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Topics - teaurn

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Technical Help / Google Chrome
« on: Friday 10 June 11 15:47 BST (UK)  »

I have Windows 7 and use IE9

Everytime I see go into google I see the box "install chrome"  I keep looking at it but not being very computer literate am not sure.

Have others installed it and got on OK?  What changes would it make to my computer?

All comments would be appreciated



The Common Room / What would Jas be short for on Census return
« on: Wednesday 04 May 11 23:50 BST (UK)  »
There are a couple of names that occur to me but I wonder whether it was generally used for a particular name

Would anyone know please



Free Photo Restoration & Date Old Photographs / Tidy up Great Grandmother please
« on: Thursday 17 February 11 19:10 GMT (UK)  »
Could some kind soul please tidy up this photo.

London and Middlesex / Ann Burnett 1818 Limehouse
« on: Thursday 02 December 10 19:47 GMT (UK)  »
Wondering if anyone is able to help with information about Ann Burnett.

I have found her on all the census returns from the 1841 census (at least I think this is my Ann)
1851 onwards she is listed as Ann Flashman no record of a marriage yet. in Stoke Dameral in Devon.  She is consistent on all about being born in Limehouse Middlesex except 1891 where she says Bow.

1841 census RG number: HO107 Piece: 713 Book/Folio:  7/45 Page:  17         
Address: no 14 Mapp's Row, Stepney, Mile End Old Town, Lower, Tower Hamlets
County: Middlesex
BURNET, Joseph   M 30 1811   
BURNET, Elizabeth   F 35 1806   
BURNET, Thomas   M 11 1830   
BURNET, Joseph   M 9 1832  Middlesex
BURNET, Samuel   M 1 1840  Middlesex
BURNET, Hannah   F 20 1821  Middlesex
BURNET, Anne   F 20 1821  Middlesex
DANIELS, Elizabeth   F 9 1832  Middlesex
SMITH, William   M 50 1791   
RIBEY, George   M 60 1781 

All advise and ideas gratefully received :)


Handwriting Deciphering & Recognition / Place of birth COMPLETED THANKS
« on: Friday 26 November 10 20:23 GMT (UK)  »
Could anyone work out what the middle place of birth is please



Hi all,

I have been given this photo which is great but trying to work out who is who.

The gentleman on the left at the front to me appears older but could he be a generation older.

The photo is a bit fuzzy which perhaps is making it harder for me to distinguish. If anyone could improve it that would be great.

All thoughts and comments appreciated. 


Devon / John FLASHMAN 1819 Devonport
« on: Friday 01 October 10 20:24 BST (UK)  »
Hi All,

Have recently found that John Flashman a descendant of mine and wondered whether anyone could give me any idea how to find out more.

I have found him on the 1851 census  HO107 piece 1881 folio 328 page 64 with wife Ann and two children

but I cannot find him on any other census.

any help would be greatly appreciated

Occupation Interests / Labourer on Highways, Police Constable *COMPLETE*
« on: Tuesday 28 September 10 14:40 BST (UK)  »
I have John flashman on the 1851 census in Devon with the above occupation.

I am taking this as two occupations but I always thought that a Police constable would have been a full time occupation.

Anyone got any thoughts on this



Census and Resource Discussion / 1891 census- number of rooms
« on: Thursday 09 September 10 01:42 BST (UK)  »
Don't know if anyone else has noticed but the 1891 census details the number of rooms in occupation for each household if less than five. Just before the column that lists the names :D

I have certainly found it useful to guage how they were living. Especially as I have one family with six children all sharing two rooms :o

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