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Messages - Lady constance

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Essex Completed Lookup Requests / Re: Pleshey Parish records??
« on: Tuesday 22 December 09 05:14 GMT (UK)  »
hi guys, thanks for the advice.

I have spent some time trawling through the parish records (SEAX site and IGI) from Gt Waltham, Pleshey, Good Easter and a number of other parishes. I can't seem to find just what i was looking for.

my question is "when did the Ketley family come to essex (particularily Gt waltham) and where did they come from!"

owing to the lack of ketleys in the records and the known movements, i'm sure they moved there in the time i am searching, but just can't place the family.

anyway i'll keep searching

happy christmas all


Essex Completed Lookup Requests / Re: Pleshey Parish records??
« on: Sunday 20 December 09 11:16 GMT (UK)  »
fantastic i will have a look.

too many resourses to know where to look sometimes.... hopefully it will be a lucky one :-)

thanks for the info


Essex Completed Lookup Requests / Pleshey Parish records??
« on: Sunday 20 December 09 06:06 GMT (UK)  »
Hi just after some advice, does anyone have access to the pleshey parish records at all?? do they exist or were they attached to another parish (ie great waltham.)

I am still missing a couple of KETLEY links that come from that area. They are not to be found in the great waltham records. I know there were lots of KETLEYS in PLESHEY as well so i though i would look.

any ideas??

in particular i am looking for births and marriages from C. 1700- 1720.

sarah Ketley

 Hi there,

oh dear.... they are not sisters....i have just realised it can'tb eher mother either as she died far before this picture could have been taken...

Cousins??? but that opens a whole new ball game.... she looks prominent and importnat... what about a younger Aunt??


OhGOOD work Robbo...

i was hoping someone would say that. I didn't want to put ideas in heads. there looks like a VERY close connection if you ask me...  would to be too far gone to say that could be the mother in the middle of the girls??? does she look old enough to be the mother and the grand mother of (5)????

what do you think???

any takers


Please, i think i nearly cried when i saw the care and attention you have taken!! I can't believe it. Normally a couple of wrinkles you can "excpect" to be taken out with relative ease... but a complete restore like this is priceless. My great grand uncle is waiting for me to send it to him (bless) i've been at work (night shift back to back with a morning shift) so havn't had time... logged on today to see the effort you have taken.

:-) :-) :-) is all i can say

biggest thanks


oh lords!!

was just off to bed but couldn't possible without saying thankyou! you really are very talented people here, not to mention creative it your solutions.

thanks so much. When i get round to emailing it to my cousin and great uncle in NZ (i'm in Australia) they will be absolutely stoked. We thought the picture was a gonner!!

thanks again rootschatters


Hi everyone
thanks so much for the advice. I would say that the "not concsious with fashions' would be a good guess.

i am just about to go to bed, getting a little late here, but just wanted to say thanks for your time as quickly as i could. I will have a good look through your ideas in the morning. I think the sugestion that they look older than they are is probably correct.

My Gdad (born 1916)  He looks like he may be aged in the mid - late 20's?? he didn't marry till after WWII so i guess the photo could be in 1930's to early 40's however as he was in the navy if it was war times i would expect him in uniform. so before the war??? (Oh P.S he was captured by Germans TWICE and escaped... never talked about it...)

thanks all i guess it helps just talking about it and getting as many pieces of advice as possible

you are all brilliant


EDIT: Xinia: My Patricks are all from east London, before that they were in brightlingsea / Harwich, Essex, never seemed to move much further than you have any connections there?? if so i have plenty of information :-)

Oh wow... what a good idea :-) they did have a dog...
the little boy on the left hand side died in the war (II) and the last at home picture was of him and a dog..

thanks so much for the time



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