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Messages - rathbone

Pages: [1]
« on: Sunday 22 May 05 16:32 BST (UK)  »
Dear Dragonfly
My gtx4 grandfather was James Champlin, a butler, who married Mary Ann Bartlett in 1832 in Buckland Brewer Devon. I'm hoping that this could be your James Broderick Champlin as I too cannot find any info on his parents other than that his father was a 'james'. This is my 'missing link. If indeed your James and Jane are the missing part I can trace the Champlins back to1660 via Nicholas, as I guess you have already. Also if we are indeed talking about the same tree, do you know the parents of Jane Harding, Mary Ann Bartlett's mother, as I'm stuck there and have you had any luck with the Gullen leg? I can only get back to John Gullen, willow cutter, who died in Bethnal Green workhouse. I can't find out who he was married to. Anyway I hope this makes some sense to you. Look forward to a reply. Rathbone.

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