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World War One / Re: Help identifying photo
« on: Monday 28 May 18 00:10 BST (UK)  »
 :D  So they ARE! Yay! You're the BEST. Many, many thanks Max. SO exciting to have the answer to that puzzle.

World War One / Help identifying photo
« on: Friday 25 May 18 00:15 BST (UK)  »
Hi everyone, this is a photo of the hospital bed which my grandfather was in after being injured in WW1.
His name was William King born 26th October 1896 in Manchester, England. Reg No 2147.
He was part of 127th Brigade, 42nd (East Lancs) Division which landed on Helles, Gallipoli on 6th May 1915.
Grandfather was discharged, wounded, on 30th May 1916, well after the Gallipoli campaign ended. His Brigade went on to serve in Egypt, Suez Canal defence I think.

Can anyone identify this hospital ward? Which country it was in, and perhaps also the nationality of the nurses.
It's a long-shot, I know.  :) No harm in trying.

The Common Room / Re: Finding the right childrens home.
« on: Monday 02 April 18 22:51 BST (UK)  »
Thanks everyone.....VERY good of you to offer suggestions. I'll follow them up and see how I go

The Common Room / Re: Finding the right childrens home.
« on: Monday 02 April 18 09:13 BST (UK)  »
Hi again rosie99. I looked up the 1939 register you suggested. Whilst the boy in question passed away a long time ago, it has not yet been 100 years since his birth, therefore he does not yet appear on that register. Many thanks for the suggestion though, it was a good idea. I wasn't previously aware of the register.

The Common Room / Re: Finding the right childrens home.
« on: Monday 02 April 18 08:39 BST (UK)  »
Hi Rosie, he's been dead a long while. Which register are you referring to?

The Common Room / Finding the right childrens home.
« on: Monday 02 April 18 08:26 BST (UK)  »
Hi everyone,
Can anyone suggest which might be a likely CATHOLIC Children's Home a 7 year old boy from Gorton, Manchester would be placed in after the death of his father in 1932ish? I imagine children would have been kept as close to home as possible?

Ideas/suggestions greatly appreciated. Thank you.

World War One / Re: Service numbers
« on: Tuesday 13 March 18 11:35 GMT (UK)  »
Thought so. Good to get a second opinion. Many thanks  :D

World War One / Re: Service numbers
« on: Tuesday 13 March 18 10:42 GMT (UK)  »
Hi again. I realise I may not be able to get a definitive answer to the following questions, but here goes. Best guess is fine.

I've done some digging since the last posting, and when I add the findings to the info you gave me I find that granddads brigade :-
         --took part in the 3rd Battle of Krithia (6-13 Aug 1915) and thereafter and for the rest of the Gallipoli campaign they were involved in trench warfare including around Fusilier Bluff.
         --Evacuation from Gallipoli ...28th Dec.1915
         --Returned to Egypt via Mudros (on Island of Lemnos)...January 1916 where they were      employed in defence of the Suez Canal.
         --Grandad discharged from the army, wounded, 4 months later on 30 May, 3 months short of the battle at Ramani against the Ottoman empire on the Sinai Peninsula (so wounds were not inflicted there).

I'm assuming then that his wounds may have been inflicted at Gallipoli, and my question is....was it common then for injured men to remain in overseas hospitals for that length of time before being discharged or sent home? Did most recovery time happen while still overseas? And at what point were men usually discharged.....when deemed unable to continue as a soldier, or on arrival back in the homeland?

The Common Room / Re: Emma Sills
« on: Monday 12 March 18 08:16 GMT (UK)  »
Thank you Crisane. So good of you to look. I don't have access to ancestry so I'm so grateful for your help. That gives me something to go on  :)

I've seen a photo of Emma on her wedding day. She certainly looks exotic. Maybe from way back in the genetic pool.

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