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Topics - langtry

Pages: [1] 2 3 4 ... 24
Hampshire & IOW Lookup Requests / Max Boyland
« on: Saturday 11 March 23 18:45 GMT (UK)  »
Hoping someone may be able to help? I a looking for details of Max Boyland,may have been born in Portsmouth Hants, but later lives in Gosport Hants. born 1920, died circa 2000. any family information would be most helpful/ thank you

The Common Room / Ronald William Gander
« on: Monday 18 April 22 14:19 BST (UK)  »
Hoping someone might be able to help me here?looking for information of  (IE)bmd of a Ronald William Gander,born circa 1920 in Kent UK. married to Anne with a son John and daughter,name not knownPossible surname of mother,Roberson?thats all I have at this stage,but would very much like to expand on this brief info.Thank you. Langtry.

Somerset Lookup Requests / Boyland
« on: Wednesday 24 June 20 19:40 BST (UK)  »
Wondering if someone might be able to help/I have very sparse information here I am afraid,Stanley Boyland married to a Nancy ??? children could be Alexander?? Nicholas? and Thomas,I believe these names could be connected to a Walter and Grace Boyland,sorry about lack of info,any help at all appreciated.

Devon / Ernest William Boyland
« on: Saturday 02 March 19 13:42 GMT (UK)  »
Searcching to complete some detail I have on Ernest William Boyland born circa 1926,I have selected Devon for this request lookup but it could be Dorset,so sorry unsure,I need to find his parents and their details,I have him on my tree but incomplete info.He was married to Maureen Dewey and there were at least six children,any help at all would be most welcome and appreciated.Thank you.

Devon / Elsie Boyland
« on: Wednesday 27 February 19 13:08 GMT (UK)  »
Help requested please. I have Elsie Boyland married in Axminster Dec.Q. 1935.spouse is Francis R.J Crook. Elsie was born 1907 Axminster. Married in Stockland Devon,but as yet unable to find details of her parents or any siblings.any help appreciated. Thank you.

Hampshire & IOW Lookup Requests / Henry Charles Boyland
« on: Monday 11 February 19 17:49 GMT (UK)  »
Can someone help please? trying to complete family details on my tree.I have a Henry Charles Boyland married in Portsmouth to Olive Rosa Butcher nee Hammond 1948,trying to find his parents,siblings and any children. At a guess his birth might be circa 1928???there could be a daughter named Julie,but unsure of this.Henry died in Surrey I belive,circa I understand this far it is possible children of Henry may have ended up living in Scotland.quite a messy request I know,but thank you for any efforts that might be made on my behalf. LANGTRY

Hampshire & Isle of Wight / Trevor Byng
« on: Wednesday 06 February 19 19:15 GMT (UK)  »
Hoping someone might be able to help? I am looking for details for Trevor Byng(middle name possibly William) born in Portsmouth Hants father James but thats all I have,need as much as possible,tall order I know,but thanks anyway. regards, Langtry

London & Middlesex Lookup Requests / A Boyland
« on: Tuesday 04 December 18 01:40 GMT (UK)  »
Hi everyone, Hopeful that someone can help??? I have A Boyland born 1940's but married in Poplar,London in 1960's to A E. D,looking for his parents and any children he might have.Thank you in advance. Langtry.

Hampshire & IOW Lookup Requests / Ernest Charles Boyland
« on: Wednesday 18 January 17 14:58 GMT (UK)  »
Can someone help me please? I have Ernest Charles Boyland born in Portsmouth 1891.He married Emily Roberts in Portsmouth 1911.I am trying to discover more about Emily.Date of birth,Place of birth,and date of death.grateful for any assistance.they had four children.

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