstone of my grandpa's brother buried there in 1918. I had no luck and found other headstones of that era quite legible. George died age 32 of Spanish 'flu, age 32 and after being married for only 4 months so it was a tragic end.
I hope that someone could point me in the direction to hopefully locate his grave.
Does anyone know if the churchyard in Holy Trinity Littlebury has been mapped? It's so far from my home but I had a recent chance to look for the headstone of my grandpa's brother buried there in 1918. I had no luck and found other headstones of that era quite legible. George died age 32 of Spanish 'flu, age 32 and after being married for only 4 months so it was a tragic end.
I hope that someone could point me in the direction to hopefully locate his grave.