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Topics - anniejay

Pages: [1] 2
Essex / Holy Trinity Littlebury
« on: Sunday 12 June 11 14:52 BST (UK)  »
Does anyone know if the churchyard in Holy Trinity Littlebury has been mapped? It's so far from my home but I had a recent chance to look for the headstone of my grandpa's brother buried there in 1918. I had no luck and found other headstones of that era quite legible. George died age 32 of Spanish 'flu, age 32 and after being married for only 4 months so it was a tragic end.
I hope that someone could point me in the direction to hopefully locate his grave. :)

Monmouthshire / Vicar of St Cadocs Trevethin 1915
« on: Sunday 12 June 11 14:34 BST (UK)  »
Does anyone know how I could find the name of the vicar at St Cadocs Trevethin in 1915? My grandparents were married there.
Thank you so much

Wiltshire Lookup Requests / Marriage EARLEY W. Grimstead
« on: Saturday 10 April 10 18:58 BST (UK)  »
Hi, I've searched unsuccessfully on line for the marriage of my gt. aunt Elizabeth Jane EARLEY born WEST GRIMSTEAD 29 Feb 1876 father Charles Earley to a Wetherby or Willoughby Williams some time around 1896 ( not exact year ) I posted an entry in the Devon board as I was told that the couple moved there. I do not know for sure that she married in her own parish. I think he was a barrister- maybe they married in SALISBURY as the village is near enough? I've tried various permutations of her possible married name in the 1901 and 1911 census without luck. I'm not sure if he had a given name either!
Can any kind person help? It would be great. :) :)

Devon Lookup Requests / Devon location WILLOUGHBY WILLIAMS
« on: Wednesday 07 April 10 19:44 BST (UK)  »
Hi This is an impossible query but I have tried to find my great aunt Eliabeth Jane Earley who married a chap surname Willoughby or Wetherby Williams around 1896 and went to live with him in a country house in Devon. She was born in West grimstead Wiltshire in 1876. They had children, maybe 3. I think he was a barrister but I can't locate her marriage in the GRO to anyone with those surnames nor do I know where she married. I have tried the 1911 census using a combination of her name with the 2 surnames to no avail so I am rather stuck!
Has anyone any idea how I could find her?
Please. :) ???
In hope Annie

Hampshire & IOW Lookup Requests / Stockbridge Jane Rose
« on: Sunday 14 March 10 14:43 GMT (UK)  »
Hi I have a gt gt grandmother Jane Rose who died in 1885 and her death is recorded in the Index registers as Stockbridge. I realise that there are MANY parishes under this heading and wonder if any kind person could verify WHICH parish she would have been buried in? Is it at all possible?
Thank you anyway.
Anniejay :)

Ayrshire / Look up Parish Reg Marriage Dickie
« on: Monday 15 September 08 12:52 BST (UK)  »
          I cannot find a marriage for DAVID DICKIE born 1820 in Maybole Ayrshire and JEAN McKINNON born 1825 in Sanquhar Renfrewshire, my only source being on line at SP. The couple are in the 1861 Kilmarnock census with 2 children, William age 3 and Thomas age 2 both born in Kilmarnock. One presumes a marriage in 1857/8 or thereabouts in Kilmarnock?  There is also an illegitimate child MATTHEW born 1856 in Kilmarnock to Jean with David's name as father.
             MATTHEW DICKIE gives DAVID DICKIE and JEAN McKINNON as parents on his marriage certificate. It would be very nice to discover that they DID marry and when!
             Thank you Anniejay :)

Renfrewshire / Neilston Parish Register location?
« on: Friday 29 August 08 19:52 BST (UK)  »
Hi,      I downloaded a marriage from SP Of James Johnstone to Isabella Harrison 12th Sept. 1879. The problem lies with Isabella's Mother's maiden surname in that it's Hamilton on the certificate but after research through the Stirling Boards here and other sources it should be Gilfillan. I am wondering where the ORIGINAL register would be kept to check this discrepancy. The Minister from the Church of Scotland was Peter Macleod . I have looked at the Church's Web site and discovered that he started there in 1879. Has anyone any ideas?
          I am attempting to link this to my previous Topic on the Stirling Board.

England / CENSUS ENUMERATORS identity
« on: Tuesday 26 August 08 11:33 BST (UK)  »
Hi,     Does anyone know anything about the identities of the Census Enumerators ? The reason I ask is that I saw my Gt Grandfather's name on the Harkstead 1891 Census 'preface' page where a description of the area was written. I saw this on line when I was vainly hunting for him.( Lovely Jackie put me straight with the info, both on line well known sites had his surname incorrectly spelled) Harkstead is a small place but would enumerators be chosen from ONLY the area in which they themselves resided and what qualifications were needed for the task.( My Gt. Grandfather was a gardener, domestic and on searching the Harkstead addresses can find no other of his name. Is it just coincidence?
             Thank you anyone,
                          Anniejay :)

Stirlingshire / Campsie birth 1860 look up
« on: Monday 25 August 08 23:35 BST (UK)  »
Hi Could some kind person confirm the parents of Isabella Harrison born Campsie 1860. I know her father to be a Thomas Harrison possibly from Old Kilpatrick Dumbartonshire but her mother is the problem in that the marriage cert. for Isabella states her to be Mary HAMILTON whereas others say Mary GILFILLAN. It would be most helpful if I knew which mother's maiden surname was correct for Isabella.
           Thank you Anniejay

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