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Topics - lancs-lassie

Pages: [1] 2 3 4 ... 6
Lancashire / Policeman’s identity?
« on: Wednesday 07 March 18 15:54 GMT (UK)  »
Just seen a fabulous photo taken about 1900 in Colne Lancashire. The photo shows 3 naughty chaps sitting in the stocks outside St Bartholomews Church, being frowned upon by a fine looking police officer. The said officer displays a number 432 on his uniform & I was wondering if anyone could point me in the right direction for records which could help identify him.
This is just out of interest really, any of my family members would likely be sitting in the stocks 😀
Thanks for reading,

The Common Room / Electoral Rolls
« on: Saturday 15 July 17 11:45 BST (UK)  »
Can someone please tell me if UK Electoral Rolls are available on
Many thanks,

Kent / Missing Sherred family in 1881 census
« on: Thursday 16 March 17 01:42 GMT (UK)  »
I'm wondering if someone could help me locate a family in 1881.
Robert Sherred b 1873/1874 is on the 1891 census with mum Sarah (Head), siblings,Samuel 15, Minnie 11 & Emily 9. They are living in Ramsgate ?Montague Rd. I
I can't seem to find this family anywhere in the 1881 census. I have been using Ancestry. Could it be that the records for that date/area are not available? Maybe I'm being blind!
Many thanks in anticipation,

The Common Room / Master mariner records
« on: Wednesday 15 March 17 04:03 GMT (UK)  »
Hi people,
It's been a good while since I've done any family history stuff & now just having a little meddle.
 I remember seeing records for Master Mariners being mentioned somewhere & would be interested to find out a bit about them.
Can some kind person remind me please?
Many thanks,

Armed Forces / RAF records
« on: Monday 26 May 14 22:58 BST (UK)  »
Hi all, I was wondering if anyone could tell me if there are RAF records on Ancestry or Find my Past? I have subscriptions for both of these but not sure how to locate RAF information  ::)
Many thanks,

Lancashire / Robert Wormwell Court records
« on: Wednesday 15 January 14 00:30 GMT (UK)  »
Hello all,
I have found several reports in local newspapers describing the misdemeanors of this " delightful" relly  ::) I know that he was sentenced to prison on a few occasions. All the offences were in the local area, Clone in Lancashire. Would anyone know if he would have been seen in a Petty Sessions court? Would Preston hold records for these? I wondered what prison he would have been sent to. All his offences seem to have involved drinking and fighting..... Oh and failing to ensure his son went to school! The dates I am looking at are around the early 1890s through to 1910, and probably beyond.
Many thanks for your help,

The Common Room / Query regarding Birth Certs from GRO
« on: Monday 13 January 14 14:48 GMT (UK)  »
Hi all,
Have gone back to my research after a bit of a lull and would like to try and establish possible children born to my gg uncle and his wife. It was stated on his admission record at Lancaster Lunatic Asylum (   :( ) that he had had 3 children who had all died. The death of his third child was the apparent cause of his severe mental state at this time. I have the death cert for this little boy, but would like to try and sort out who the two other children were. There are quite a few possibilities and I am not in a position to purchase all the certs! I thought I had seen somewhere on here that it is possible to order certs with the inclusion of parents names, and if the names didn't,t fit then the money would be refunded. Did I imagine this? Would anyone know if this is still the case? I can make guesses using the family names, but, these would just be guesses! Would appreciate any suggestions,

Lancashire / Separation order
« on: Monday 02 December 13 22:57 GMT (UK)  »
I am sure this post is not where it should be and hope a kind moderator will find the correct "home" for it!
I have found evidence in a newspaper article that my g g gmother was granted a separation order by the magistrate in 1903. I was wondering what this would mean in terms of whether it would  have been necessary to follow this up with an actual divorce for this lady to have remarried? I have always thought that she had remarried in America bigamously in 1909/1910, but now wonder if she might have been legally entitled to marry. I would not have thought financially that divorce would have been an option. Any thoughts please?

Cheshire Completed Lookup Requests / Newspapers on line? - completed thank you
« on: Tuesday 11 June 13 18:43 BST (UK)  »
Hi guys,
 Looking for some help please. A ( very! )long time ago I accessed some collections of old newspapers on the internet using my library card for registering. I think it was called something like the gale collection. I'm fairly sure I've seen a link to this on roots chat recently. Could some kind soul remind me of this link please?
I'm not sure if it is still possible to access this collection from home.
Many thanks for any help,

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