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Topics - CFP39

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Kent Lookup Requests / William Hayward, Cranbrook - which one is correct?
« on: Monday 15 January 18 23:37 GMT (UK)  »

Have recently found my way back to William Hayward who married Susan/na Porter 3/7/1688 at Cranbrook.  They were the parents of my Robert who was born 1691. 
I found a William Hayward son of William Hayward and Katherine Gennings christened 19/7/1656, twin of Katherine. 
Initially I was happy with this but I later found - William, son of Robert Hayward and Margaret Boorman, christened at Cranbrook on 26/1/1650-1.  Looking further I found that this Robert's will was said to have been proved at Canterbury in 1684. 
So is it possible to view this will on line?  And can anyone tell me which site is the best one to search for Cranbrook events?  I've found part of someone's tree but they have some things that I can't find and are missing others that I've found!
It's wonderful to have made a find of 3 generations so quickly but want to make sure that I've got it right.  :D

Thank you for staying with me,


I have the marriage of Thomas Wicking to Charlotte Petman, at Sundridge in 1794.
Then baptisms for their first 3 children in 1795, 1795 and 1799.
After that, from the parents gravestone, I have approximate births for 2 others. George 1805 and Charlotte 1806c. 
I would like to complete the family and think that William born 1808 is a good candidate for the next in line. In the census he is a Cordwainer/Shoe Maker/Boot Maker, which runs in my family at that time.
There is also a possible Henry born 1811c, living in Brasted in 1841.

Any help with an on line source would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks for your time.

Kent Lookup Requests / EDENBRIDGE christening of Edward White 1778c
« on: Wednesday 12 April 17 16:40 BST (UK)  »

Can anyone help me by looking for a christening for Edward White? He was consistent with age and p.o.b on censuses for 1851 & 1861. (Edenbridge 1778c and he died 1866, aged 88).  Was living at Penshurst from 1811.
There is a marriage at Edenbridge of an Edward White to Rachel Sherwood (widow) on 26/10/1775, which looks hopeful for his parents.  The site where I found this doesn't have christenings listed so I'm a bit stuck.

The younger Edward's wife was Lucy but, as she died in 1844, I don't know her place or year of birth.  In this instance there is a marriage of Edward White to Lucy Taylor at Kemsing in 1810, 15 months later Edward & Lucy's first child was christened at Penshurst. Which isn't too far away for me to consider it a possibility.  Any thoughts of how to prove/disprove this?

I've come back to try this family again as recently acquired a new grand daughter who has been named 'Lucy'!    So Lucy "Taylor" could be her 5 x great grandmother.

Hope someone can help & point me in the direction of those records.  :)


World War One / Two types of 'Mentioned in dispatches'?
« on: Monday 19 May 14 21:36 BST (UK)  »

My grandfather's medal card states that not 'MinD' but war diary does say that he WAS mentioned in dispatches on 5th January 1917.  Now a cousin has told me that, as Lt. Quartermaster,  he had the idea of get seeds from the home town's seed merchant so that the men could do gardening during their rest periods. My thought is that although this was literally mentioned in dispatches it didn't qualify as a bravery/courage type 'M in D' to go on the medal card.
I would also like to find out if this scheme was carried out!
Are there any records on line that I could check.


Dorset / Gravestone in Milborne St Andrew churchyard
« on: Monday 09 September 13 12:53 BST (UK)  »
Hi  :)

Can anyone living locally see if it is possible to read any details on a gravestone for me? 
There is a photo on the OPC site which says commemorates Anthony Biles of Shetterton (sic) died 1796.  As it is quite a large one I am hoping that it will be for an adult. 
On my OH's tree have a Charles Biles, with wife Ann, having children christened in 1820, 22 & 26 at St Andrews on the last one it states 'of Shitterton, in the parish of Bere Regis'.  So I'm hoping this stone will help sort the family and possible locate Charles' marriage.


Ireland / In service in Ireland
« on: Sunday 26 August 12 23:09 BST (UK)  »

In my wider family I have a couple who married in 1898 (England)  and fairly soon afterwards moved to work in a large house in Ireland, returning soon after the start of WW1.  They had 6 children but I've been unable to trace the family in England.  Being in service I've not got any one place to look for births and they don't seem to be in 1901 or 1911 census returns.  :(
Is there anything on line where I might be able to find them?  Are there passenger lists for the ferries or mail boats? Have been told that the ship they returned on was sunk on it's next trip!
Which could narrow it down a little.

Any help will be appreciated.

Kent Lookup Requests / Jane Pocock - Downe 1901
« on: Thursday 02 August 12 19:07 BST (UK)  »
Wonder if anyone can help with info on Jane?  She was born near Newbury in 1846. In 1891 she was still single and in the same area. But by 1901 CR she is shown as living in Downe Entire and living on own means. Can't find her on 1911 CR but there is a death registered at Bromley in March 1/4 1903(67)!  Could this be her with 10 year error in age?

So can you tell me her address in 1901 CR?   Was there a burial for her at Downe in 1903?

I'm trying to fill in what happened to those relatives who are  mysteries.  Jane stayed at home with her mother, up to her death in 1883, and they both worked as 'laundress'.  Thanks.

Regards Lee

Wiltshire Lookup Requests / marriage Upton Scudamore
« on: Wednesday 13 June 12 23:29 BST (UK)  »
Wonder if anyone can take a look at the where in "Hants." groom was from -

17th June 1812 - John Pocock married Ann Neate.

In FreeReg there is a question mark after "Southampton".

A John Pocock  was bp. at Kingsclere, Hants. on 24th September 1777, which seems possible, depending on handwriting!

So would appreciate it very much if someone can help.  :)


Berkshire Completed Look ups / 1891 CR Speen completed - thanks
« on: Tuesday 29 May 12 22:18 BST (UK)  »

I know that Elizabeth Ann Sands (50) was at Speen in 1891, with 4 of her children.  And I would like to know whereabouts they lived.  Elizabeth had been widowed in 1889 and I'm trying to fill in what happened next.
As she was born at Shaw/Donnington it may have been a case of straight back to her roots.  However by 1901 she was back in Sussex, working as a cook.

So if anyone has access to this information it would be a great help to me.


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