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Messages - Bee

Pages: [1] 2 3 4 ... 328
Yorkshire (East Riding & York) / Re: Sir Ralph Bigod
« on: Monday 20 January 25 00:45 GMT (UK)  »
Two other places to try
Hull History Centre
East Riding of Yorkshire Archives at Beverley

Yorkshire (East Riding & York) / Re: Hull Sanatorium Hedon Road not castle hill
« on: Friday 10 January 25 23:55 GMT (UK)  »

at the end of these schedules there are children listed as patients. 

This would suggest that your relative was in the sanatorium/hospital not the prison.  The only time I've seen a prison record all the inmates were listed by their initials not their full names.

Referring back to your heading, Castle Hill was not open in 1921 though it did become a hospital for infectious diseases on the closure of the Hedon Road sanatorium.

Yorkshire (East Riding & York) / Re: Hull Sanatorium Hedon Road not castle hill
« on: Thursday 09 January 25 22:20 GMT (UK)  »
The Hull Sanatorium on Hedon Road later became the Hull Maternity Hospital. The Hull prison is a completely different place though it is also on Hedon Road.

The Common Room / Re: Lies on the 1921 Census
« on: Wednesday 08 January 25 00:17 GMT (UK)  »
 My grandfather is listed along with 2 of his sons and a lodger all listed with their correct age and occupation and place of work. He didn't include my granny, my father aged 7 and his sister aged 9 though in the boxes on the right hand side of the form he did tick the appropriate boxes for the children.

I just think that my grandfather misunderstood how to fill in the census form as I have not found those that are missing anywhere else.

Yorkshire (East Riding & York) / Re: Been away for years but returning at last!
« on: Monday 06 January 25 22:18 GMT (UK)  »
I find Findmypast is far better for East Yorkshire than Ancestry.

Handwriting Deciphering & Recognition / Re: Profession on 1901 census
« on: Sunday 01 December 24 22:32 GMT (UK)  »
Possibly cabman and book folder binder


Also in the 1841 census living in the household, there is 75 year old Edward Harrison (not born in county)
Who is he?

Why do you think Catherine's maiden name was Allen?

Assuming (I know we shouldn't) that Catherine is an Allison , then maybe the Edward Harrison on the 1841 census should be Allison not Harrison and is Catherine's father, that's also assuming that the Edward Harrison is part of the Sporle household.

Are you sure her surname was Allen, could she be the Catherine Allison baptised 7/11/1811 in Messingham. There is also a marriage for a Catherine Allison to a David Sporle in Sheffield 3/8/1834

The baptism is on freereg and the marriage on familysearch

Yorkshire (East Riding & York) / Re: Cottingham, Cemetery Records .. Stephenson
« on: Monday 04 November 24 23:24 GMT (UK)  »


Does anyone have any records of Gartons being buried in Cottingham cemetery?

Robert Garton died 29/6/1898 aged 84, wife Sarah died 29/10/1897 aged 72, both of Hallgate, Cottingham

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