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Topics - kerryb

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Dorset / Penney family from Poole 1700s - 1800s
« on: Tuesday 10 September 24 15:04 BST (UK)  »

I am currently researching the Penney family from Poole for a client in Canada and have found various links to shipbuilding and Quakerism.  One of his 4x gr grandfathers emigrated to Newfoundland.  Just wondering if anyone has researched this family and knows of any useful websites, archives or books with any information about this family.  What I have found so far, they seem an interesting family!

Thank you


Breconshire / Haywood in Crickhowell
« on: Sunday 14 July 24 20:42 BST (UK)  »
My first post in Wales!

I have received a marriage certificate for Frederick Haywood who in August 1888 married Evelyn Morgan at the Danycastle Methodist Chapel in Crickhowell.  He was 27, an Ordnance Surveyor and his father was Richard Haywood, a Forgeman.  That is the only record I can find for him.  He does not appear with his family in subsequent census records, his wife is married on census returns until the 1911 census when she declares herself a widow.  She always is either in the same household or next door to her parents. 

Frederick, Ordnance Surveyor is named on the marriage certificate for his son Ewart in 1923 but is deceased.  I've not found his death.  I am yet to look at the other children but they are all called Haywood on census records. 

Does anyone have any theories or direction as to where I might find records for the Danycastle (Danycastell) Methodist Chapel.  I suspect that he might have been baptised there.

Thank you


Banffshire / Where? in Banff is that??
« on: Wednesday 19 April 23 08:44 BST (UK)  »

I'm looking for a bit of help from someone who knows Scotland.  I have found 3 baptisms and a marriage all in Grange, Banff, Alexander Shaw and his wife Isobel Merson and their first 3 children but each mentions a place, presumably the village they came from but I cannot find it on a map and need some local knowledge.  It's the name on the second line 'Shaw in ........  I won't put what I think it says until someone asks because I know that will mean you won't see anything but!

Thank you, much appreciated


Buckinghamshire / lacemaking in Wendover
« on: Sunday 27 November 22 14:41 GMT (UK)  »

Just wondering if anyone knows of a good online source of information about the lace making industry in Bucks, in particular Wendover in the 18th century.  Google is bringing up lots of modern 'buy lace dresses' websites and nothing of any use.

I discovered two families the Atkins and the Dixons who seemed to be lacemen and wondered if I could find out anything about the industry they would have been involved. in

Thank you  Kerry

US Lookup Requests / Marriage lookup please - Otsego, New York
« on: Sunday 29 May 22 13:25 BST (UK)  »

I wonder if anyone would be able to find the following marriage for me please?

Samuel Sturt from England to Sabra Eliza Ploss

Samuel was last seen in England in 1854.  They appear on the 1860 census in Otsego and have two children age 2 and 4 months so it would appear they married between 1854 and 1858ish.

I would be really grateful, thank you.


Occupation Interests / Silk Pluss Weaver?
« on: Wednesday 11 December 19 11:04 GMT (UK)  »

I am adding my THELWELL family to the tree today and found this occupation which I am having trouble reading firstly, but also searches on Google are not bringing up any useful or relevant information.  Has anyone come across it before and can point in the right direction?

It is the third occupation down.



Does anyone have the following family on their tree:

John Thelwell married Martha Marsh on 31 December 1782 in Deane, Lancashire, (found on

From probable burials:
John buried at Gorton 1833 aged 77 years so born about 1756
Martha buried at Gorton 1825 aged 64 years so born about 1761

I have their children and records going forward, it is backwards that I am currently struggling with.  I am also struggling with the parishes, I don't know Manchester at all so don't know how these parishes link up so if anyone knows of a quick online parish map I would appreciate a link.

Thank you


Armed Forces / Reasons for disappearing after army desertion
« on: Monday 05 February 18 15:52 GMT (UK)  »

I have an interesting one here.  A friend asked me to do a bit of research into one of her ancestors who deserted the British Army in 1905.  He resurfaces a year later with a different name and for the rest of his life, he died in 1962, he is known by a different name.  The family have evidence to show it is the same person.

The question she asked me was could I find the reason for his change of name and as far as I can see there is no other reason but for the desertion.  A quick google, brings up other instances of the same thing happening and that is what my instinct is telling me, to avoid court martial and whatever punishment might come, he changed his name.

My question is has anyone seen a book or any other written record about deserters changing their name that I can send her to?

Thank you


Technical Help / Weird problem with laptop since latest Windows 10 update
« on: Friday 12 January 18 16:32 GMT (UK)  »

Just wondering if anybody else has come across problems since the latest Windows 10 update.  I have two laptops and both now have different issues since the update which took the best part of a day to update.

My 10 year old Dell studio now has large fuzzy fonts and no way to change the screen resolution back to what it was, googling brought up something about graphics card being obsolete, I've given up on it, I was replacing it with a MacBook Pro that I bought last year anyway.  Time to transfer and put it away.

The issue that I am a little concerned about is my work laptop.  An Acer AspireV.  It doesn't have a great problem except that a minute or two after logging on, most days, I can be sending my first email of the day or looking at a website, and it suddenly closes down and restarts.  For no apparent reason at all.  Googling brought up stuff about overheating, but I have cleaned the fan, and its not overheating anyway, it has only been on for a minute or two. 

I'm not very worried yet, but it's a bit annoying, and just wondering if anyone has come across similar.


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