Having now looked at the 1861 census I may have to eat my words about fashionability. There are some very large and apparently well-to-do households in Westbourne Square, some with 5, 6 or 7 servants - so it does look as though they must have been large and imposing residences.
You may be interested to know that 22 Westbourne Square was occupied in 1861 by John J Wynne, a 57 yr old Irish-born barrister, with his wife Marcia, four children and an Irish-born female servant.
I am 90 years old and now live in Australia but my memories of the area are quite vivid.
My family lived in Delamere Crescent which was below and parallel to Delamere Terrace which was opposite the canal from Blomfield Terrace.... I used to cross the canal bridge to go to Amberley Street school.
Between Delamere Terrace and Delamere Crescent was a Catholic school which I could see into from my home I could see class rooms and on my 'wag' days I could see children and teachers... I add this for historical purposes.In the same area was a nunnery............ it was quite narrow but seemed to accommodate quite a number of nuns.
most of this was destroyed by bombing I forget the date but Delamere Crescent was so damaged it was condemned and no doubt most,if not all,of the rest of the area was too.
As I said previously the area originally somewhat grand but at my time,in a two roomer,it was very moth eaten and ugly.
I will find the night of the bombing and add to the discussion