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Messages - cheryle.f

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Hampshire & Isle of Wight / Re: Edward LAWRENCE - still missing
« on: Thursday 13 September 12 13:25 BST (UK)  »
Hi Maria, Thanks for the input............Still could be him............Edward Cecil Lawrence  lived with my grandmother in Boscombe Bournemouth in early 1930's and then my mum was born in 1934.  He was down as a hotel porter on her birth certificate which from research shows that most of that area was swamped with hotels/holiday establishments in those days.  My grandmother who was born in 1898 and married in 1920 had already been widowed and left with  four small boys in 1932. Absolutely nothing else is known about Edward after he disappears 1936/37 except for the name on her birth certificate as my grandmother dies in 1945 leaving eight children of who four youngest ended up in Dr Barnados (Cottage Homes) in Christchurch.  They never returned home from school the day their mother died and were taken straight to the home from the school...........never had their toys/belongings/school books or prizes or anything ever given to them from that day onward........My mum being 11 and one of the eldest had to help bring up the other younger children in the home  until they started being farmed out as skivvies to local families who didnt really want them but wanted the money it brought in........So my search goes onwards and one day maybe a little piece of luck will change wishes Cheryle

Hampshire & Isle of Wight / Re: re still missing
« on: Thursday 30 August 12 18:03 BST (UK)  »
Hi ,  Thanks for your addition to this mystery............I also saw this one a few years ago and discounted due to the 'A' really, as in Carols info some are listed as Cecil Edward Lawrence and i am having enough trouble looking at the ones that are actually listed in the same context as the one on the certificate.  I have no reason to believe that everything entered is not correct at this moment in time.  Just a pity at the time that the fathers age or place of birth didnt get recorded as that would have been ideal in this situation.
My mother was actually registered as Lawrence, so seems that he didnt mind the registration process or the recording of wishes Cheryle

Hampshire & Isle of Wight / Re: re still missing
« on: Thursday 30 August 12 15:20 BST (UK)  »
Hi Carol and Kit and thanks for your replies.......It would be very spooky if it turns out in the future he was the one who went to Singapore as we were stationed out there in the 60's with my dad who was in the Royal Green Jackets.....
  I have looked and looked at all these possibilities but as my mum was put into a childrens home in 1945 there is very little info except that on her birth certificate.........The problem is he could have be 10 years younger or older than my grandmother so its an endless range! I will just have to keep wondering for now and dig where i can .......kind regards Cheryle

Hampshire & Isle of Wight / Edward LAWRENCE - still missing
« on: Wednesday 29 August 12 22:52 BST (UK)  »
Hi......Re investigating after putting info away for a few years..........Does anyone have an Edward Cecil Lawrence in their family tree who may have been born in the late 1890's/early 1900's......He was residing in Boscombe, Bournemouth in the mid 1930's and working as a hotel porter. He seems to have left Bournemouth during  1936/37.   He may have been from out of the area as someone who was a child at the time remembers him having a funny accent.
  This is a real long shot but his name is on my mothers birth certificate and the kellys directory shows him as residing for approx 3 years at an address in Ashley Road Boscombe Bournemouth.  As the mother (born 1898/died 1945 )and him were not married is there anyway i could ever find out where he was from/what age he was etc except by posting here and hoping one day this tiny bit of info jogs someones memory somewhere  :-[

Thanks in anticipation .... cheryle.f

Dorset / Re: Lost place in Dorset
« on: Friday 01 April 11 21:56 BST (UK)  »
Hi Chris.....Looks like someone else has had to work with the same info...This is from a 2005 posting on one of the family history sites...

Civil Registration Indexes, Bridport Volume 5a Pafe 229, Age 75. ...

 May help you get a little nearer to the answer,
                                                                         regards Cheryle

Hampshire & Isle of Wight / Re: Where does she go?
« on: Monday 15 February 10 00:19 GMT (UK)  »
Hi penninah,  I have this...but first i did note that there are two Eunice Dolings b about same is Eunice PM Doling and the other just Eunice P.....

      Hope this is all relevant to you... Eunice P Doling b 1912 Mothers Maiden Name Thorn Southwark London

                                                          Eunice P Doling Married  Binns Gosport Hampshire 1940 2b 2240

                                                          Eunice P Binns Date of Death 1947 age 34 Colchester Essex 4a 402 :'(

                        Hope she's yours.....kind regards Cheryle

Wiltshire / Re: Green Meadow Farm, Haydon Wick, Swindon
« on: Sunday 14 February 10 23:13 GMT (UK)  »
Hi Ewan...I know...I know...I missed my vocation in life and should have been a policwoman :D.   I'll be an ancestor myself before i get to as many stars as you guys at the top!! ;D ;D,  but when i do have a little look through some nights there are posts that catch my eye....but that in itself is quite dangerous for me...cos i dont like to be defeated and usually i will keep on going until i get a result......trouble is you just dont realise how fast the time goes when your having fun ::) and you know you started at 6ish but you then look up and its two in the morning....!!

                         Thanks for the encouragement.... :)

Dorset / Re: WW1 - men born or connected with the Poole/Bournemouth Area
« on: Sunday 14 February 10 21:56 GMT (UK)  »
Hi All...I was just having a little scout around the Poole Area for the Luffman post and came upon this little gem....

    20 Green Road....1901...

                          James F ??????  Head Married  40   Labourer Sewage Works    Isle of Man
                           Elizabeth ???? Wife       ''         40                                              Sutton Dorset
                           Harry Samways  Son                19                                             Preston
                           Tom       ''            Son                14                                              Poole
                           Annie    ''             Dau               12                                             Poole

 Could this possibly be a candidate the elusive H Samways ::)  from the Roll of Honourfor Poole??? Sorry to be adding to the mix...... ;)
                                           regards Cheryle

Dorset / Re: WW1 - men born or connected with the Poole/Bournemouth Area
« on: Sunday 14 February 10 20:17 GMT (UK)  »
 Hi again Wallace....Harry being shown as a Foreman Brickmaker in 1911 just as he had been in 1901, so only Morten will know if  he is likely to have been a 'recruiter' in his spare time.....William of course lived to the ripe old age of 75 so there has to be some paperwork somewhere to show for his efforts during WW1 surely :'( hopefully Morten can strike lucky for you!!.... and i would think now that as Harrys death  is registered in Poole he would be buried very close to Creekmoor/Upton/Waterloo area even though he was a Wareham Boy.....he was a married man with 6 children after all so i would imagine his wife Henrietta would have wanted him to be somewhere close by....

                               Best wishes Cheryle

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